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Which is your Favourite aircraft ? I fly the Robinson all the time because it is easy to fly, and very responsive. It does not go very fast, but I can fly low to watch the traffic on the highway, or land on a yacht....
A disturbing post (what is this???) in screenshots forum It reconfirms my decision NOT to install any addons until after SP1. And then only select addons advertized as SP1 compatable or that others have installed sucessfully in FSX SP1....
is there a key that I can press and make a view into a full screen view? I am using multi-screens. It is a hassel to drag the view from the main monitor to the side monitor, and then have to fiddle around with the disappearing cursor to enlarge the fr...
im on the africa mission and i cant find the elephand can any1 give me directions from the jeep...
For those who are running multiple monitors with FSX... are you noticeing a drop in FPS? Im just wondering if the card having to render objects twice is effecting the performace... I dont plan on running more that 2, possible 3, but Im just curious... I d...
I have added lots of aircraft to FSX, and the game has been a little "stupid' with unofficial stuff. If I uninstall the game will it save my save game file and logbook? PS:I know were the logbook is, but where is the save game file and what is it?...
Logitech Attack 3 is useless. It broke after only 4 months !!!...
Ok. When I go into flight planner and set up a flight from one airport to another, I end up on the runway ready for take off. Shouldn't someone be talking to me like the tower? Shouldn't someone be telling me where to go and when I get in the air, shou...
Hi all Is there a addon that addes plane atmosphere like this for FSX? or closest thing to it? Thx Lukemax...
Could someone please advise me as to how to set up a touch and go using the Flight Planner (FSX) with some user defined waypoints. Regards...Art 🙄...
Is this a real rule in real world commercial air traffic bacause I think I went faster below 10,000 when I flew, and 250 kts is really slow for a large jet....
How do I access the "Virtual Cabin" view in FSX? I've seen cool screenshots of them, but i can't find them in none of my views on any of my aircraft. Is it on any of the default aircraft? Can anyone please help me?...
It says that the sound is being used by someone else so I can't delete the aircraft any ideas?...
G'day, I'm just wondering how (if at all possible) to reset all of the awards and certificates. Why you may ask? Basically my house mate has gotten very board of playing this game and says he doesn't mind if I play it now on the computer. He has alre...
Hi all i have a problem that has just come up with my panel. I have a laptop, + 3 monitors. Now the 3 montiers display the cockpit in virtual cockpit and the laptop i have as my main panel of the aircraft (Without the view) and where the glass is is GP...
Whenever you are flying along and you pan outside of the plane, the plane shutters back and forth and is even worse when you review the landings. Inside the cockpit, it's fine with no shaking. Any suggestions? Jetman...
What exactly is this thing? I've heard of it and it gives your computer a score of somekind and you can download it. If so, can someone give me the link?...
Is there a program I can download that will allow me to view the 3D mdl files for Flight Simulator X?...
When I fly some mission big black bowes appear around some things. In Civil Air Patrol Mission it is around the downed plane, and in loopy larry, around the airport. The thing is once you get in the box, it is hollow and you see everything perfectly. A...
I have converted an OV-1 Mohawk cockpit into a simulator using FSX. Everything works great. There are two screens; one is a standard SIM screen box with a large Fresnel lens for the outside view and the other is a glass cockpit LCD set into the instrument...
When I install the game after a few mintes it freezes. when I restart if I try again the istall doesnt even begin. so I remove the files from c/program files/microsoft games/fsx. then the install begins, but it freezes after a few min. HELLPPPP!!!! :cry: ...
Hi all I have recently installed the tree fix (reduceing texture size for trees) on my PC for FSX however now FSX has ground to a Snails crawl even on the most minimal settings, somethings causeing it to run very bad and very slow, i usally run FSX on ...
Just got this today. It has a canopy jet and ejector seat but I could capture either one though. It also has working machine guns that fire but I couldn't get those to work. I will have to give tech support an email. It is supose to be able to expose ...
I play the game with all Flight model sliders to realistic, Aircraft stress causes damage, and Allow collisons with other aircraft. I KNOW the trees have a wide collison volume and I've bumped into some hangers! I've been tiptoeing around the gas pumps...
