Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
❓ I can't figure out why I can only see an aircraft in the "Create flight" window when the display is set to 800X600 32bit? Even at 960X... it goes away? I have a screen shot but don't see how to up load it. I have a P4 2.5 533fsb 1G PC2700 ...
I've seen a couple of replays (movies) of flights, I can't find how to do that in FS2004, is it a seperate utility that I need to download?...
Hi, i'm looking for a tutorial of some kind to help me replace ultimate traffic's PAI models with more frame rate friendly models like AIA and others .If anyone knows of one please let me know . Thanks...
I have upgraded my computer to a HP Media Center with all the bells and whistles, but had to replace my Microsoft joystick because there was no serial port to plug it into. My problem is that I cannot seem to program the joystick to bring some of the co...
I was a Captain now I am a First Officer? What is up with that? ❓...
Hi, I need help on FS 2004's IR checkride. After passing the VOR, the instructor ask to execute missed appoach. Then enter holding. I don't know how to enter the holding pattern. anyone can tell me the detail about the holding part?...
hey, everytime i start up fs2004, the spash screen comes up. it loads like its supposed to, then the splash screen goes away and the menu doesnt pop up. is there anyway I can fix this? thanx in advance...
😀 Hi all I found this little route finder page ➡
Hi guys i have had this problem for a very long time and it causes my all of my slider bars to be grey and unadjustable making all of the display options to the very lowest. has anyone had this problem before and how did you fix it? i have updated to v9.1...
A Maximum of 450px Wide and 240px High Under 500k. This will help DUN users and keep the posts from being to long thereby eliminating scrolling. Thank you for complying :radar:...
I have purchased Active Camera after reading some reviews and i have almsot mastered it in 10 minutes. The peoblem is i want wing view. I do external view, then walk up to the wing, adjust my height and look out the wind but when i pull away the cam stays...
Hello again gents just saw a post where a few of you recommended environment pro as a good upgrade for fs9.Just wondered if it would be worth me downloading this as i already have reality pack 1+2,various terrain mesh such as greece strm, germany, spain a...
Hi, I have a problem when I try to bring my plane above 35000 feet. I flew default B777-300 from Zurich to Singapore. I set my flight plan to 42000 feet. Above 20000 ft I set my flight to auto pilot with .65 march and pitch at VS 1800 to reach 42000. A...
hi guys, the last few days i've been having a problem loading up flight sim, getting the rror message: 'the requested flight file is corrupt or can't be found'. i can load up the sim from the save file, but not 'the normal way'. i've created new defaul...
Help!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok this is what happened I was noticing that FS 2004 was going slow so I Uninstalled it and then installed it again and when I try to open it :hack: it would say please insert FS2004 Disc 4, select OK and restart application and Disc 4 is...
hi guys, I have seen the mention of radar contact addon.Reading the reviews on the website makes it seem impressive.but I would like to get a first hand or let's say opinion of good and knowledgeable people on this forum about it.. Could anyone of you...
i was in pc world today and was taking a good look at a new joystick. i got distracted however by the wheels and pedals - a seperate set being as little as £15. it crossed my mind that a pedals input is generic and actions defined by the software. so my ...
Hey people! Seeing as FSX has issues I thought I'd install FS9, so I got to the second disc and realised it had broke! 😞 I think it broke in the case because there isn't much room in the case for 4 discs! Does anyone know if I could download th...
Hello. i was wondering, what does Pilot heat do? i can't seem to find it on wikipedia or google? ta!...
Hello 😕 i have a Linksys Wireless-G Broadband WRT45GS v5.1 Router. I formatted my pc today and went to install the router, i couldnt find the install disc 😳. I looked on linksys website for a driver and no luck. Has anybody got this ...
Hi, is it possible to get different pilot voices other than the default ones . Iv'e been looking around but can only find ATC replacements . Is it a case of too much work for what it is ....
I have downloaded a 737-200 panel and the radio stack is a part of the main panel. When i try to dial in a frequency on the nav 1 the digits don't move even though the cursor changes from arrow to hand when placed on it, so i think it's supposed to work. ...
Since FSX is down due to same problems everyone is having. I cranked up my settings in 2004 and holy crap it's a different simulator with max graphics. I have developed a stutter in my atc transmissions. Everything else is going great. Could someone point...
Where (which 2004 folder in the program files) would I save the NASA Spaceshuttle and Aircraft Carier downloads so they appear in the 2004 menu? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 😀...
helo i am a user of ac 1.1 and yesterday i noticed that i can look around in the virtuelle cockpit with my mouse, but i don't know how i did that again to look around. Do you know how to do that ? How to look around with the mouse? thanks Chris...
