Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
I'm finally getting good enough to hit the spot when I land choppers. Accordingly, I went looking for a rooftop heliport to polish my act but I can't find any. I'd greatly appreciate it anyone could steer me to a heliport(s) in FS2004. If there are a...
Guys, remember this thread?? Well, after HOURS of playing around with this thing, I have discovered that the slowness issue is being caused by the CH USB Yoke. When I unplug ...
My FS9 doesnt want to load up, i click on the icon so i can start the sim... it sounds like it is loading and you see the Flight Simulator 2004 screen on the screen. After a while it just stops and disappears, it just doesnt want to load up. i was ok unti...
Hi Peeps, I have just installed FS2004 on my Vista machine. Everything is working surprisingly well considering - but I have a slight issue with FSUIPC. Whenever I try and load an aircraft that needs this module, Flight Sim just crashes and closes. ...
Hi Im a complete newbie having a problem with the GPS. :cry: When I am in free flight mode and I select an airport to land at I cant activate the the landing vector thing (the little purple line that shows you which way you should be approaching t...
Although Microsoft publish a list of commands in the manual and in the Help files I often see articles on this forum where some key board commands are quoted which I cannot find in this literature. Is there a source available for all the commands? ...
i know when the size of a texture is smaller i twill give you better frame rates when you play the wont necesarrily look better u just get better frame rates.......does microsoft give us a program so we can edit the file sizes ourselves ins...
Hello, Just a quick question for all people out there using the CH Products Pro Pedals Gameport version: How do I get these to work?? I downloaded the drivers, plugged in the pedals to the gameport and added the hardware in the 'game controllers' pa...
hi, I am new to this forum but i had a question for those using Vatsim to fly... I tried to sign up yesterday for it but they did not accept my email. 🙄 thing is i ony have a yahoo email but they require some sort of official email. i looked for ...
I recently downloaded a MELJET paint kit and installed it without any problems. However........When I start FS, I get the following: ERROR - FS9 FS has detected a potentially incompatible aircraft or software. FSSound.dll Do you want to load th...
my pc is not the best in the world and upgrading is NOT possible now......just to give u a little info about my pc....the cpu runs at 500 mhz.....i no...its horrible.............but does anyone have a SPACIFIC link to were i can download some replacement ...
When I first plugged in my joystick the sensitivity was perfect. I would need to pull all the way back to take off etc. When I installed the latest drivers for the stick the sensitivity changed so when I pulled back on the stick it would also bank left or...
Ummm i just baught the saitek x52 joystick and throttle thing. It works great and looks cool and all but when i start up fs2004, and get on the runway and take off, the throttle pedals get stuck at like 54% left or something wierd (diffrent every time) an...
Hi Guys, I just ordered Radar Contact today. I was having a quick scan through the manual, and it looks as if you need some additional software to create flight plans. This software I think would need to be compatable with Radar Contact. I would be...
Hi, I have a very big problem when driving Beechcraft Baron which is used for CPL. It's called a complex aircraft, right? My problem is when I use the plane, the bank level also not stable - it always tends to the left and the elevators are very very su...
I'm going to take the entrance exam to join Air France VA. What can I study so I am ready?...
Got FS9 COF up and running this afternoon and WOW WOW WOW!!! Tried simple scenery and it flew super smooth, Tried with low/med scenery and clouds, still silky smooth with NO jumping or juddering....gonna try more settings later. One thing though.... Ac...
I'm having a terrible time withTwinkling or fluttering what ever you want to call it. In 2004 the trees, buildings and even the runway seem to come alive when you start moving. Have fooled with AA, AFiltering and MMapping till I'm blue in the face and no...
hi i've been on flight simultors for a while now, but the only thing i don't know how to do is tune for a ils landing, i don't know where you find the frequency from which you have to enter. also i don't know where you enter this frequency. could someone ...
Hi Is it just me or are the "view" controls for FS9 a little hit and miss? For the moment at least I'm limited to using an old Sidewinder joystick with no POV, so I have to reply on keyboard inputs for my views. Well "S" and "Shift-S" seem to wor...
Can you please send me the download link....
Simple question. How do you save a flight in mid-flight? Thanks...
Hello, 1st time here, have a question about how to change the fictitous airline names with fs2004 to something more realistic. I just read in pc aviator magazine that it is easy to do, but i cannot figure out how. Any help would be appreciated....
