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Please can you help me. I downloaded Hawaii Scenery files. What are files with extension .mesh ? And do I install them? ...
I added several airports. Some of those I added wiped out the terminal buildings. Nothing I have tried has resolved the issue....
I just loaded a completely new version of Windows 7 into my computer because the old one was corrupt, to say the least. I need a no cd patch for FSX. I found it on this site before but for some reason, the search isn't working (just like most forums searc...
How do you read how fast you are going in the Bombardier and can't find it? please comment...
At present, I can only go for free-flight starting from the runway. How do I start at Gate and taxi to the runway? Please help!...
I'm trying to figure out how to turn on the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) on a Wilco B777, but I suppose any newer Boeing (767, 757) will operate similarly. The manual hardly mentions the existence of the system. The feelthere forum makes o...
I noticed in the ad for FSX that the airport gate can be moved closer to the airplane door. Does anyone know how to move the gate? Let me know, please. I think it would be cool....
Does anyone know, who can help me with taking off on the aircraft carrier using the catapult please ? Could someone please post "THE IDIOTS GUIDE", as I have tried so many times with the instructions given on the tutorial....
Can anyone remember what the default airport was in the previous versions ie 95,98, 2000 etc, I completely forgot? Cheers Andy ps, Does anyone have a Geforce 7900GTX, Im trying to find the best driver for my card helpp ty...
How can I turn off the overspeed indicator? All of my airplanes warning systems starts beeping as soon as i exceed 340 knots? how can I cancel this so it doesn't give any warning when I go with 550 knots? Thanks...
Hi Again, I've been flying the Boeing 737 most of the time, however, I would like to fly the bigger 747. I flew the Monsoon Approach and really like to fly this big fella. It's more or less similar to flying like the Boeing 737 but on a larger scale...
How do you set up Flight Sim X to use dual monitors? Thank you for your time....
How do you do this? Can you actually get people actually putting cargo in the plane?...
I am new to Microsoft Flight Sim, but have flown some other games where you can time accelerate. I don't want to spend 8 hours staring at a computer screen if I want to fly from Seattle to London...... Can this be done in FSX?...
Hi there, My joystick (Logitech Extreme 3DPro) throttle control doesn't work properly anymore in FSX. Power can be set to between approx. 20 and 60%, sometimes it won't even do that. Joystick calibration works OK, and RAW data look good. Everything wor...
Not sure if this was posted yet but does anybody know how to light the afterburners on the F/18 SUPER HORNET? Or any jet for that matter.Thanks....
Sorry for my worst English Hello people, I lost my product key for FSX Gold Edition. Do anybody know what i can do for a new product key? Greetzzz Guest. Don't say that i must buy the game in a shop because i already have the CD for it. DISC ...
I bought a Microsoft FSX and do not have the product key, can someone help me by telling where i can find a key? pleaseeeeeeeee
Hi, I have read all the commands available for FSX and looked everywhere I can think of. and I am embarased to admit I can't figure out how to shut down and start up the engines on my aircraft. :oops: It just never came up before. The Engine commands li...
I understand how to fly an ILS into an airport, however, I do not know how to set it up, as in the flying lessons it is all pre-set and you just have to fly in. This made the Schipol - Heathrow / Rotterdam mission quite difficult as there was very little ...
So, I recently saved up for a CH products flight yoke and FSX SE. it gets here, I set it up. Then I go into Buttons/Keys to set it up there, and my axis are being controlled by the throttle quadrant. The throttle is Z, the prop is Y, and the Mix is X. I t...
Anyone know if there's a way to get progrssive reverse thrust, or even full reverse on/off? From my joystick I can only get 1% increments each time reverse thrust is triggered....
I am facing a problem. after successfully completing the instrument rating check ride, when I started my commercial pilot lessons, for whatever reason the instructor's voice is not coming in any lesson. also, I tried the first lesson, still the voice has ...
Hi I/ve been having and flying on FSX for probably around 7 Years. Created quite a few sceneries myself. But never really created a complete custom build Airport. Now at last decided to start something Big. I'm busy with the complete new rebuild of Won...
Does anyone know of any FSX software that allows you to enter the URL of a radio station, fix the coordinates of its antenna, and establish its range, in order to use it in the ADF? In Chile there are many small towns with local airports without VOR and N...
I have a Dell desktop Optiplex 7010. It had an Intel i5 3540 processor. I have an Nvidia (GeForce) 1650 graphics card and 16 GB of ram installed. I have the disk version of FSX (not Steam). I also have the ORBX scenery upgrades. With th...
