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Hey there Simmers, Just a quick question, (an probably a bit daft) How do you engage the Pitot heat on the default 747-400? ❓ ❓ I cant see a switch for it, is it just the "de-icing" toggle. My assumption was the De-Icing was jus...
Need a download to beable to get passengers on small aircraft like helecopters and Cessna :help!:...
Evening All I'm upgrading my pc. Here are my CURRENT Specs ATI Readeon X800 pro (256mb) 1GB Ram 250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe Motherboard And i've ordered a AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Processor. Would this increase FPS and stop stut...
How can i make the Autogen be drawn in the distance, insted of it being drawn when i am near by. I have sight distance to max and all sliders maxed out. Thaks...
Looking for an add-on G1000 panel for any aircraft in FS 2004. Ideas?...
😕 I cant' seem to start at a gate... I've looked in all settings, tried all planes, and nothing. I jsut start on the runway... but I want to taxi and do all that crap... do I need to download any software or anything?...
i mean i cant adjust it! i tried using the mouse, the 1 and 7 buttons, and the buttons on my joystick. it doesnt move. and its stuck at full up. so to fly level i have to hold almost full forward stick. i tried rebooting, and re-installing the game,...
i would like to know if the wilco A380 add on works on fsx? and how?...
Hi, I have been downloading a few airbuses lately, but they all seem REALLY underpowered. I just got an a321 and it was set at 31,000lbs of thrust, but i adjusted that to 40,000. At intial climb, I set the IAS to 260 KTS, but at 20,000ft, it started...
Have tried to edit the oil pressure in the air file on an aircraft with AirEd but even after I save it - bang its back to the original numbers. Never had this problem before. Any suggestions appreciated. The numbers for the oil pressure are only ha...
Hey, I was wondering if you know what sort of fps I should be getting? I have: 7800GT 512 450Mhz 2GIG of ram 250GIG Hard Drive AMD 4400 64 *2 Abit ANV-8 mobo Any tips on what settings are a killer to fps? I get between 30-40. I think I should g...
I have ordered a new computer, and I wondered if there was anyway I could transfer cargo pilot to my new pc without buying it again. Thanks in advance....
If anybody told me this ...I swear....I'd think they were making it UP!! After hauling my pitful(ly LARGE)BUTT in a coach seat across the flappin' continent to JFK yesterday....all I want DESPERATELY to do is get OFF of this aluminium TUBE and go have...
In the half way to Inchoen Int. from O'hare.. about 40,000 ft... Some werid rainbow (changing color) clouds suddenly showwed up.. any idea??? Color changes very rapidy.. sometimes it disappear then show up again.. Is this natural effect or game bug?? t...
Hello flight fans and fellow pilots. This site is pretty cool. I have many neat planes and extra scenery downloaded to my computer for FS 2004. I am having a few problems though. Some of the files don't work, no matter what I do to put them on my system t...
are these two programs the same or are they different. i currently have and enjoy fspassengers should i purchase fs crew and if so can i run the two of them at the same time..oh yeah i just purchased radar contact also. thanks for any input....
Is it possible when plotting a course to determine when the VOR will be recieved by the aircraft en route? In other words can I determine that VOR B will come to life, for example, when I am 10nm from VOR A? I have been ploting courses using VOR's i...
When I fly and change the weather to real world, the active runway doesn't change. For example, the active will be 6 but the winds are 334 at 16. I'll ask for a 33 app. but will get a circle to land command for 6. Does anyone know how to fix this?...
Hey everyone, After doing the traffic pattern lesson in FS2004 I was wondering....The traffic pattern hight is set at 1500 ft in the lesson. This means you have to descent earlier, make the turn to crosswind leg while the airplane is still climbing, et...
Somehow have turned on an electrical system failure and can't get it turned off/repaired. All indicators look like it shouldn't be there. Think it might have come from trying to fly one of the older planes. Have tried uninstalling and reloading the FS, bu...
Hey guys, I have been having trouble with Auto Screen Recorder 2 free version. Auto Screen Recorder 2 Free is at, and scroll down until you get to the section labeled "Help Files and Free Programs ...
Hi, I want to edit (modify) an airport, and maybe design one. What programe should i use? Ta!...
I have purchased Ultimate Traffic, because Traffic 2005 was Sooooooooooooo Unreal. One of the reason's i purshased UT is because it has TCAS (Something i'v been wanting for a while). I have installed it to the aircrafts using the UT gauge installer but du...
Hi Guys, I am practising the PMDG type rating course 4..I have never faced this problem before..Here are the steps that i follow: 1) Select Clb-2 for the climb thrust in the FMC. 2) Set brakes to RTO 3) Bring up thrust to 70% 4) Hit TOGA. 5) At ...