I have just purchased The following: Flight Environment Ground Environment I'm a little worried that it will slow the frame rate down too much in FS2004. My machine is as follows: Dell Dimention DIM5000 P4 3Gig CPU 1Gig Ram Radion X300 128...
Well, see.. i purchased the pmdg 747-400 package from the company a week ago. I was soo excited to fly that big bird!! however**** when i installed it, and flew it.. seconds later in the game the Panel readings turn off on them selves.. i dont know why th...
Hear AI banded about, what is it?...
Can anyone tell me how to install the FS2004 GPS in to an add-on aircraft and panel and gauge editing in general. Thanks....
I've installed an add-on aircraft to FS9 and it loaded ok but now I'm getting an error message when I try to run FS9: 'Please insert disk 4' even though its in the drive. The drive also makes some strange noises. The drive appears ok in device manager so ...
Hello. You know when you switch to external view and zoom in towards the cockpit and you can see the pilots sitting in the seats, is there any way that you can put your own face onto the pilots body so it looks like you are the pilot flying the plane? ...
how do you declare an emergency in fs 2004 to any airport that you need to land at urgent. thanks...
:oops: Where can I get this file? (DSB's Typhoon afterburn effect) Thanks...
Would FS2004 COF load ok if bought from someone else who has already used it? Just want to make sure that Microsoft wont see it on their server and stop me using the software. There's a copy of COF on ebay....
I know that AA is Anti Aliasing but whats XAF mean and what does it do? Ta...
I installed FSUIPC on FS2004. Without registration, the aircraft radar works, doing registration it doesn't work. Could anyone help me, please?...
Hi Just wanted to say hi and hope to gleem loads of tips from this great forum/website. Getting FS2004 next week and a joystick tomorrow. I used to have 2002 which was great but gave it up when my PC went south!! 😞 Anyway back in the cockpi...
Why do i have to keep re-assigning my "button 2" to my previously assigned command evrytime i restart fs4, even though the joystoick assignment settings list is clearly dsiplaying it correctly???...
Does any1 know where you can improve the grass and make it more realstic? thanks...
Guys, are there any known performance issues between FS9 and SP2? I'm still having that slowdown/timing issue. It happens intermittently meaning sometime I can get it to work, but it takes HOURS of fiddling around with different things before it works l...
When I fly an ILS approach into PAJN Juneau, Alaska from the east on approach to rwy 26 ATC has me fly an approach into Juneau over the mountians, this is very unreallistic, it does the samething with all ai traffic. The normal approach to rwy 26 is to f...
Hi, Can anyone advise me on how to properly use the rudder in FS9! I'll explain; when taking off in a crosswide, using the rudder by pressing either Keypad 0 or Keypad Enter just once causes far too much direction change. When landing in a crosswind,...
How do you turn on runway lights at an unattened field after dark? Do you tune in Unicom and key the mic?...
whats a crossway?...
When I set the weather to very cloudy with overcast, then everytime i climb into the clouds, the screen should be turning gray (orthe colour of the clouds) but when I go into the clouds, they disappear, I can see the ground all the way from 33,000 ft and ...
Hello all, I use CH Products Yoke and Pro Pedals (gameport version). But all of a sudden they both don't work anymore. Normally you would connect the yoke to the pedals and the pedals to the gameport, but since that didn't work, I tried connecting ...
people have suggested to update the afcad files i have downloaded 2 from avsim for ksfo but i dont know what to do with them? it says jus put them in the addon scenery folder. is that all i do? will this then create more parking spaces for aircraft?...
how do we stop ATC sling shotting us between two frequencies??? ive done a couple of flights and first it tells me to go to london centre and then to manchester and then back etc......
I note that when I install aircraft into FS9 I can't find them in the Aircraft folder although they are in FS2004's list of available aircraft. Putting them in from a download that does not contain an "install" icon is no problem. Does anybody have ...
Mabey I just had bad luck but I instaled a free version of AI traffic and at first it was fun. Then it started messing the game and my computer up. I don't know what the problem was but it was bad. I used to load files directly on tho my computer but I no...
Hello I have purchased M$ Windows XP x64 Edition (64 Bit Edition). I am running a 'AMD Athlon 64 4800+" Processor so XP Pro x64 should install because i have a 64 Bit processor. When i install XP 64 (Booting from cd when pc starts up) I formatt hard...
Does anyone know when and if Direct X 10 is gonna come out for XP and not Vista?? would be better for fs2k4...thanks...