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is there a free program to record flightsim thnaks 😀...
Hi, I've been thinking of adding a set of Saitek Pro Throttles to go with the CH combat stick I got for xmas so I can use a stand alone throttle instead of the slider on the stick. In the P-51 for example it would be cool to be able to use the three lever...
Hi folks.I'm just bought fsx as a upgrade to fs 2004 and cant get any add on aircraft to work -ie missing textures.Has any one developed a fix for this.I cant disable the dx 10 preview,I just no picture at all doing that and tried the add-on converter too...
Hi, wondering if anyone in here has encountered a similar problem with Saitek Pro Throttles? I find the levers do not emulate those in the sim, so when selecting full power, only partial power is reflected in the sim. I can correct this by using the respe...
The FS9 747-400 doesn't seem to have any trim indicator on it's panel. Is this the case in real life? How do I know where my trim is set, particularly for takeoff? I've had some ugly nose-too-high situations getting the jumbo off the ground....
I am embarrassed by how long I've been away. And I see so many topics I want to catch up on. I've put a big dent in all the real life distractions from my flying and hope to get back into the virtual cockpit again and also finish up with my recreation...
Enebody now howe to make a right ILS Landing whit boeing 737-800 using skydeck panel when you are at list 31nm from the runway. 1. starting with GPS and what next please help me with the rest. exeuse me for my english i speak better then i wrigh...
Hi, I like to fly in busy skies and often when I am landing another aircraft cuts infront of me in non-realistically close distance. Passes me and howers for landing right infront of my nose. I than need to go-around. Is there any remedy for this? Some t...
So after downloading a freeware aircraft (alphasims C-170B) and flying it for a bit. I exited the game. Now FS2004 won't load? I open flight sim and get the opening screen which then goes black before returning to my desktop. I've tried reloading and I ge...
What are the general must have addons (that are not airplane specific) for FS9? I want to make it look really good....
Has anyone got/tried/used/binned/recommended any 3D glasses before? There seem to be two types, the cheaper "shutter" type which alternate the frames on your monitor, and the more expensive ones with true images for each eye being shown in the headset ...
Last night while flying home I had the window wing view for my seat--my favorite. My question is that as I looked out in aw at all the planes--including what I believe to be the new boeing 787--I noticed that everyone taxied without their taxi lights on??...
hey out there,i'm new to this flight sim scene and are about to upgrade my old laptop for a new desktop computer.anyone suggest what the best way to go is for running flight sim/add-ons/extra planes and whatever else is there a minimum amount of...
I ordered the PMDG 1900D today. Having downloaded many add-ons, I watched all ordering screen intently. After I registered, ordered and completed the payment screen, I recieved NO download or direction to download. Now, before you say to contact PMDG, ...
When i click user defined weather, Fs closes without warning. Im mad now, since it's been going on for a long time :x :evil:...
I have been looking through the helicopters and tried to download some of them. When I click on the one that I want, it pops up a menu that says run or save. I have tried to click "run" and nothing has happened. I tried it again and this time I clicked on...
Hello everyone Has anyone downloaded and installed and used the file please? If so, How so? I find it quite confusing. regards francois :cry: :cry:...
In my FS 2004 the fuel is diplayed in gallons and pounds but in FSX it is metric. Is there a way to change FSX to gallons and pounds instead of litres and kilogrammes? Simmy...
Hi - I am planning a trip around the world in several stages - got loads of scenery but am having trouble finding add-on aircraft that is compatible with 64-Bit Vista and FS2004. Anyone got a similar situation and had some luck finding some? Payware p...
Hi, Anyone knows where I can get the AI traffic download. I used to have it on my previous laptop, basically air traffic in any world region showed local airlines at airports and also ATC called the real airlines. For example flying in DFW I could see/he...
Hi, Does anyone have problems with real weather. Looks like the weather is frozen in some past time and is not updating. It always used to resemble quite accurately the conditions and today it does not. Clicking the static weather still downloads and ins...
Having run FS9 for a couple of years now without any major faults, I recently did a major update with upgraded airports etc. All appeared fine for a while, but recently I have started to get flickering lines (like a bad video recording) across the scre...
I have noticed on a lot of coastlines and rivers that I am getting lines (best described as looking like sand banks) where scenery either has been or should be. It's kind of like looking at the coastline with a sandbank outline, then filled with sea behin...
I installed FS9 on my new Vista laptop along with a couple aircraft(pmdg 737 600/700, and erj145 pic). i'm having several problems. first, i can't get the game to start with the pmdg or erj145. i have to start with the cessna default and then change a/...
