Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
My real world weather in FSX Accelleration Edition appears to be stuck on winter setting - EGKK London Gatwick is displaying 24 Deg F Dewpoint 15 Deg F Altimeter 29.86 - Light Snow for 13 June 2018. - Is anyone else experiencing problems. Have tried cl...
If I buy and register Pete Dowson's interfaceprogram (FSUIPC), can I have automatic real weather when flying over Europe? I installed also PMDG NGX. This works fine. But when installing real weather on FSX I always get negative temperatures and thus not...
My FSX has started giving me errors almost every day lately, if its not one error its another. Here's my latest when starting FSX. error ID = 25 (null) Here's what I have done. I've deleted FSX.exe thinking it would fix it, but doesn't, I've al...
Hi there, I have tried just about everything that I could think of to get the FMC working everything else works but the FMC.. What can I do to fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. I just installed the aircraft a couple of hours a...
Hi there, I was wondering what would be a root directory for FSX? I downloaded the Airbus 219 with FMC, I think that was the one. The tutorial told to put the FMC files in the root directory of FSX, Where ever they might be. Any help is greatly apprecia...
I don't know if anyone else has had this problem. I'm going to check it with my default planes to see if it is maybe a download issue. Anyway, I was taxi-ing a 777 down to the runway at Logan Int'l when I noticed sometimes it would just start bouncing and...
In the mission Catalina day spa, you fly to Santa Monica from Catalina to pick up a movie star. Anyways, your engine fails in midflight(over the ocean, ofcourse), and you are left to find a safe solution. My first time flying this I crash into the ground ...
I have recently downloaded the Alphasim thunderchief, After placing the aircraft folder in "sim objects/airplanes, effects folder in the main fsx effects , and the gauges folder in the fsx main gauges, I get no instruments either in 2D or VC cockpit??? Th...
Hi guys I’m having a problem in fsx as the glitching is really bad.i heard that you had find the games cache by going onto the properties of fsx and then find local files in order to find the cache but I can’t seem to find local files.does anyone know...
FSX on Windows 8.1, CH Pro Pedals, Beech Baron 58. Taxi to take off is great - pedals control braking, rudder and nose wheel steering just fine (at any reasonable taxi speed). However sometimes after landing (I mean a good landing) the braking and rudde...
Hi, I am confused about taxiways and taxi signs in FSX. Lets say I request taxi clearance. ATC saw something like: "Taxi to and hold short runway 09L using taxiway A B C, AB12" I will pushback and follow signs A, B and C to the runway. But let's say...
First off, I would like to learn what keyboard keys do what. For instance, minus keybacks out zoom, and combinations of keys do other things. I am running an Asus GTX1060 6GB video card. My goal is to run 3 monitors in surround, plus 1 for my control c...
I have a strange problem at EGGP. The ILS freq. is the same for both RWY 09 and 27, and whilst there is no problem on 09 (ILS descriptor ILVR), when approaching from the opposite end, RWY 27, the ILS received is still ILVR, not ILQ as it should be. ILS ap...
I have the captain sim C130 and B52. When it asks for a destination folder and I set one up in airplanes under sim objects the next button is grey. Can anyone please help? Thanks...
I think I have seen something on this before, but can't find it. The problem I am having is my taxiing is mostly out of control using Pro Pedals from CH Products. I have made sure I had all the latest drivers and I have changed the sensitivity levels on...
I have already looked upon the PMDG Support Forums, but no solution! I recently got the PMDG 737 NGX and everytime it loads up, a red X appears on the PFD. I know it has something to do with the TCAS, but I don't know how to get rid of it! I have AI Traff...
Hello, I have not used FS-98 for fifth million years. I broke down and purchased FSX Deluxe. I have Windows 8.1. I have Acceleration as well. I have searched and searched for ever to try to learn how to install them with as little trouble I can. I f...
Hi guys, got myself into a right state till 4am this morning trying to figure out where my AI traffic has gone? I did a clean install of FSX Gold and im running the following addons:- FTX GLOBAL BASE PACK FTX GLOBAL VECTOR PACK FTX openLC Base R...
I downloaded the Eastern L1011 plane. It says that I need- FSX Eastern Airlines L1011 Tristar Repaint of Thomas Ruth and Erick Cantu's L1011-100 in Eastern Airlines livery registration N311EA,cn 1012.Textures only requires base model (
Hi all, I've been struggling to get my FSX custom music to work. They are the exact same file format with the exact same properties, and it just goes silent when I choose the music. Please help!! I've tried LITERALLY everything, and it's still not workin...
Every time I start flight sim x, it asks for the product key. I type it in and it gives me the ID # but I still only have 30 minutes with the demo.???...
Hello folks I've been away from the forum for a few years. I want to say hi to all; and especially Radarman. 🙂 Recently I built my first computer. It's a high end rig and I'm thinking it is a good time to get back into flight simulation. I purc...
I'm very new to FSX and I have a question. I downloaded Mr. Kirk Olsson's F-86 Saber today, it was on the weekly specials that Fly Away emailed me. It flies fine but begins to shake very badly as it reaches 350 knots. Is this normal for a jet aircra...
