Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Hey everybody, I got a quick question. How do you turn 360 degrees in slew mode?...
This question stems from this post, I saw the video and got on my FS and flew out of that hole in a cessna. I also showed the video to my dad who use to be ...
I have an add-on aircraft (Altitude software's Concorde to be specific) and I'm unable to use the GPS navigation screen for it as the aircrafts navigation system is the INS. As wondrous as the INS is, it makes flight planning and preparation tedious and t...
Hi, when i change views in game the aircraft appear grey and untexured for a few seconds until they load. as you can imagine this take some of the realism out of the game because when you go to a different view you expect to see the plane you are in fully...
Hi, A couple of days ago my joystick failed....for no reason. I tried re-installing etc but Windows came up with the message "USB device not recognized". Apparently I needed to "replace the device" so that I did. I have just bought a new joystick......
Hi all, I have somewhat screwed up my fs9.cfg and was wondering if someone could possibly send my theirs? That is if all fs9.cfgs are the same and that it hasn't been edited right? Thanks 😉...
hi, I was just wondering what people who have Fs2crew think about it.. also does it like "upgrade" the scenery or anything, or is it just adding sounds of the different flight personel?...
Hey just wondering with the level d 767 how can you bring up your GPS? and get the plane to follow the GpS path? because I can get it to do that on the notmal planes but not the level d 767, any help? thanks...
hi, where can i get the 9.1 no cd crack from please . i know you can get here but im not a member...
How old do you need to be to be hired by an airline by airline I mean a cessna or piper singled engined props?...
Where can I find the keygen for fs passengers...
Hey Guys, I am inflight in the PSS A340-300 but I disconnect the autothrottle and fly with my joystick one but it appears to only control one engine. When I adjust the thrust on my joystick only one of the four engines spool up and the rest just st...
I have two monitors and I was wondering if there was a way to prevent flight simulator from pausing when I switch to a window on the other monitor. Thanks for any help....
my passengers didnt like this at NZKI this is normal... not so normal...
i have just completed a flight KBOS (Boston Logan) - EIDW (Dublin Int'l). it took about 12 hours in my cessna 404 titan. What i the longest light you have completed in General Aviation aircraft. Distance wise and time wise... just wondering. BTW, ill ha...
I'm flying the Cessna 172 in FS2004. Whenever I try to keep a constant heading, there will be frequent slight changes in the heading that require a 1-2 degree bank for correction every 10 seconds, sometimes even less than that. That's very annoying. I...
Can someone e-mail eaglesoft development group and ask for a fix to stop the beeping on takeoff or to make a complete fmc thx plz respond if you have or are going to doso as my e-mail does not work😞...
Hi everyone I have made another video, its of a Boeing 737-700 Test Flight in KBFI (Boeing Field) You can find it here Please comment and say what you liked and didnt like because if I know my...
first of all i have no problem with groups producing payware - it's perfectly reasonable for the time put in, often. however, i do not understand our hobby's lack of special offers, sales or even depreciation with time - after all a 2yr old product mostly...
I think to maintain alt is the one..... i have to constantly push and pull to get back to the intended alt. When in turbulence its even worse, can drop or climb 500 feet quickly... what do you think?...
im flying at 15,000 feet and ATC tells me to turn to heading 250, then few minutes later heading 295, and back and forth. this has been going on for about 2 hours. is there a way to stop this?!?!?!?!...
Hey Peeps, I was just wondering if anyone went to Farnborough airshow this weekend? Leachus...
Hey everyone I have a question. I dont know what to get UT, or traffic 2005, I have herd that traffic 2005 dosent look as good but works better and I have herd that UT makes the performance drop A LOT, so what do you guys think? what one is better? if you...
Does Any1 Have Fssc(Flight Simulator Scenery Creator) And Knows How To get The Scenery You made Into THe Game ❓...
Everybody, Any orders for effects passed before midnight will be sent out!If you want to have the effects a special place on the plane/heli,give me a link it's it's freeware, or precise where if it's default. Here are the choices: Machine guns, Bomb...