My computer can't run fsx on a high level and I was just wondering does visual crasheffects really exsist in fsx?...
Does anyone know where I can download a controllable ship for free for FSX?...
:cry: I've lost my product key for FSX.Can anybody send me a product key? :cry: If not here then on my e-mail:
could some1 help me get the key plz....
I am mastering flying the Boeing 737 800, however when coming to land at any airport with ILS and no ILS runways i am told to goto a non ILS runway to land even though theres an ILS runway straight ahead of me to land. I do use the flight planner, using I...
I have bought a new pc mainly to run flight sim x (deluxe) and i have all 3 scenery packs. I can set all settings to maximum with no load time or delays and the graphics are excellent. I have noticed however that a local town (southend) has its main lan...
I have been adapting a FS2004 boeing 747-800 with animated airstairs to work on FSX. I have managed to get the aircraft to work in FSX with the airstairs. The 3D cockpit works aswell. However my problem is that the aircraft seems to hover over the runw...
Hello.. One thing I noticed is that the sounds inside the cockpit while sound good for a commercial jet that is preparing to take off. However, when I start to increase the throttle, there isn't that characteristic whine up of the engines that you hear...
Having problems getting game to load. Installed it with no problems. Have played several times with no problem. THEN- without any apparent reason whenever i try to play it again it gets hung up on the opening screen (no error message, just the opening scr...
Hello everybody. I have problem with ATC services. I can't hear the voices 😞 I have both of FS on my comp. FS9 or FSX. FS9 have the same problem. Comes always just the blue atc windows but without voice. Othervise work everything fine. Thanks a ...
So I am sitting here messing with the settings after absorbing everything I learned. I see that the FSX AntiAliasing feature really improves the quality and the Card does nothing. It's quite weird to that when I go into the cards settings, the radio but... If it is how do i implement it, i have no knowledge of SDK but i have it all installed and i want to implement it into my current default aircraft so that they have taxi lights. Joske...
hi guys my aircraft always seems to start with the engines off. do u know where in the settings section the tick box is to untick start with cold dark cockpit. i knew where it was in fs2004 but cant find it on fsx thanks andy...
How do I switch on the interior lights in the 738 in FSX. Thanks in advance....
Is there a way to register for free for the forum without paying $5 per month?...
try this: open fs9, fire up the aircraft of your choice and take off from boulder city municipal airport, heading northeast to lake meade. when you get there, have a look at the hoover dam. not too shabby, eh? now, do the same thing in fsx. if your lik...
I can't remember where I read this, but some were talking about how Windows Vista allows you to plug in a Flash drive for added Ram functionality when using FSX. Is this true and how would you do this exactly? Although my setup is performing quite wel...
I found this great link for tweaking the video cards to maximize performance. My quesiton is that if I set the Vertical Sync to 'OFF', is there a setting in FSX? I did not see one....
any time I fly IFR, I'm told to wait for the localizer before coming into land. I'm sure this is a basic question along the lines of how do you breathe, but I have no idea what it is. thanks...
what is War Emergency Power ? I found it under settings> controls> buttons> engine...
What is it exactly and what setting should be on? Bilinear Trilinear Anisotropic Thanks...
Ok. This is going to sound really stupid, but I purchased this Wings of Power II WWII Fighters SE and I can't figure out how to fire the gun. My trigger button is the brakes. I know I can change it, but trying to find out which key it is is impossible. ...
hello everyone i was just doing the mission the denali camp ground delivery (forgot the official name) and when i land i hit some bumps and my engine i think breaks and when i eventually stop i cant turn it back on. does anyone know what is wrong or how t...
Hello Been doing some searching on this, and so far the only 2 force feedback Joysticks I can find to work on Vista are : Logitech Force 3d Pro Saitek cyborg_evo_force 2 questions - a) Any comments on above joysticks b) Any other joysticks ...
Hey peeps... i have bought the delux version of fsx but had problem with the Error 1935 but goy it installed after finding a fix on this forum... but now i have runned into a new problem... i have a wired Xbox 360 Controller that i wanna use for FSX bu...
Could someone please inform me as to which folder of an aircraft the auto pilot resides. Also, is the AP different in FSX and FS9? Thanks in advance...Art...