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on a scale of 1-10 how easy is installing Fsp? on a scale of 1-10 how do you like Fsp? is it worth $40 dollars? will i regret buying it? how will it benifit me? how much space will take on my computer? plz answer these questions so I can get a goo...
It seems that most of you prefer to fly the big airliners. Not only that, most prefer to use autopilot. And on top of that, auto rudder, auto brakes, auto etc. would seem to take the fun out of flying. Why not just fly an LMD (large mahogany desk). And... I have just purchased Carenado’s Cessna 206 Staionair full-pack, and as wonderfull as it is, I just have a few concerns an...
Recently, while flying my aircraft, they all seem to be turning to the right all the time. It's not the rudder, wind/weather or gyro drift, and it is fine when I set the heading bug on autopilot. I thought I had fixed it, but I have not, it is still...
Hello, I am considering buying a flight simulator for a friend of mine who used to fly gliders many years ago. He is retiring soon and is considering taking it up again and I thought this may be a good gift for him. The question is which one should ...
NZFF, New Zealand Flightsim Forums are now officially open! I built these forums myself, and the general theme of the forums is flight simulation in New Zealand, which I think a few memebers of this website might be interested in. I am not trying to...
Hello. Ok, I cant seem to get this to work. The splash screen loads, but then I see a message saying (The requested is corrupt or cant be found " " ) it gives NO file name. Just " " for the file. Ive done every solution on the sites and then some. Uni...
Hi guys, I've just bought this off ebay for £10 and so was wondering if anyone had it too so they could tell me if its any good or not. Had a look at the screenies on Wilco's website and it looks pretty detailed. 😀 😀 😀...
It's looks like it will cost a pretty penny but hey you've seen what it can do and I know this is what I'll be ordering next....
Recently I have got my new joystick and have been practicing with it for quite a while, but I have a little problem. My landings turn out to be terrible!! Because of the yaw, when ever I try to get straight on the centre line, i tend to twist the yaw caus...
I purchased Megascenery - Pacific Northwest a while back, but have since had a new hard drive and gfx card installed. I wasn't too impressed the first time around, but I'm sure it will look better now. It was such a huge add-on, however, that I am hesit...
Hi, I wanted to know how or where to get the flight simulator passengers installed or how much it will cost....
Hey all, I am tring to take a screenshot picture of my plane and some senery on fs9, but don't know how. Can anyone help me????...
Can anyone please tell me why whatever panel i try to use with a meljet 777, when i try to look out of left side cockpit windows i see interior wall panels and in virtual cockpit(outside view) half the screen is scenery and the other half panel wall....
I know it means sync of the 2 prop rpm, but whats that for?...
I am just wandering how to make the visual flight path "visual". I was flying a plane this morning and tried to turn the visual flight path on, I ticked enable visual Flight Path, and went back to landing. however the VFP was not "visual". The rings only ...
i notice that the baron 58 has an autopilot master switch but i dont see any controls for the autopilot anywhere on the panel? how to i set altitude... heading etc? i read the notes in game, didnt mention anything... thnks...
When I load Baron my frame rate goes down to 8-9 fps even with VC disabled. I reloaded other AC, they all brongt it back to 20 fps. I know this payware is extremely complex. I just wonder is there any way to make it more framerate friendly.... BTW, its a...
Yesterday I was flying the Boeing 767-200 which according to the stats cruises at .80 to .84 Mach. When I was at a crusing altitude, I set the Mach hold on autopilot to .83, yet the highest speed it would reach was .74M (as you can see on the glass coc...
Everytime a select the "Create a Flight" option or I try to change the airplane, my simulator shows a black frame instead the airplane and crashes. Can anyone help me to find out what's going on. My FS2004 worked fine for two years and now it works f...
Hi guys, I have got Commuter Airlines, Eurowings Special 2004. The A319/320 is superb but I was wondering where I could get some repaints as the liveries they provide are somewhat limited. Thanks 😉...
Hi, How do I set my AA settings in my GFX card to 4x or higher? I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT SO EVER! Thanks 😉...
