Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
do you ever chase them? fly with them? i have started to do this just messin around. i find it not too hard to fly with the ga stuff if i am flying something comparable. however, tonight i was trying to fly with a 737 while i was in a raptor. i found...
Ok gentlemen, lets talk Turkey! Or at least let's talk VORs. Inspired by my recent adventure in navigation (chronicled elsewhere in these very pages) but equally frustrated by my inability to make sense out of the VOR needle, I decided to try a little ...
Hey this is kind of an open ended question but i was wondering: I already own: PMDG 737NG LDS 767-300 CS B757-200 ESDG C750 Flight1 B727 Notes: 1) I was t...
Why does that annoying overspeed message with the alarm sound when the aircraft is no where near its top speed? Is there any way to disable that feature?...
Just recently I dont know what Ive done but whenever I go into spot mode the camera zooms right up to the plane so I dont get a good view. Ive tried zooming out but it does no good it gives a real strange perspective. Does anyone know how to fix thi...
As I'm flying about on my current project to recreate all the default historic flights in FS9, I'm always on the lookout for interesting spots that might pose a particular flight challenge. This is about just such a spot. Its close to where I proposed...
Hi, Does anyone know how to program an approach into the FMC so that you get lined up to the runway when coming in to land? I am able to program the FMC from point A to point B, but I just end up flying over the airport and I do not come into the ru...
I am having a problem with some aircraft, not only addons but the flight sim9 aircraft from time to time. Some times the planes vear right on the runway/I have callibrated the joy stick but I am unable to get some of the callibrations to go to there l...
Can anybody tell me how to get the FMC and the digital display (which shows the bank angle etc.) to work when were about to go in the PSS Dash-8-300? I start off with engine off only, and then when I start up the engines the displays dont come off. I've...
Before we start moving all of the add-ons out of FS2004 on this Web site, as some have already gone, it might be interesting to look at flyaway's poll entitled, "Have you ordered your copy..." So far, almost 46 percent have answered either "No" or "I'm fi...
Hey i need help with this md-80. i have downloaded it from and it didn't give me directions. so i cold really use help FAST!!!...
Just wondering how many people use addons on their flightsim. What's the majority?...
Morning Pilots! I’d just like to post a big thankyou to “ARD-DC” for his ongoing and comprehensive help in making this Badger a little more informed as he sits scratching his head in the cockpit of his Cessna. After a number of extremely helpf...
I know i have put this in the other forum as well, but i need my answer, please, fast cause the other forums a bit slow (dont mind if u delete the other one plz) this is the first section of my .CFG file (texture folder where ive saved the new livery is ...
Is there any place to obtain a CD version of a Boeing 757 jet for FS 2004? Downloading is just too difficult for me. Thank you ahead of time....
I'm looking to build a throttle quadrant for dual-prop planes, and have been looking around at sites that show how to make them. I have found a few which are pretty useful, but I'm really not that good with electrics or programming, so wondered if anyone ...
Dear All, I know nothing about how to fly a plane. I am very much interested to learn how. What is the easiest way to do that? Thank you. Is there a book or a software to download so it can teach you how to fly a plane !!?? Adnan...
hey everyone, just wondering, where can we get the runaway end lights and addons for the runaway to make it more realistic? ive already got real environment professional. thanks in advance...
hello! I am wondering with the specs i have for my computer, is it good enough to have descent results in fs2004 with no problems?(after some tweaks) Pentium 4 2.8 GHZ 512 mb of ram (may update to 1gb) 532 mhz FSB BFG Nividia Geforce 6200 OC 256m...
Hey guys, I have had this problem where my some buttons don't work (at random commands) FS. For example I can't open doors anymore by Shift + E, or start my engines by Ctrl + E. They just don't work. Also here is another wierd thing; when i press Shift...
While my FS2004, Installs I get this: too bad ya cant repair with fs2004,well i uninstalled fs2004 a million times and it still didnt stop saying that pic,(well something like that p...
I know how to fly an ILS, but I don't know the radio telephony and what you say at what point. Can anyone help or tell me any websites?...
Hallo; I have just installed just flight traffic 2005 for fs 2004, but i am somehow dissappointed with the program...i discovered that not all airports of the world are included, which means that you will not see AI traffic at alot of small airports wh...
hi i've been trying to autoland some a/c on fs9 and it doesn't really work so good.. I did get it to work one time but the landing was so hard i ended up crashing and decided that i didn't want to use it after that haha. If you can help on something,ma...
