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hi everyone, i have a problem with afcad and ai planes, i just got an afcad file for sydney intl but my ai planes(virgin blue, jetstar, qantas) dont go to the assigned gates for those airlines, do i have to do something else before besides adding the afca...
I called Aerotec in Spain (a pilot school) and asked various questions regarding their school and their ATPL course. I asked how much it costs, and they said 60 000 euros! Is that normal for an ATPL liscense? To me it seems waaaay too much.. Would ...
I have a hell of a good gear to run the FS9 pro and even that way cant avoid jumps on the frame rates and a couple of annoying hiccups at aproach to runway every time...If some one have a concret answer wil apreciate..I have try turning of the antialias a...
I've just installed the Justflight Spitfire add on, created by Aeroplane Heaven, and the great free Hurricane download from Aeroplane Heaven. Mostly they work great. However, when switching views, I find that it takes a couple of seconds or so for the...
I cannot get a 777 to go all the way up to its max cruise altitude of 42000. At some point the air speed drops off and it goes into a stall. Iss this just a glitch in the game?...
When I record a Flight Video, is there a folder where I can copy the video file into Windows Movie Maker or something??...
After being out of the pilot seat for some months due to a technical malfunction with my computer, I am finally back in action. It's been a while. How is everyone? How's the flying going? Od 🙂...
Hi there. I've just had a look at the details of purchase of FS PAX on their website. Do I need to download the demo version before purchasing the unlock code or can I just purchase the unlock code straight off and download it that way??????????????????...
anyone know some changes I can make to my cfg to make the graphics better in any way? cheers 😉...
hey everyone I just made a flight I am vary happy with it but I wanted to see what you all think. Flight 2245 End of flight report Date August 18 2006 Flight ID: 2245 Pilot: brian bannon Company: Delta Aircraft: Level ...
Good day gentlemen. I need some info on FS passangers. WHere do I get it; how much is it going to cost me; what's new about it; what are the chances of getting a virus; how do I install it and use it etc. Any response would be appreciated. Cheers...
hi, i was just wondering if there is a no-CD patch or "crack" for disk four because mine has been borrowed by a 'friend' and came back too scratched up to work :wall: thanks...
anyone know where the save files are kept on fs9? cheers...
I downloaded the airbusses and the 737s and 757s but it need something else. Why doesent posky ever put in panels and VC i hate flying aircraft with panes, it takes the realisme out. Anyway i dont supose any1 knows of any panels and or VCs for 2 engined a...
I re-installed my FS 2004, and now it opens onto a full page, with no menu. I can't load my flight plans, or use any of the features on the menu now..also, the cursor seems to flutter when I have a take-off prepared. Help!! musnkatz musnkatz@earthlink.n...
Does anybody know of any download sites where I can download a "near perfect" water texture??...
How and where do I find the FS9 config file? I used the search program in windows Xp with no results....
Hey all, I bought myself the CH Products Pro Pedals and CH Flight Sim Yoke to replace my € 15,- joystick. Of course I had to get used to flying with the pedals, but whenever autorudder is turned off, the moment I take off the plane starts making a...
Hey everyone, just wondering is there a way to make senery load sooner? well what I am trying to say is make it not blurry in the distance. any suggestions? thanks...
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I recently uninstalled FS9 and now can't reinstall it because I've lost disk1. Can i download what was on that disk or am i stuffed?...
I created a flight plan that has quite a few non-VOR waypoints (just lat/long specification). At some of the waypoints I'm supposed to change heading. Assuming I'm not using the GPS terminal, how am I supposed to know when I reach a given waypoint? Is...
Ok, I know how to add the GPS to the Ifly 744 but is it possible to use GPS Hold, like in the other freeware aircraft, to make sure that the airplane stays nicely on course and doesnt veer off over time? Thanks...
Is anyone having problem downloading the real world weather?? Well I am having problems today with downloading the real world weather. When I do download it, It give my the error message to check my internet connection, in with I have my internet. Can any...
i have broken disk 4 of my flight sim 2004 like to get it again so i can use my flight sim again can someone help me please....
I filed and got clearance for IFR plan from Seattle Tacoma to Bremerton Int'l. The controller told me to expect ILS 19 approach, then proceeded to vector me to Bremerton. The last I heard from him was 19 nm north of Brem. airport, he told me to turn 22...
i just bought flight sim 2004, and am a pretty casual gamer. the last flight sim i had was the combat flight sim and you could right click on the screen to look around the cockpit and then right click again to use the mouse to control the plane. is ther...
