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Hi Guys, Recently I downloaded the Denmark ATR package from avisim I guess. Brilliant machine....good soundsets and effects. But I one major problem. If you turn on the NAV1 to activate it during ILS u dont hear the morse code which makes it difficult ...
I am running FSX with SP1 and SP2 (not Accel). No add-ons. In the stock Cessna 172 SP, the radio stack consists of King KX 155As for Comm 1 and Comm2. You should be able to set the 25 kHz increment when selecting a frequency by pulling out on the fre...
I am using FSX with SP1 and SP2, no accel pack, no add-ons. When I turn on the Nav Lights, only the wing tip lights come on. The tail light does not come on. When I turn on the Landing light, the Landing light comes on but the Tail light also comes o...
Could someone please post a link to an AFCAD2 manual download? Thanks ... Art...
Hi Guys, Sometime back I was flying into VIDP ILS runaway 28. Cleared to land by the tower. The weather was bad and visibility down to 1/2 a mile. But still good enough to make a ILS approach. Everythin was OK except just before touchdown I see a hu...
This may work for those out there that have FSX and want to increase fps It works for me in DX10 and I am now running at MAX on all settings except the traffic setup. Ultimately you want to have as much free resource as possible on your PC as possible. ...
I have been flying the Airbus 320 (from Wilco Publishing) for awhile now and getting a little better, so I think. But I do have a question regarding activating the Approach Phase, Localizer and Autoland. Here's how I regularly setup the IFR Flight (So...
FSX said crashed and it said the following... "FSX has ran out of memory, please set different graphics, scenery, or traffic settings." uhhhhh, how? here are my specs ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe motherboard AMD Athlon 64-bit 3200 2.01GHz rated at 3....
well for christmas i wanted the new fsx acceleration. well i got and finally got home to try it out well it turns out than i dont have a good enough video card... but it said that when i was installing the original fsx but 2 day later it started to work?...
Ok so I got a new graphics card for Christmas a 8600 GT OC 512MB originaly I had an ATI X800XL 256MB card and I could enable light bloom, but on my new GC I can enable it but when I reload the textures and stuff my screen is white, only one time everyt...
I am running FSX Deluxe with SP2. I have no add-ons except FSUIPC. I am using the stock Cessna 172 SP and in the Spot View it appears that the nose tire is in the asphalt up to the rim. I checked all the other single engine and light twins that come ...
ok so I tried the autopilot for the original FSX A321 but it wont WORK!!! its driving me nuts!!! :evil: :evil: so I enable the autopilot and set the heading, altitude speed, and guess what BANG nothing happens, what am I doing wrong?...
HOW DO I GET SHADER 2.0??????????????????????? ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ :cry:...
Hello fellow simmers, As stated earlier this week, Santa brought me a Logitech Force 3D Joystick, and I have the ol' chopper bug, REAL BAD. I just finished the Denali Mission with the helio, and it puts a new meaning on eye-candy and challenge. Jus...
Hi everyone, First of all, Happy New Year! And also, I've been developing for FSX Acceleration. You can see my current addons at I am in the process of making a ...
Hello I have a problem with my radios its started since I attempted installing SP2 for FSX, I then did a system restore as the activation was really starting to bug me and I have tried a uninstall/reinstall. The radios technically work although they d...
Hello fellow simmers, FINALLY, as my previous post, I'm getting into helicopters, and boy, what a challenge......................but, do-able............ I found a site, and downloaded their Hovercraft package - BOY, it is beautif...
Ok, I have flown the supplies to Denali Base Camp. After landing they ask you if you want to fly to the Medical Camp to pick up a passenger. I accepted and cannot takeoff! No matter what I do the plane starts to veer to the right and I continue to slid...
Hello Fellow Simmers, Santa brought me a Logitech 3DForce, I've been learning the ol' helio flying...............boy, what a challenge............... Question.................I understand the principle with anti-torque rudder, throttl...
Something is happening with my AI - well one plane for sure. When I click on the drop down menu for views and click on AI Traffic I get a full list of planes that I should be able to see in the area. This is all good. However, I have a Fokker 28 that keep...
Friends after installing the Acceleration pack with SP2 the jetways are not moving. What could be the error?...
I got a set of CH rudder pedals for X-Mas. They are apparently set up correctly accoring to the defaults and calibration... but I'm finding them way too sensitive. I tried to change the settings in the game by moving the sensitivity sliders to the left, b...
