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running intel pentium 4 3.06ghz 1gb ram nvidea geforce fx go5200 32mb video card only have 2.19 gb free on my hard drive would such a low amount effect the lag or graphics in fsx or is my system not good enough......
how much can u overclock ur CPU without burning it with default heatsink and fan I have an AMD 64-bit 2.01GHz Athlon processor (single core) rated at 3.2GHz, I want to overclock it to 3.6GHz any ideas how? Also is it possible to overclock the graphics car...
Hi! Is there a Piper PA-28 included in FSX? There is a folder called something like Pa-28 in my SimObjects folder but the only piper i can see in FSX is the old "Cub". Am i missing something? I have the deluxe version. Cheers MS...
Does anyone know if you can run FS2004 and FSX on the same computer. I wanna put FS2004 back on purely to fly concorde, and I don't wanna uninstall FSX as I have it set up in just the way I like! Are there any conflicts of files that anyone knows of? ...
OK after I try like 6 times to land that learjet at tellure, I finally did it , I manage to taxi close to the limo and shutdown the airplane,, the females copilot last said,,"park here" and thats it,, what else did I had to do? I didnt got credit for the ...
Just a thought, But i think they should have put a 18 certificate on FSX, no, not because it is extremely violent, graphic, rude etc, but just so that we could limit it to people that at least show a certain level of maturity on here and get rid of all...
I can't seem to be able to get the nice distance effect - haze near the horizon.. It seemed to work in 2000. Is it my graphics card.. I have a ATI Radeon 9200 at 128.. Any ideas.. I would love to get those nice screen shots.....
I bet you have all read messages like this but I have searched the forum and I cannot find a post that solves my problem. Which is pretty straight foward, they won't connect! Do my doors have to be opened or closed before I use the keyboard command whi...
I don't think anyone whas posted one. It is a bit long. A lot of these things are familiar, most can be guessed at, but some are mysteries. If anyone has seen documentation for these settings, it would be helpful to post a link. AmbientUIMusic...
hello dose anyone know were the Modules folder is in fsx... or know were i put all my .dll's... ❓ ❓ please help i need to know as soon as possible.... thanks...
hey my problem is as follows all my aircraft fly with unrealistic climb and glide performance, in a BIG way, ok starting small and getting big; in a Cessna 172 doing a circuit - i reach 1000ft before the end of the runway - i have trouble maintain...
When I request my IFR flight form the controller at smaller airports the controller says clearence void 30 minutes from now. What does it mean, and what do i have to do? Thanks...
hi guys, this is a really weird one. I have just installed fsx and on take off in a B747-400 the nose raises right up when i hit F4 to open the throttles, so much so that i could see the runway and how far from the end of it i was. is this meant to hap...
Does anyone else get this: when completing the intermediate level with the Grumman Goose that involves supply delivery and a search for a snake temple, I land at the indicated airport, but the mission doesn't end. I just sit on the tarmac with 2 dead engi...
my Force-Feedback Pro 2 joystick de-centers as soon as I run MFS X !!!! Why ??? 😞 It works fine though , it just dont center !!! All wobbly !! ❓...
What do you guys think is the best airport to fly into surrounding area scenery wise? What airport has lush surroundings and near the sea, the reason I ask is that with my new graphics I can run every setting on FSX on ultra high and would really like ...
When I Start Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Standard) It starts with a split screen the plane on the top and the Sky on the bottom and every thing on the left side of the Monitor....
Does the flight sim x really give the ability to become atc without having to use the multiplayer?...
Out of no where I get this error message "Error ID=28 unable to install message filter" what the hell is this? I was playing fine before this anyone have any solutions. Thanks....
does anyone know if this Flight Sim X will work on 64Bit Windows xp?...
instead of refund, they gave me store gift card, to me, its the same thing, even I dont give as gift, I will always need to buy stuff from Circuit City........
Hey folks, I need you help! I tried to install FS-X today, but my weather.dll file (located in "...\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\") is defect or incomplete?! Somhow the installation programm canĀ“t copy it to the FS directory on the Har...
Here are the real (non-Microsoft) comparison pictures between the FSX Demo and FSX Standard Edition. For all those who have played the demo and want to know if the full version looks any better. FSX SE (Left) | FSX Demo (Right) Both games were ru...
Hey guys, I have been trawling the net now for days looking at various forums trying to decide whether or not to buy flight sim X. I have noticed there seems an even-ish split of ppl who have no problems when they bought it and people who did. My PC Sp...