I was just wondering if anyone could help me out. I saw this in another forum elsewhere and was wondering if it would be viable in FS2004. The code edit can be seen below. I was wondering if doing the same to FS2004 code would have the same effect in impr...
yeh, mike stones hangar does (find the site name in the sticky in aircraft forum.) The planes are all self install and very nice to fly, well made, some of my fav. add on planes from this site. there are more but this the only one I know.🙂....
If somebody would please be so kind as to help me with the following problem, I would be most appreciative. I have the PMDG 737-700 installed, along with FsPax and the Fuel Planner advertised on PMDG's website. The problem is, everytime I come to depar...
Heye.. When I push a certain button, the spoilers extract. In reality a BAe 146 has an airbrake open on final, and just before touchdown. Can I create any assignment that makes the spoilers and the airbrakes extract seperately, and together when necess...
Guys, Everytime I fly to Honolulu, I always assign by controller to land at runway 22L or 22R where at those 2 runways have no ILS approach. How to change to other runways where there is ILS approach? such as runway 4R or 8L Thanks.....
I have downloaded several version of the lancair legacy 2000 but none will properly display the gages correctly. Usually, it's missing the heading indicator and the speed indicator. I don't have any problems with other aircraft I have downloaded. Pa...
How can I change it to anything but the ones appearing on the default list? I see some of you've got Snoopy and Dark Side of The Moon cover, e.g. How can I use my own personal picture of choice? Thanks for any help!...
I've noticed that the Retro AI's site domain has expired. Does anyone know if they've moved to a new website? Their previous site was:
Hi, How do i set up my Throttle quadrant for fs? Im having a really hard time trying to set it up 😞 I dont have a clue..if anyone could help..thatd be awesome thanks 🙂...
Hello everybody. I'm new to the flight simulator stuff, but I have caught on quickly. I have a couple of questions that I hope you can answer. When I download repaints, I don't understand how I copy the text in the "read me" into the aircraft.cfg fi...
I have finally, given FS9 the boot. After weeks of problems and re installs, i have had it up to the sky with it. I flew for BA virtual and was with the assigned flight section. I am so far behind all my schedules because of my problems i have given up. ...
why do u require a VOR1 for ILS in a 777. Don't they have the PFD or HSI to show that???...
I thought Id install the microsoft update 9.1 but got an error. As I had various add ons installed I thought that these could be causing a problem. (Add on VFR Scenaery, Active Camera 2004 etc). So I uninstalled everything including FS2004 (Even delete...
Hey, I have been having some trouble with my J/S, it is type Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. I was on a nice relaxing flight from Boeing Field to Vancouver Intl when after climbing and i began to set auto throttle and heading, when all of a sudden my B747 took...
PLEASE CAN ANYONE WHO HAS VATISM, HELP ME???? I want to sign up for vatsim, I have a user name and password for vatsim, I maybe stupid or dumb cause I read the instructions in vatsim and still lost. Do you have to pay for vatsim?...
Heey.. Can someone tell me the dfference between FSX and FS2004? Is FSX an newer version of FS or is an upgrade or somthing...??...
I've always had this question in my mind that why do aircrafts actually cruise very high when doing short-haul or long-haul destinations (both in real life and in flight simulator). What I mean to say is that from about 4'000 feet, or maybe a bit more or ...
What are these? When do they occur?...
I love this airplane once I get it in the air. But boy handling it on the ground is really tough for me. If I taxi at more than 5 or 6 knots its really hard to keep it going straight ahead and its really easy to get it rolling wing over wing if I let ...
OK, here's the deal. I am obeying the instructions in the accompanying Flight Notes for the Boeing 737 take-off. They tell me that Vr is at 153 KIAS and that I HAVE TO HOLD 160 KIAS ( V2) until I get a positive rate of climb. When you are hurtling alon...
Help Any tuts on what the Radio Magnetic Indicator does? I have no Idea when this insturment does? Noticed this on most of the planes in the flying lessons....
A few days ago, I was deleting some airplanes I wasn't flying with, accidentally I deleted a cessna(default)and I couldn't fly anymore.I unistalled FS9, ans installed again, but I can't see or activate scenery or fly any airplane apart from the default on...
I have downloaded a Posky Boeing 737-800 in China Southern livery and found that it comes complete with a pushback tug and person walking beside when asking for push-back. I would love to include this for all aircraft, but cannot identify the coding in...
I can't seem to work out how to taxi in the Vickers Vimy - the rudder just doesn't seem to do very much. I can see the rudder move on the back of the plane, but the aircraft only turns at the slightest angle. This is not enough to taxi along the taxiways ...
How do I use a HSI, Heading indicator, with either gps or Nav... What do I look at on the actual HSI indicator to navigate, is it like VOR or IFR Thanks A new sim pilot. Djanvk...