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Just curious. I purchased FS as a way to keep up with my instrument flying skills while I finished my last year and a half in the military flying a desk. Are there many other folks who use this to help with instrument proficiency or are most casual game...
hi guys, found this guide on avsim..Check this out..
Hi Wonder if anyone can help - I bought my son the above game, and got the Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro Plus joystick which I had to also buy the gameport to USB interface. The Joystick does not work with this interface. Does anyone know is there ...
I got fsx bikes etc but my favorite gift came in a box with a thin peice of paper on it oened it to a black folder once I fliped it over it said FLIGHT SCHOOL yes im so ahppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 😀 😳 😳 😳 ㈳...
yo all, in having some trouble selecting correct stars for my fmc when im programming do i select an adequate sid that takes the most direct route from the airport to your next waypoint, i dont fly online so i dont recive the sid's. Im just curiou...
could someone please point me in the direction of some good addons for fs9 im looking for realistic stuff atc, crew and passengers things of that nature. thanks alot....
Hi there, I upgraded to GE Pro and all of a sudden the water texture looks so weird. The color is light blue, there are huge ripples seen from FL390 and 40 miles away. Even in the night the water shows tropical light blue and this spooky ripples and waves...
can anyone sugest a laptop (preferably under 1000 dollars) that runs flight sim 2004 with "pretty well" very well" also with decent graphics UNDER 800 WOULD BE GREAT...
Ok guys i have connected to Vatsim via SquawkBox3 for sometime now (probably in the range of 4 months) however when i try and connect now it says multiplayer connection failed and as a result i cannot connect to the network. I have tryed switching servers...
Hi all, I know it takes all the fun out of it but how do you set up a Learjet to autoland? Do I need another addon? I always use ILS at the minute for getting from A to B. Cheers 😀...
Can anybody clue me in out there? I will be flying a 737 for a virtual airline , and included with that will be fuel usage reports I would imagine. I downloaded the plane, and when it is sitting full on the runway the left and right fuel gauges both re...
I have a new 7600gt installed in my system. I have put AF to 8x and AA to 4x and all detail on ultra high and get ground frame rates of 40-50 in the PMDG and air FPS of near around 70-80. I was slightly worried with the coolling of the card though as at i...
hello first sory for bad english! i have played flight sim for long amount of time and i am dissapoint now as it has slowd down. i did clean my pc case other day and component has falen pc is very slow? i cant get good fps at even low seting? ple...
Why does FSX take so long to load? 2 hours on one disk!!...
I really enjoyed fs 2004. It is a big inprovement from 2002 and especially 98. One thing is the selection of airplanes. I get bored of the same ones. I noticed that you sometimes take airplanes off. e.g. Cessna 182RG. Another thing is the air traffic....
as stated, whenever i change the default flight to my payware a/c, airport, and check the "make default" box, it never saves. i can restart and defaults back to the cessna. i'm at a loss. i've changed it many times and never had this problem until i ch...
Is it possible to transfer music from a CD and use it for the ambient music files in FSpassenger? Od...
Alright, I would like some help, you know how ATC says "Maintain altitude until established on the localizer", well, how can you get established on the localizer? I don`t know how because the Learning Center and all of the approach guides don't tell you h...
Hi all, A quick question if I may - any advice much appreciated. Recently installed FS9 along with PMDG 737NG and Level D 767. Whilst mid-flight - FS9 crashes to the desktop with no error message. It loads ok and my system is more than capable o...
Hi, Just a quick note to inform you that FSFlyingSchool v1.2 (18th December) has been released. Supports FSX, FS2004 and FS2002. Movies, free demo and more information can be found at: Thanks!...
can someone kindly tell me what the difference is between Instrument Aproach Procedure and Standard Terminal Arrival (route?)? Thanks BTW, when I approach with ILS, why there are ILS approach plates? What is the need for the plates when you are totally v...
In my current flight adventure of recreating flights in the 2004 default flights, I continue to learn some pretty fun things relative to flying. Currently I'm usin...
well, of course all of the scenery has to be realistic...but provided you have the right scenery i would say the kai tak approach (vhhh). I love that landing!...
pease could you give me some good ip adresses to log onto because i want to fly with other pilots i think it would be great anyone help?...
is it possible to use auto pilot on landing and have it actually touch down the plane? or does it stop after a certain altitude and force you to manually land the plane?...
Hi Guys. I got the Brasilia (SBBR) scenery from WorldSceneries, but I am facing a problem, the AI traffic is floating, the planes are at the assigned gates but way above it, as I mentioned, floating from the ground. Do you guys know how to get this ...