My old Wingman joystick has about had it, it must be ten years old at least, time to get something new, looking at the Thrustmaster Airbus kit, but, will this only work with Airbus aircraft or is it OK for anything? Don't want to be restricted as to air...
Running FSX SP2, Windows 10, a fresh load ofFSX and SP1 & 2. Loaded the Sunderland from Just Flight, runs well, but for the first time I decided to fly missions, I don't usually, mainly because the Sundeland is rubbish taking off from a runway. The Missi...
Windows 10 running FSX in the past have had no trouble geting a screenshot. I have been using Mgrab.exe. In the past just click on Print screenand I would hve a jpeg picture go to my folder called grabs. Lately if I just hit print screen it wil take...
I have installed FSX Steam, however, because my D drive is dedicated to my CD, Which is used for running FS2020 Steam was installed in E drive, and there is no logbook, any suggestions, please? ...
Hello, I just acquired Prepar3D and enjoy flying imported missions with my favorite aircraft, Maryadi's CV-22. Is there a workaround in Prepar3D where I can, essentially, modify a mission with a different airfract than the one it was designed for? Thank...
when a jet descends, the one of the instruments makes a clicking sound. What is the clicking sound?...
Is it worth dumping windows 10 and going back to Windows 7 as none of the add-ons for FSX will work - including the Lancaster. The windows 10 file structure looks completely different....
Rewards Pilots earn rewards for completing various missions and reaching specific accomplishments throughout the game. The following is a list of known rewards: Trophies First Landing 25 Landings 100 Landings Landings at 10 Airports Bombar...
Having d/loaded and installed this software I need to remove it. Could some kind soul give me a steer as to how to do this as my Control Panel isn't helping. Many thanks....
Wo ist die Ölplattform zu finden?...
HELP i can install fsx (genuine copy) to my new pc running the above spex, but i get no desktopp short cut and cant find the directory anywhere on my pc. It runs once after install but after that nada! Any help out there? Ta Bill....
Hi, can anyone help me with this problem I want to try and alter the ILS 05R HECA the default has no ILS but in the scenery updates it has, I always thought when you install the sceneries they automatically install tha new readings for the runways. ple...
Can FSX be made to work in a Windows 10 Local / User Account? If so, please send directions or where to find them. If not, please let me know. Many thanks....
I would love to practice the ILS procedures but I need some other short flight plans. Here are the specs: 1 hour (or so) plan anywhere in world IFR only aircraft: 737 or airbus Maybe we could compile a list for all... - Kareem...
Bonjour à tous. J'ai un PC qui tourne sous Word 10 64 bits J'ai installé FSX sur ce PC en SP1, j'ai du désinstaller " ACCELERATION " SP2 car il empechait l'activation du Simulator. Donc mon FSX tourne uniquement en SP1. De ce fait normalement le F...
I am a brand new premium member of Fly Away. Yesterday I successfully downloaded and installed the Concorde. So far it looks good. Is there a manual available that tells you how to operate the Concorde? Thanks, Jim French...
I am still unable to completly re-install FSX Gold edition, all steps so far advised have been carried out which are: 1. verify that no leftover files/folders. 2. used a different 1 TB SSD for re-installation 3. reset the license key (had sucess repo...
Will deleting or disabeling secenery that is not being used at with the memory used? I get occasional freezes and the error message states that there is not enough memory to continue. Thoughts....🤔 Thank you...
I am trying to use an older Saitek yoke, throttle quadrant and rudder pedals with FSX Acceleration in the Kiosk mode. The controls work fine once an airplane is booted up, but I have been unable to find any way for the yoke, etc. to start the program in...
Can someone PLEASE tell me why all the FSX plane files went from an avarage of 28 MB to 400MB? Are they simply reverse engineered from the new version (which I don't care for)? Have ask 5 or 6 times but no one will answer....
For FSX, will Colorado Photoreal scenery work with ORBX Vectors or do I need UTX?...
So I just installed the FreeMesh X 2.0 files after downloading, extracting them and adding them to the scenery library. I then clicked the Ok button and as FSX began to build the database, errors kept popping up saying a file named Area.212 is missing. I ...
FSX-vliegtuigen. De navigatielichten zijn vierkant lichten geworden. Hoe kan ik dit veranderen in de standaard situatie? Ik heb van alles geprobeerd maar geen resultaat. Zelfs met CD herstart ...
whats up when landing a IFR flight to runway 30 and having a good approach the tower tells you to go around so you follow all the instructions (which seem to take you a long way out from the airport) and on approach again another go around. So i just land...