I don't know if it happens to anyone else but as i was flying i discover something very interesting and i need confirmation in order to use it as an official Tip.And of course i don't know if it has been already mentioned. 😕 First of all ,fo...
I take some pics with the print screen button, but everytime i try to upload one to flyaways gallery it is to big. What shall i do???...
Hey, I need help with how to suck up the water in a water bomber and then I need to know the controls on how to drop that water from my water tank. I have 2 models, one with a tank in it's belly and another with a bucket hung under the chopper. Can anyone...
I have tried the Catalina day spa several time with no luck. Tried flying high altitude to coast to island. No luck. Whats the trick to keep the motor from stalling over the water??? ❓ ❓...
Just bought FSX today. Trying to install, I get a message that MS2000Pro wont run FSX. tell me this isn't so and i don't have to go out and upgrade to Windows XP...
could someone please point me in the direction of some suggested display settings. ive reverted back to fs9 for the mean time i couldnt put up with the fact that i own a game that i cant play. shame on me for thinking my system was good enough system ...
Is it possible to edit DDS texture files ? (Software)...
whenever i start flying in 'live' FSX out of the blue my screen goes all black and shakes and compeltely shuts off and restars. It is very madening and frustrating. RIGHT in the middle of taking off or on approach, basically at te worst time. I havent run...
Hi all, Sorry, Ive been lurking a lot, but I'm posting in relation to this older post: I have constant problems with the Baron (in both FS9 and X) in terms of ...
how do you water taxi properly in the goose?for example, i have failed the peruvian mission 3 times because i crashed while trying to turn around to taxi away from the there a water rudder or something?the floats are down and im using the rudder...
The new beginner missions in FS X are very well presented and helpful and should help one progress. Much better than the earlier versions of FS I used many years ago. Unfortunately my flaps do not seem to be working through the F5 to F8 keys and this ...
Can anybody tell me how can I run this game with my win2k? Thanks!...
Hi, Trying to install Flight Simulator X deluxe version. During final moments of install error appears stating "unable to register font" then install closes and removes all installed files. Anyone come accross this prolem and if so any idea of whats ca...
Ok...i am tired of idiots in this game. I have hosted many games acting as ATC. As a host, I should have full control of my game and be able to boot any non complying offender. Does anyone know how to do this....or how I can contact Microsoft to have them...
I just bought fsx but i cant register... The password is incorrect all the time. it says that it has to be at least 16 characters in alphanumeric, now what does that mean??? no matter what i write i just cant... PLEASE HELP....
Hi! Is there a way to record your flight (not talking about the flight analysis at the end)? I am interested in taking a look at my landings. Thanks!...
I had to shift video to low settings to cease video lag. I was wondering if anyone had a machine which allows you to select each video selection to the max and not have video lag. I have a abit kv-80, AMD Sempron 2800, 1GB PC3200 RAM, ATI 9550 256MB Gr...
I dont know if any of you can help me with this, I can hear all the normal sounds in the plane but cant hear the ATC or copilot talking, any clue what i t could be?...
Ya know--I used to spend HOURS and HOURS flying around in FS98--I loved it. I had thoughts about getting FS2000, but heard a lot of complaints--So I NEVER bought it. Then FS2K2 came out, gotit and it was so great that FS98 was gone the next day! FS...
Hi, I bought FSX regular version when it came out not knowing there was a Deluxe version coming out. Anybody could tell me what I can do to maybe trade my game or get the Deluxe version without loosing too much cash? Would Microsoft come out with an add-o...
Hi I am trying to load FSX Standard Edition onto a PC for my kids. I have no issues with the first disc, but when it asks for the second disk, it does not pick it up! It constantly comes back with "insert disk 2" but when I click OK it never starts tha...
The people at Microsoft have really gone to great eforts to bring FS X to a level of enjoyment that cannot be explained. My congratulations to all that are involved. One must however have the right pc to use it to its full potential. If you ever host a ...
Ok here goes I'm running Flight simulator X and when I go to the default 747 virtual cockpit mode I can't see the Autopilot button. However in 2D cockpit mode their is a button for Autopilot on the panel :wacko: Is the Autopilot switch located somewhe...
Has anybody tried the X-Box 360 controller in FSX? If so, whats it like/how does it handle etc. I was thinking about getting one to make flying helis easier....
What do you think of this card? Can it run FSX on high settings? Why didn't Dell give the XPS 210 a better card!!!!!????...