Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
It's had over 30,000 downloads, but has everyone seen the A32x Service Pack for the IFDG A319, A320 and A321 series aircraft? It will add flexing wings, which is based on gear compression rather than airflow/lift (but still looks very convincing to me, in...
I am getting really frustrated with the waypoint prohramming of the FMC useing lattitude/longatude codes. I have read the manual on this but it only breifly covers and gives one example. I did get some waypoints going on the 737 but the 747 is a lit...
I have the new Opensky 747SP in AA livery and noticed the nose wheel does not turn at all. I would have thought a release as new as this would have this feature. Plus, the text about the model at AVSIM seems to suggest it should turn. Here's the text: ...
Ok on the POSKY aircrafts, theres effects for "wingflex". Can i add some lines to other aircraft's .CFG to make this happen?...
Hey guys, I know this question has been asked a million times, but what B727 is the best and most rrealistic on the market? I don't know 727s that well but i know they don't have FMCs but is there one on the market that had something like a Vnav or Lna...
what is the best freeware airbus A320 or A318 with virtual cockpit? Thanks...
I know avgas is 100 octane with lead, but i wonder why aviation engines can not be designed to use auto gas? i heard that avgas would be tripling the price in a few years, and possibly oil companies will terminate their avgas production.........
Hey, i've got Flight Simulator X and FS2004 but found that no PC in the world can run FSX properly with Autogen to Max and Max Traffic, Etc. So basically i am reverting back to FS2004. However i am looking for the exact same Boeing 737-800 series thats...
I know that you have to use rudders to do this on the ground but the extra turns very fast and the dc3 turns slow. It it possible that you can change this in the aircraft.cfg?...
Just wondered what the ratio was between people who prefer Jets to Prop driven aircraft. I love props by the way, how about you?...
I have been flying a freeware model with Bill's panel, which does a great job. However some of the functions are missing. I am considering getting the Feelthere ERJ-145 as a replacement. Does anybody here own this aircraft or have any views regarding i...
Does any one know where I can get a Boeing B-52 bomber virtual cockpit? It would be greatly appreaciated. 🙂 Thanks 😀...
ive tried 2 long flights....and they were both not first was in a 737.....i was trying to fly from koak to phnl....oakland to honolulu...oakland is rite across the bay from sanfrancisco airport.....but i curised at 34 and when i was ap...
Hi, I download a plane called FS2004 Boeing B-29B Superfortress base pack from Simviation. I went to the virtual cockpit view only to no textures! There are gauges but everything else in the cockpit is just a plain dull grey, including the yoke and sea...
why do some people think its better to fly fs2004 with indicated airspeed???.....i know somepeople say its becuase when flying true airspeed you could fall into a stall....but this has never happend to me...even in an approach to a runway in a 747......i ...
Good day all of you, I've been trying to work around a problem I'm having with the LDS 763, but I can't seem to get around it; Step Climbing. In terms of fuel management, on the long hauls it pays off to fly the optimum FL. Now I'll occasionaly ...
I have the free Lockheed Constillation downloaded from this site but have just found one from for $19. How do these aeroplanes compare? Is it worth the $19?...
I have seen a Yak 3 but not a Mig 3 (both beautiful aircraft ) and was wondering 1: Who sells the Yak 3 (or if it's freeware - where from?) 2: Does anyone do a Mig 3? Mig3
Hi, after a long time of flying Cessna's and the heavy metal I decided that I want a new challenge, I want a really fast airplane, but I don't want to pay for it 😎 Which is the fastest airplane you can get for free in Flight Simulator 2004?? ...
Hi, i'm using the iFLY 747 and when i'm in an ILS approach, the GPWS says: 1 thousand , fifty, fourty... but at the same time i hear: too low terrain, too low terrain, continously how can i turn off this alarm during landing? thanks....
I downloaded t38 talon and installed it it aircratft folder but it will not come up on list of aircraft in fs. what do I need to do?...
I purchesed Carenados T34 a while back and rebooted comp and lost the file and cant get the plane back I have all the registrations and keycodes how do I get this plane back I emailed them a couple times and never got a response...
Does anyone know where i can download a Mi-26 Halo, Mi-24 Hind, Mi-28 Havoc and a Ka-50 or 52 Hokum? Yes, im a Russian aircraft fan. 🙂 Thanks in advance....