Ok, so I just started up my sim, thought everything had been fixed by the IT guys at the shop (cost me $45 to take my PC in for an inspection yesterday) for my tour. I am climbing over Wellington harbour and notice all my textures look like utter crap...
What is the significance of the runway elevation? And how does it affect your approach and landing? What techniques and procedures are used to control the plane when a stall occurs? What techniques and procedures are used when landing or taking off ...
When clicking on "A Century of Flight", and a few other menu items,it ccrashes to the desktop, with no error menu. Also, when trying to access the kneeboard in a flight, it crashes to a black screen, then after about 30 seconds, it crashes to desktop and...
Just out of curiosity, can someone tell me what should my take off verical speed be having in mind that I use the autopilot right after I get airborn? I set it on +3000 fpm. Also I could really use what should be the VS setting when doing an initial dece...
how do you know that you are heading to an intersection on a specific airway? do you use the gps or is there any other way if the gps cant be used?...
Hello For a long time I have to put up with the same old ATC in fs2004 so I am planning on buying voxatc with AT&T natural voices, but before I go out and spend $75+ I want to know if there is any other way the chang the way ...
hi , i need help with walk and follow . i know its only a trial version and some functions are disabled but i cant seem to do anything with it . im at the right airport . i can see the programme in the menu bar but non of the key assignments work , not ...
Just thought I would check in. I've been busy moving to Arizona for a new job flying a 75 P-Navajo (N573B) for Mexican Gospel Mission. I'm available to help with real-world flying questions. I also now have a 73 Cessna 150 (N11445) that I use for teac...
How do planes turn so shareply? how can you do it on fs9? Also real pilots out there how do you manage to follow the lines especially on a 747 when you cant even see the lines? how do you get the wheels centered on the lines?...
I have three questions.. 1. How Do I get the Screen Wipers on 2. How do I get kind of like a smoke-beam just before landing when flaps are down 3. Where can I get a Cabin Announcer. All websites except Thanks in advance...
Where can I get a FMC??...
how do i get the boeing to reach its speed of 2.73mach (i think)? everytime i try it ends up at full throttle at FL64 and its only going about mach 1.4 there are no reheats on this aircraft. also on a concorde how do i get it to reach mach 2.2? again F...
So my 727 manual tells me the engine anti-ice must be on when icing conditions are anticipated or at any time the OAT is below 8C (46F), and either moisture is visible or the OAT and dewpoint are within 3C (5F) of each other. It also says the minimum N...
Three quick questions: 1. Are there aircraft carriers in FS2004? If yes- 2. Can you land on them? 3. Where are they located? That is all. Thank you for your time....
Pardon the newbie question: Looking for some add-in campaigns to CFS2. I found some in Combat Flight ( but most of the read me instructions require a lot of backing up of files, moving files, downloading planes from oth...
Anybody seen the blimp balloon on the 14,000 foot rope in george town, MYEG, in the Bahamas? Does it really exist. I am supposing it does but I can't find any info on it....
Is there an instrument like a ground proximity warning system that alerts the pilot if they are flying a collision course towards a mountain or other obstruction? I've just discoverd the beautiful landscape around the Misoulla airport but have no charts t...
I used the search option and didn't come up with anything, so I made a new thread, this is probably the only time I will post and I just need a little bit of help. This is FS2004 By the Way On the private pilot checkride, I take off, climb to 2000 fee...
Hi all, I have FS2004 installed over here. I decided to take all the flying lessons. But I have a problem with the landing lesson. I descent with a speed of 75 knots and 10 degrees of flaps, exactly like they tell you to do in the lesson. I pull bac...
Ok so when I'm flying towards my destination and i have the airport in sight and i'm about 30nm away what are the procedures next to line the plane up with the runway but still keeping a good distance for the approach? I usually end up right on top of the...
I would like to know if there is an adapter to use my virtual pilot pro on a usb port, since it is a gameport plug it came with. bha19...
can i somehow get licenses without doing anything?...
Hi, can anybody tell me what the fs2000 and fs2002 files are for in the fs2004 main directory please. Thanks...
I have been following various guides to landings for weeks now and i still cannot get it. I am approaching the run way and as soon as i acivate the HDG and the NAV frequency and the APPR the autopilot just seems to take me completley off course. Can so...