Hi everyone, I just reinstalled Flight Simulator 2004, and now whene I try to start it, it make an error message... AppName: fs9.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00001010 Help please !...
hello i sthere any ways to chang your comm in the game and have teamspeak chanel???...
I picked up FS2004 the other night after reading how much better the performance was than FSX. When I first ran it, the aircraft preview panel was blacked out. I opened up in safe mode, set my settings a little lower. It began showing the planes. When...
hey.. Does anyone know where I can find a original model of the Airbus 310??...
Hello, I just ordered a new computer with the Windows Vista operating system. The question I have is, will fs2004 run on Windows vista? Is there anyone who is currently running fs2004 under this configuration?...
Sorry if this is out of topic but whats the meaning of: TTAF,SMOH when real aircrafts ar listed for sale? Thanks...
:cry: Everything was going great flying "just flights" A330 and then I started having a problem with the wheels failing to retract upon takeoff. Anyone else have this problem. And how did you solve it? Thanks....
Hey there, Ok so everytime I fly either the A340 or the A340-600 it always stalls!!! I've even tried flying it on a low climb rate but still once it reaches a about 20,000 ft it begins to stall! If anyone out there knows what the prob is... I would ...
Hi, Just wondering if there is anywhere that you can download new SID/STARS for your PMDG FMC? For example, I don't currently have any information for Luton or Paris Charles De Gaulle airports. Thanks Leachus...
I would like to insert some Longitude/Latitude waypoints into a flight plan I found for Los Angeles Int'l to Haneda airport, Japan. The "NOPAC" track "F" looks like this: RZS LIBBO BRINY BOARS AMAKR REDWD UNVER 42N130W 48N140W 52N150W 54N160W 54N170W ...
Is there anyway to change the color of the canopy glass of aircraft in FS2004? Most of the free downloadable aircraft have really unnnatural blueish or grayish tone of the glass which completely changes the view throught the virtual cockpit and mostly rui...
does anyone know where i can find the fs9.cfg file if it is in its default position? thank-you 🙂...
Hi guys I have a bit of a odd situation, me and my brother both run FS2004 on pretty much identical systems and we recently installed the Boeing Demonstrator 575-200 aircraft on both machines from the same .ZIP file off our network share... For some st...
Does anybody think there will be a day when amazing payware will get old and start showing up in places like Avsim? :drool: I am also looking for a scenery of the factory where the Concorde was built....
Is there anyway to change the color of the canopy glass of aircraft in FS2004? Most of the free downloadable aircraft have really unnnatural blueish or grayish tone of the glass which completely changes the view throught the virtual cockpit and mostly rui...
Hello. i want to buy this game, is it any good???? when it says vehicles, objects, cars, buses, service vehicles and the refueling truck etc what do they do are they jst around the plane doing nothing???...
Hey Peeps, I am trying to fly my approaches using the FMC in my PMDG 737. Am i right in thinking that you need a SID/STAR to actually preform the approach? Its just that I have been trying without either a SID or STAR and although the FMC is getting...
Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/XP/2000 PC with 450 MHz equivalent or higher processor 128 MB of system RAM for 2000/XP, 64 MB RAM for 98/Me 1.8 GB available hard disk space 4x speed or faster CD-ROM drive 8 MB video card required Sound card, speakers o...
When I load the CD for Ground Environment all i get is an error message saying the following. Executable 'E:\setup.exe' has the following unrecoverable error: Couldn't find library MSVCR80.dll (C:\Progra-1\WifD1FN1\mpShHook.dll) Any ideas where the...
Hi All could anyone please tell me if you can get road traffic for flight sim 2004 ie like in fx 10 thank you...
I've got both these programs but i dont know which is the better of the two. I had MytrafficX for FSX but im reverting back to FS2004 as it runs at MAX. Can anyone offer any suggestions, as i only want to install it once as i am gonna have trouble tryi...
where is the TO/GA engage switch located on the plane i could no find it on the throttle quadrant....
heey.. 😀 can anyone tell me what autorudder means/is for?...
how do you get the push back to turn? i press shift + p then 1 or 2 on the keypad with the num lock on and nothing happens. what am i doing wrong?...
Got given this as a present..... Already had a few freebie Airbuses, but this package doesnt seem to bad. Virtually the whole Aribus fleet, (but not A380 for some reason) including the new A350, and A rudimentary FMC, and some verbal warnings... Do...
I'm finally getting good enough to hit the spot when I land choppers. Accordingly, I went looking for a rooftop heliport to polish my act but I can't find any. I'd greatly appreciate it anyone could steer me to a heliport(s) in FS2004. If there are a...