I'm looking for an add-on twin turbo prop in the 8-20 seat range that has "lessons" as such on it, eg, how to handle that type of aircraft, landings, navigation, etc. Any ideas? Someone mentioned that Flight1 aircraft have these sort of extra's with their...
:cry: I installed VIPER F-16 by Kirk Olsson, but when I launch FS2004, it isn't in the list of aircraft! Help me please to resolve this problem!!! Thanks...
I now have two panels, one for a 727 found at AVSIM under , that do not seem to have buttons to get onto the radio. I figure there's three possibilities here: 1) I simply don't see them and they're very well-hidden 2) They were...
Hi, It's really strange as I've done this before without any problems but this time around it won't work! The problem is with installing SID/STAR data into the Level D 767 FMC. I previously used the Navdata website and downloaded an all-in-one and I...
Hi, I'm looking for a freeware 707 with virtual cockpit. Can somebody help me find one? Thanks!...
I have the McDonnell Douglas MD-81/MD-82 from Nikkei Business Publications but can't figure out how to get on the radio. It does not appear to have the standard "headset" button next to the other ones. Is the button hidden somewhere or is there another wa...
How do i add my downloaded planes onto the list of msfs2004. i cant figure it out....
Pls translate me this. I had translate it with google, but this is a very crazy translation 😂...
Hi all, I got the Level D 767 for a couple of weeks now, and as you might already know, I fell in love with it :oops: Anyway, my problem is with the configuration manager. I tell it to make the plane light and all, just the way I like it and save ...
Hi There, I hope someone has experienced this before. Im flying the Level d 767. I want the auto pilot ONLY to control the speed of the plane on approach I want to line it up manually but i dont know how to do it.The autopilot doesnt let m...
Can someone post the web address to SGA? The one I have, does not seem to work any more and I can't fing it via Google. Thanks!...
hi guys this isnt realy to do with aircraft 😞 but how do u get the ppictures of aircraft and things under ur name in the forum???...
I wondered does any one going to do a concord for fs9 or do the ones for 2002 work 😂...
What freeware aircraft do any of you think has the best/most realistic virtual cockpit?...
So my question is, how much staying power does the original PSS airbus pro package have? If I were to purchase it and add it to my regular rotation while flying for UVA, would I be disappointed after flying PMDG's products, Wilco's products, etc. etc? Or ...
I've had the PMDG 737-600/700 for a while now and dont use it very often but recently used it on a night flight, was going through the systems and suddenly thought "hang on", where are the Nav lights. Any ideas! There's nothing on the overhead and with ev...
Hi guys! anyway, i am wanting to get an A380 for FS2004. is the Abacus A380 or the Wilco A380 more worth it? thanks, robbier...
Are there any freeware Boeing 314 clippers with virtual cockpits anywhere for fs2004? Anybody have the pilots 314, how do you like it?How about old Pan am clipper bases?...
How do I get ramps to come up to the side of my plane Help Please 😀 🙂...
how do u shoot misiles on the f136!!!i want to cause explosions :twisted:. I got the upgrade and i dont know how to shoot....
Hi everyone, does anyone know where i can get a good RAAF PC9/A for FS2004, i've found plenty for FS2002 but none for FS9, any livery, also, has anyone seen a Hawk 127 in RAAF Lead-In-Fighter livery? Either one can be payware, i just want to know where...
Could anyone put the R44 file by somewhere so I could download it. Apparently I made a donation to a dead website and recieved nothing in return. Anyone?...
I just installed the reality xp jetline 4 gauges into an aircraft panel that I have. The panel background is black while the gauge bezels are gray. Is there a way to change the color of the gauge bezels to match the color of the panel?...
hi, does anyone know of any erpaint kits that come as a stand alone plane but in base white colours? thanks a lot...
Hello, When using the autoland feature in the PMDG-NG 737, everything works correctly, except it won't line me up with the runway exactly. I have both the CMD A and B on, and the APP on. When I first hit the APP button, the plane will make it's ini...
Hi Do any of you know of a good freeware 767 or 757 with a virtual cockpit? Project Opensky was developing a virtual cockpit for their 767, but recently on their fourm they said that the project was dead. From the screenshots it looked amazing,payware q...