Ok so I know how to add flights useing airplans and ttools, but when I try to use a helicopter it never works. any advise? Thanks Scott...
Does anyone know where I can find Van Nuys Airport with the Santina Air Hangor? Thanks Scott...
Hi peeps, I am really loving my PMDG 737-700 which I am flying with Easyjet colours, but i am having a few problems when it comes to starting the engines. I have the APU running ok, everything seams fine, but when I stick the ignition switch to both an...
Hi. I want to edit some code in the fs9.cfg but the problem is i cant find it in my M$ F$ main folder....
Hey can you guys help me to find where I can download the Active Camera, because I am kinda boored with the regular views in FS2004. Thanks in advance. Tiger...
Is there any thing out there that will improve my ATC, make it more real? Thanks...
Is there a download that i can get the weather shown om my GPS, Just like they do in real life. Does FSX have this feature? Thanks...
Does anyone know of any site that has freeware Jetways? After creating a Flight Plan with Route Finder, I would like to actually see the flight plotted on Jetways. Thanks in advance....
😞 Just got the FS2004 no-CD patch installed. Still ask for disk 4. Any suggestions? Ron...
I just upgraded my video card drivers to the newest offering from nVidia and now all my planes are pink on the outside view in FS 2004 In FSX the native airplanes work fine but all the ones I imported from FS9 are pink too. Is there a setting that will...
When flying an IFR, ATC tell me "DY478, You are 69miles, turn right heading 58, descend and maintain Fl10, Expect vectors for r/w 27L" I descend to this flight level using the default descent rate, -1800fpm. I soon descend to my current level. The atc tel...
I've had FS2004 for about 4 weeks now and I'm not sure what the various buttons on the default comm/nav radio stack are (on the 172, mooney, etc) Are there any good instructions on its use? For example, buttons HD, APG, NAV, APR, REV, ALT, BFO, IDT.......
I have seen a screen shot, NOT Edited. that has 3d grass, Its not flat like the default fs grass, this, you can actually see the grass. I hear that its an add-on for fs, its freewear but cant find it any where. Help (I'll try and find the S/S to show y...
Hi, i have a question about the beechcraft king air 350 default aircraft in fs9. The vref chart tells me that i should be lading at 109 kias. i use the autopilot till the last 100 feet and then land it. however when as i approach i slowly decrease the spe...
Is it possible to do reverse thrust during the descent to slow you downin fs2004? When i was going to Brazil, Salvador in a 767-300 the pilot reversed thrust to slow us down, Why cant you do this in fs2004? (I press and hold F2). Is there a line that i ca...
Hi Everyone, I am having difficulties with FS X, abouut 20 mins into flight when I change the view from outside spot back to cockpit the computer goes to blue screen and restarts my computer. it only happens when I change views. I have tried reinstalling ...
While running ActiveSky weather my computer crashes from time to time. It does it while it is checking for updates. My computer is very powerful so I am sure that is not the problem. Are there ports I need to open in my router? Please help....
I just flew a real plane for the first time yesterday an intro to my flight lessons I have all the books and what not my instructer let me taxi and oh boy its not like it is in the simulator its much much harder (Or I was nervous) ;) but That should be im...
I just arrived back today from sunny Brazil after a 2 week holiday. I was squashed in a My Travel 767-300 plane for 10 hour flight from Salavdor (SBSV) -> Gatwick (EGKK). When we took off from Salavdor at about 8PM (Brazil Time)the pilot turned on the ...
Hi all, I just finished a trip across the USA, recreating the 1911 flight by Calbraith Rodgers, the first successful flight all the way across the US. Rodgers did it in a Wright EX biplane, but lacking that, I flew it in a Piper Cub. This is one of t...
it seems that most of their planes should be updated for free including the c-130 mabye not the 727 but most definatly the c-130 as the 757 is going to be updated for fsx...
Hello I am going to build a new system and i was wondering if i could use AMD Athlon 64 X2 (Dual Core) with ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe Motherboard. A Friend of mine rekons you can, but it dosn't say anything on the box or manual that you can use a Dual Core P...
i was wondering if anyone here knows how to fix/calibrate the old xbox controllers because mine is stuck in scrolling up....
Hi Can anyone tell me why every time I go to fly a plane the engine is always running ? I have started from Gates/Ramps/Runway and they are always running. 🙄 Is there a way of starting with them off ❓ cheers Mark...
Hello, i have owned this game for a year and had a saitek x45 controller that my uncle, who is a whiz at this game, set up perfectly. The assigments were just fine, but that joystick broke after falling. I received a Saitek x52 for christmas, and have ins...
i recorded sum video clips while playing flight simulator 2004 but i just cant seem to get them to be converted into windows media player. movie maker, real one etc. how do i do this?...