Hi all, I am new to FS2004 but an old pilot and am having trouble trying to set up the buttons so I can have elevator trim etc on my joystick, it works fine and the hat moves the point of view. Hope you can point me to a tutorial. also is there a Culv...
How do I avoid this problem? I try to achieve the cruising speed with autopilot but I always get an overspeed warning. For examplary purposes , aboeing 734's cruising speed is mach 0.78 but I cant reach that figure. And its clear weather. So i dont th...
first off may I say stunning detail in these models go get all his models of cars boats trains etc. now my question is whenever I walk to the back of the boat right before the red line seen here ➡
Hi there, Is it possible to get charts ie. SID's and STAR's and put them into the FS2004 kneeboard? Cheers, Jay...
Well now i have finally mastered landing in clean weather, however now i would like to learn how to do so in crosswind landings? do i have to trim the ailerons, rudder? or just change direction? thanks...
Hello all, thanks for all the great information on this site. Lots of really good info for folks like myself who can't afford the real thing yet and take the "game" WAY to serious!! 😂 I have a question on carb heat and how it's used in re...
I am having a problem in FS2004 with the program randomly pausing on its own at will. I can be taking off, en route, or landing and the system will just pause as if I had hit the "P" key. Can anyone tell me how I can get this stopped? I really apprecia...
Hey all!!! I need some suggestions on what FS addon to get for Christmas. I don't know what I'm looking for really. I have the CLS Eclipse 500 and FS Passengers. I'd prefer an aircraft over scenery or a utility...but just tell me what you guys like. Than...
Help Unable to download new version of Flightsim Manager from saying site canot be found. Regards Royann...
I know this isnt the correct forum to post this in but i need to have an answer quickly. I want to buy the 7600GT BUT my power supply is too small. I can buy a new power supply no problem but what i am wondering is, where does the PCI-E x16 slot get its ...
Hey everyone, I'm in a kind of emergency here, as I accidentally erased the the entire Modules folder when trying to delete one file inside it. Since it isn't a large directory, I came here to ask a big favor: will anyone zip this folder and send it to my...
Hi all, I fly mostly long hauls,but they are over land. Now I want to fly from Europe to US but I must cross the Atlantic. I fly on the IVAO network zo I have to contact GANDER RADIO. But you have to fly at coordinates and I wonder if you can add th...
Hi,just wondering wheter any of you know any free downloadable traffic for fs 2004 due to the fact of hardly any other aircraft in the airports thanks ryan...
i've been having a problem here as of late. my flight sim did not load and seemed to take forever. i did the old control, alt, delete and it kept on saying "fs9 not responding." i did a complete uninstall/reinstall, went to the flight sim website and i...
Hi, Just a quick note to inform you that FSFlyingSchool demo v1.1 (12th December) has been released. 😀 It supports FS2004 and FS2002, and more information can be found at: Thanks!...
In an earlier post I was looking for help because I couldn't get some of the aircraft off of the ground. I first noticed the problem when the 172 would not turn up more than 2200 RPM on takeoff. I could get off the ground but it was a long run. P...
Hey! I have a problem with an older scenery of EBBT, it's on This scenery is an older one, designed for FS2000 or even for FS98, I don't know exactly, but I want to use it in FS9, because to me it seems the most...
Can I insatll freeware 757 sounds or do I have to buy them im just wondering if there is anything that says you are not allowed to mess with the aircraft Thanks cheers...
What happens when you crash into buildings on Flight Simualtor 2002, 2004, or X?...
I can't install FS2004 on my machine. I though I had a problem with disk 3, but I got a new copy of the game and the same thing is happening. Basically it just stops responding once I put in disk 3. I noticed it won't respond after asking for disk 3 and i...
I just got to the traffic pattern lessons in FS9. In the lesson it tells me to take of at 55 knots. I always thought I should take off at 75 knots in the Cessna! Am I wrong? Another question: In the lesson the instructor tells me to reduce power to 150...
I keep dropping out to a black screen but with audio. Any suggestions?...
Hello all! I use FS2004 and Xplane for my flightsim needs. In my experience the Cessna 172 in FS2004 reacts in a different way than the Cessna in X-plane. For example: In X-plane very little steering is needed to get the plane to bank to the left o...
Hi to all of you, After visiting Rod's website, I could pass the holding pattern of IR finally. But another problem has came. After pass the holding, I set the NAV1 and OBS accroding to the sim chart, but the women said I didn't set the NAV1 and OBS corr...