Hi, I'm going through the flight lessons right now and I've reached the landing part of the aviation deal. I am having a problem though, when I flare I always hit the ground at 500 fpm (feet per minute) and I believe this is too harsh. I always chan...
i am flying a cessna 208 amphibian, but in the fspax report , it says i forgot to set the propper flaps when taking off. So what are the proper flaps? 😕...
Does everyone have to do this? Seems like the calibration should stay but every time I start fs2004 if I don't recalibrate I roll into a turn one way or the other and rudder is off too. Is this normal? I'm using a saitek stick and don't have this problem...
Is there a download where i can press "Random Flight Plan" and it will make a random flight plan for me with the desired aircraft i chose? I could fly all over the world with a click of a button. Could some one make one? many thanks...
Hi Guys, Is there a simple way to see your rate of climb or descent on the 747 and 777. It is obvious on the 737, but I cant see it on the other two. Without knowing where this is, you can switch from being on the glideslope, to well over or under ...
does anyone know of any repaints for mike stones cessna 404 titan?? the subject says it all, basically....
Hi I am not able to use the visual flight path feature of FS2004 at some airports. Any suggestions. But when i open a second screen using '[' key, i can see it for some few seconds and then it goes off. Any idea how to do it. I am new to simming and it...
I decided to try hopping from Iceland to Greenland in the AN-148. I knew it would be close, but figured I'd have about a 7% reserve at the end of the trip. I go up to FL320 and relax. I didn't consider I'd have a head wind. As I cross Greenland, I dro...
do you have to register for sim outhouse in order to download from them?...
Hi, I have a friend who bought a Dell computer some time ago. It only has a 40Gb hard drive which is almost full and the time has come to buy a new one. He requires a minimum of around 80Gb (+ his existing 40Gb for mp3 stroage) and as he mainly uses F...
Hey guys, i created a new video of B763, landing at CYYZ Pearson intl, graphics suicks, but i like th elanding reverse thrust when wheel is in the air. thats the link:
hey everyone I have a few questions for thoes of you who have the level D 767. If I download it from there site, dose it come with a PDF Manual? Or do I have to buy it sepreatly? second How many passanger can it carry? I have FS Passangers and I would lik...
this pc will not play fs 2004. when i click on it . it comes up with the 1st screen the whole "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004" and the prtty pic of the planes than a black sreen comes up with white lines and go back to windows desk top pc spec is...
@ar6 is the airport code. fly 2ar6 is airport id. then its in arkansas. the name is "mineral springs" fly east of the airport and you will see hills and bad looking mountains. fly over and there is a 10,000ft hole that is aabout 10 sq miles wide and long....
Hi all, I want 2 screens connecting on my pc (1 for flight sim and 1 for radar systems,gauge display,etc...) and use them together in flight. But I've got only 1 port on my videocard to connect a screen. So I was thinking... If I buy something lik...
well after playing around with many diffrent configs for a new computer I think I am going to stick to this one, what do you all think? Motherboard: ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition Socket AM2 NVIDIA nForxce 590 SLI MCP ATX AMD Motherboard - Re...
Does anyone have an ILS problem for KMCF(Macdill AFB, Tampa, FL)...It guides me way off track.... 😕...
I noticed an ILS problem (possibly) while landing at EGLF today. I tune in the ILS 111.55 and course of 065 and follow it to landing. As I get nearer the runway the ILS takes me to the center of the runway instead of the usual two white blobs near the 0...
Hey people, as i promised to show u another video i created one, and its a Spitfire flying over alaska's mountains and its beutiful there. The video is about 11 mins, so it ...
I would like to know what altitude you should be at idealy when on approach such as for example, in a boeing 777 15 miles out, at what altitude should you be then and by how much should you decend before flaring? What altitude should be at say 1-5 miles o...
Does anybody uses an add on to enhance the reflections of aircraft?...
hi all, i bought a new cmputer and fs9 is being very slow, i have all the requirements for the game ut for some reason it doesnt seem to enjoy my computer. has anyone had the same problem and how did they resolve the slowness issue? also i am with fs ...
Sorry if this has been covered before. I am flying the Mooney Bravo for the first time and after taking off it drifts quite significantly to the right. I have no wind, I have set weather to clear skies yet it still drifts off. The only way I can corr...
hi, i was waiting untill someone will ask what the 1023 folder for in FS2004 any ideas?...