Hi Folks, I was flying the 'Missing Coworker' mission and noticed that the time on my panel was 16:30. But I was flying east and the sun was pretty much at my eye level. Wouldn't that make it early morning. Is there a way to properly calibrate the t...
I've seen similar pages for FS9, but is there somewhere I can find a list of scenery downloads for FSX? Thanks again....
Happy New Year everyone. Got a problem. None of my flights are getting entered into my logbook. The logbook bin file is present in the Flight Simulator X folder and when I run "FSXLog" everything is there. Can anyone suggest a possible reason for this? I...
This may be a dumb question - but I have FSX Deluxe - where do I find the SDK file?...
Other than in the missions, are there landable Aircraft Carriers in FSX Acceleration. And do they have working cables to stop you? or do you have to download an addon? Thanks i am new to the game Toby...
Well, I just installed FSX Acceleration and I'm not to hopeful for it. The first mission in beginners is called Executive Tour. It starts with the sound off and you cannot turn it on. What a jip already. Paul...
Has anybody found the missing co-worker in fsx accelerated? I have searched the valleys, hill tops and flown grids with no luck....
This is tell you about a simple new add on, which is just the kind of thing I've been waiting for. Its from Hi Fi Sim. It simulates the loading of passengers, provides automatic cabin crew and captain annonucements, and most importantly an assessment and...
hello everyone. does anyone know how to start from the carrier on the free flight menu. i cant seem to find it if it is there at all. thanks for your help. 😀 😀...
Hi guys, I've been observing this for quite some time in FSX. This is regarding the ILS feather on the map for some airports which do not take you into the runway but kind of sidesteps the runway. Others hold your aircraft laterally but the altitude go...
I just installed my new GeForce 8600 GT and now fsx says i need atleast a GeForce 3/Readion(idk how to spell) 9800. Whats with that?...
Merry Christmas Hello all simmers, Is it possible to install FSX from the disk after copying all files from both DVDs to the hard disk? Will it still give the "insert DVD 2" message? - Kareem...
Hey Folks, How do I go from full screen to window mode? I looked in the index under views and couldn't find how to do it. Paul...
If someone could help. 1.Prior to installing FSX A instant replay worked. Since the installation instant replay caused the my system to crash. 2.After flying a plane from FSXA planes from FSX do not show up unless you exit the game and start it up agai...
How do I land a 747? When the best time to lower the flaps and landing gear?...
Hey all. I'm having a problem with where FSX advances my local time an hour in Free Flight where I pick a local airport to fly. The only way to correct it is to reset the time. Is there a way to fix it. OH btw, I don't have DST....
I have recently installed the expansion pack for FSX. Prior to the install I had no problem running the simulator. Since installing the expansion pack I get an error message that states "Graphics card does not meet minimum requirements for shader suppor...
Hey guys I know the turboprops/jetengines can back up but what about the sea planes? Thanks and merry christmas!...
How do you take screenshots?...
How do you turn off the engine? I do auto shut down but i is still on. I need to know this because i am trying to get the jetway open i have down loaded the list of controls but it doesn't say. PS: I have cargo doors open and regular doors open....
Hellow.When i select to fly boeing 747-800 (standart version which is in fsxD) and after a short time of being in the cabin my computer reboots. When it restarts i get a win error.. It reboots only wh...
I've been looking for the fsx config file to see about changing it for a duo core, but I can't find it under fsx.cfg. Does it go by another name?...
HI I have just installed a Geforce 8800 gts 640mb. i did have a geforce 7600 gt 256mb but when i play FSX i do not see much of an improvement in frame rates, infact i think it has droped when i am in the cockpit of Level D 767. I was getting 8 fpm now it...
hey guys desprete need of help here.I down loaded some textures and had to change the aircraft.cfg and they dont work and now my default cfg is messed up that my 737-800 does not show up now.So can somebody please copy and paste in here their FSX Default...
Hey folks, Seasons Greetings! It's a good thing I'm not a real Pilot. On the Denali Base Camp Charter Mission you have to make your first landing in the snow. Then, you can choose to pick up an injured person and return to Talkeetna. WHY can I not ta...
I have's okay, but not the most exciting add-on ever....
It seems to me I saw somewhere that you could change or add something in the fsx.cfg to make lat/lon read out in decimal minutes and seconds. Anyone know about this? Thanks in advance ... Art...
Hellow again! 🙂 now i want to ask for the solution (if you know) for my problem.. So, i have mfs delux installed..actualy when i installed it i got an arror 1935 and reading this forum i made as it was writen (copied files, added msxml4.manifest...