I'm about to take off, And I lift off the runway and a couple of seconds later BAM! My frame rates drop from about 30 FPS to 5FPS. I wait about 40- 60 seconds then it returns to about 30, then a couple of seconds later it happens again. I recently tried W...
hi , when i load up a flight in fs9 and my plane is at the gate or is parking my plane moves forward slowly , the parking brake is set and my throttle is off and even when i turn the engines off the plane creeps forward , for example if i leave my plane ...
I was going to download the FS9.1 no CD crack from our file library, but I read the reviews and somone said that it didn't work with the update. 😞 Is this true? Thanks....
ok so last night i installed the iFly 747 and went too bed then i woke this morning to play and the rudders (or whatever you wanna call that fin thing) kept going to the right so i tried another plane and same thing tried a vehicle and it still didnt work...
i'm just looking to get a laptop in the $500-$600 range. there are a lot of laptops, but don't know what to look for. i'm not using it as my main computer, so spending more is not an option. anybody have experience playing fs9 on a less expensive lapto...
Hi I picked up FS2004 and proceeded to do the first lessons etc - they went pretty well except I got annoyed when in a couple Rod ended the lesson cos I "appeared distracted?!", especially in the solo flight it was annoying because i was about to land....
I stumbled on a couple of links for a site called UKMIL, but trying to access the site is another matter, all the links to it seem to be dead, has it gone down or is it a server problem, anybody know?...
Just completed a fresh install of FS2004. Using the NO CD Crack, or running from Disk 4 does not change problem. PROBLEM: FS9 Loads Scenery/Texture/Seasons 3 times at startup. In addition if I start at an Airport where the Real Time is Dark, when I...
Hi everyone! Recently i have downloaded PMDG 747-800, wached videos in youtube and so on..but now i want to train in my country, making flyghts from EYVI (Vilnius) to EYKA (Kaunas) (here are charts ), and here is the prob...
Also me and another enthusiast are going to do a flight. With a lancaster, Spitfire and a hurricain anyone eles intrested? ...
Hi all It's been a long time since I last posted anything - many months of happy flying!! I have found however a constant annoyance. Everytime without fail I come into land at London Heathrow, FS2004 always crashes, coming up with a notice saying so...
Where can I find an AN-224, or any Antonov transports??...
Can you perform auto landings? If so how? I love doing hand landings but sometimes auto landings would be easy....
Yep its in the name. Please give me step by step instructions...
Can someone tell me if there is a way of saving my flights mid-flight?? I like doing the longer flights. I want to be able to reload flights from where I left off. I may be being a complete muppet here if there is a way of saving....
Hi! I want to start going around world but not as a world tour... I want to make it as a puzzle... Flying various flights until they are all connected around the world. My issue is that i dont want to manually manage all this so i thought to c...
Hi guys! My laptop and home pc have nVidia cards. Until now i am using nHancer for tweaking for my cards. But i think i will switch to Rivatuner for it has better and more tweaks. Does anybody has a basic guide for FS2004-specific settings for ri...
Hi, I just got a copy of FS2004 century of flight... I have a basic question, each time I start the game from my desktop, it asks me to insert disc no. 4??? Is this normal? and do I need to do this each time I want to run FS2004? IT seems kinda dumb to ha...
Is there any software/program that can help sort my ai traffic files? I have many and from differents sources (woai, MRAI.....). I want to be able to sort these .bgl files based on airline name and schedule season (e.g summer 2008 etc). Basically so th...
FsPassengers is AMAZING. It's got everything you need to start flying right off the bat! All menus are used during flight, and it's super easy to learn. Anyone, ANYONE, even Radarman, with his TailDraggers would love this! What you get during a flig...
Hi When I press ALT+Enter for windowed mode after, I have started a flight in FS9, I can't get back to full screen mode. FS9 freezes up, I can't use the mouse (the cursor starts flickering) and I have to CTRL/Alt/Del to exit and start all over again. ...
I recently deleted all of FS9 on my PC because I was having problems with my computer. However, I know can't re-install it! I insrt the first disk, it gets to about 20% then says : Setup failed to extract files from D:\MSGAME1.CAB. This is most likely ...
Hi... As we all know, when installing the Waikato aircraft carrier, the aircraft is on the elevator at the lower lever. When trying to place an aircraft on the flight deck by using the map and editing the altitude, heading, location etc, and with the al...
Ok so i uninstalled fs2004 cuz i had so many planes that didnt work and it wouldnt log my flight time Can some please help me?...
I was wondering if there were any good Airbus A340-600 and A310's (I'd prefer Aeroflot for A310), cause im not paying right now for payware 😀...