Hello! I have a question that I would appreciate very much if you could answer me... I'm not a technical genious, so I don't know what's wrong... U see.. I have Aerosoft Oslo 2.0 and REX 4 Texture Direct. I am going to buy PMDG 737 NGX, and Aerosoft's ...
On a fresh start-up flight with the Boeing 777-200LR, available fuel shows 327,000 lbs. The aircraft barely wants to get off the ground, but is much improved once it burns off about 6,000 lbs of fuel. Is there anyway to tweek the amount of fuel you are st...
The ATC sound is off. Both tower and pilot. All other sounds are working OK. Any ideas?...
Hello all; I have finally cried uncle in trying to fix my FSX computer. I have Win 7 x64, 16gb I3 with 2 Geforce GT-430 pci cards and both FSX and FSX Steam installed. This problem happens on both versions of FSX. The system works perfectly as long a...
Very strange, all the appropriate "N" registrations are still there, you can still transmit/receive ATC transmissions, and all the 737-800 aircraft have gone "White!" I thought I got them back, checked all my default 747 aircraft, all intact, and when ...
I get error messages during FSX installation (Error 1722 and 1603) - can anyone help?...
when changing the heading in fs9 the aircraft spins on the map automatically . how can I get fsx to do the same ....
Hi Guys Im New Here so sorry if this isnt the right place to post, I have just put together a FSX Panel with Toggle switches but im having issues with turning things off in FSX as I have to turn the button off then on again to turn things off could someon...
Hello guys, I'm just getting back into flight simulators. I go way back to Falcon 3.0 which ran in DOS. I have several basic questions which I'm sure have been answered somewhere, but answers could save me a lot of time experimenting. I currently have ...
Im curious, what is the max altitude in FSX. In flight simulator 9 its only 99000 feet, can you go any higher in FSX? Also, can you fly directly over the north/south pole in FSX, or do they have the same problem as in FS9, where you hit an invisible w...
Just recently all aircraft exterior lights (Nav, beacons, strobes, landing lights) have squares surrounding them? Any suggestions on what I can do to eliminate them? Thanks - Rick...
Been having great luck downloading freeware Boeings. I haven't had any issues with ILS descent rates until I downloaded my most recent, a Boeing 777. All is fine with the aircraft picking up the ILS glide scope up until the descent point kicks in. The des...
Hi all, I just downloaded a freeware Cessna Skywagon 185. It has a foreign registry. I tweeked the CFG file for ATC using the aircraft numbers and ATC uses the callsign Experimental VH-DGL. In that this is a Cessna manufactured aircraft, how can I get rid...
Hoping someone might be able to help! When I download, I extract all the files and find them in my Simobjects Airplanes folder. I go to FSX and see the 2 aircraft in the selection area, but the preview and when trying to load the aircraft for free flight,...
Hi there, I was playing FSX, and i have inverted ailerons. when i pull back on the joystick, the nose goes down. When i push down, i climb.... :help!: But when I bank, it is perfectly fine... I've tried recalibrating too...
Hi guys! I recently reloaded FSX. Everything is working ok except the sound for the ATC. I made sure everything is correct in settings. I thought maybe I missed something, but I didn't. Any ideas? ...
Can i convert FSR video to a WAV file so that i can play it on my computer?...
I get this message when I try to launch the game. It was a copy and there is a crack folder included. I copied the 3 files in the folder but it is not working. Is there anyone who has this problem? I am thinking purchasing a original one, but I am not sur...
I had to reinstall my FSX software yesterday and I'm now having issues with my rudder pedals (Pro Flight Saitek). I am unable to fix the brakes issue, even after I checked the reverse boxes in the controls section for the pedals (toe brakes). The brakes r...
I have both FS2004 and FSX on my computer. After many months of being away from FS2004, I opened the program and it has a beautiful assortments of Cessna 182's which for the life of me, I can't understand why FSX didn't include them? Can these or even one...
When running FSX usually with an A2A Cessna 182 T, I periodically here a series of five beeps, all the same tone, lasting about three seconds in total. I think it happens in other planes too. It is not like a morse code ident. I operate with a Flight One ...
Hello, When I started flying PMDG 737 NGX and iFly, I really struggled in the first days, because it's not easy to fly such airplane specially without knowing the exact procedure that you must follow in order to start up the aircraft for example, well ...
I have been trying to remove all vestiges of FSX from my system in order to reinstall it. I uninstalled it through Programs and Features. However, it still appears as a shortcut on my front screen. In addition, there appears to be some leftover software b...
This aircraft is about to beat me! Can anyone out there tell me how they coordinate disengaging both the ATHR and AP buttons just prior to touchdown! I started disengaging the ATHR at 150' AGL, and all is fine until I disengage AP shortly after the ATH...
after I go through set up it say's "successful" but it won't load in game. Sirocco GTX is a cool boat, and i'd like to float it. can someone help?...
Hello. I have had an issue for a while now and I have done a lot to try and fix it with not result. I can't engage the autopilot speed hold for the default Microsoft 737-800. I have tried reinstalling the aircraft, reinstalling the entire game and verify...
I have Windows 10 and I just received Flight Simulator X Gold Edition. When I try to install the DVD, I get the error 1603. I am running it as the Administrator however, that did not work. Any ideas on how I can get the game installed?...