Well Feelthere's next airplane is going to be the Embraer legacy. They are well known for making their ERJ-145 for FS9. There Legacy looks like it is taking simulation to a whole new level. Heres the site
Hi There is probably a sticky somewhere for this but I cant find it lol. How do I get my framerate to stop 'sticking' every so often. The frame rate is ok for a few minutes then sticks and stutters. Is there any software programs or any suggestions t...
Need your help....all of the sudden my F1-F10 keys don't work for reverse thrust etc etc, my Shift +P for push back stopped working, CTRL .(period) for brakes stopped, and I assume others. Your help is much appreciated. Checked as many things as I could/...
I've got Flight simulator on order at the moment yet havnt got a joystick. Im sorry if theres been a million topics but i am new, whats the best joystick to have for the game bout £20-30? Thanks for ure replies....
Hi all, I've been flying a tour around the mountains of southern Asia for the past week or so. I started in Karachi, Pakistan, flew north to Sukkur (OPSK), on to Quetta (OPQT), and then up into Afghanistan and Tahkistan, over the mountains. I sta...
I have recently downloaded the "CanarySim" scenery addon and today I was having a look through some old family photo albums and found these pictures below which I have scanned in: -500 feet? LOL I don't think so ATC... ...I was actually my fault for not re-setting the altimeter when flying by the sea after flyin...
I've just installed FS2004 but when I come to start the game the screen goes black for a few seconds (I can see a curser) and then it returns to the desktop saying the the application has encountered a problem and needs to close. I can post the tech in...
Can't quite get the hang of this. I mean, I understand the concept, I just can't seem to get it right when flying the Cessna 172. What generally happens is I trim too much or too little, resulting in my aircraft bouncing up and down like it was on a t...
--I'll have screenshots of my flight uploaded soon.-- Flight ID: WN880 Pilot: Nick O'Dell Company: Southwest Airlines Aircraft: Project Opensky - B737-700 Southwest Canyon Flight Date: April 21 2006 Departure: 18h28 (01h28 GMT) Arrival: 19h25 (0...
I doubt there is an answer to this question, but I figured I'd throw it out there... With increasing regularity, when I am handed off to ground at my destination airport, MSFS crashes. It's always the most frustrating because I've completed the flight...
Hi everyone I have this problem with flight simulator. The scenery gets jumbled up a lot of the time (this happens usually every single flight) It doesn't stay jumbled for long (only about 5 mins) but its annoying and keeps coming back It can var...
For some reason since reinstalling the sim i no longer seem to have any motion in the VC view, you know when you would hurtle down the runway and the VC would jolt and move to give the impression of motion, I was not able to zoom in and out of the cockpit...
I've been playing on FS2004 for a few weeks now and I really love it, I've got FSPassengers running with it too. I've noticed a few people mention Google Earth when talking about their flight experiences. Is there some kind of plugin that enables you...
Like this... I noticed that a lot of countries use these great full color charts, I've also found charts for these korean airports that show actual parking spots and how charts for movement on the taxiways for both arrival's and departures. You ca...
Ive just passed the first test as Solo pilot and when you print your cert... document you get a private pilot licence pretty cool or what, This can't be the fault of microsoft can it !!!............. 😳...
hey people i`m new to this FsPassengers wat is it i am downloading it now it looks great but wat do u do...
how do i set this? and release it?...
Are there any problems in using a 21 inch wide screen LCD flat monitor with a 1680x1050 resolution (the HP F2105 monitor) with FS2004? I am worried that the best FS2004 game resolution (I am assuming 1280 x 1024 is best), will not fit the screen proper...
An F-16 2 seater in mind. Flight CJ354 End of flight report Date April 18 2006 Flight ID: CJ354 Pilot: Jack High Company: Pacifica Airlines Aircraft: f16d1 Flight Date: April 18 2006 Departure: 14h32 (21h32 GMT) Arriv...
Hi, Is it just me or have a lot of members here got a New Zealand Sig. For some reason I have become very fond of its airline 🙂...
When I am climbing in the 777 using the autopilot something seems to happen around 25,000 to 30,000 the plane slows down to a slall and tries to fly at a 30% pitch. After I level or recover 🙄 from the stall being at 145n and 30% causes the plane ...
Does anyone know where can I update the SID/STAR procedures of the FMC/MCDU of A380 wilco?? THANKS EVERYBODY JOSE LUIS SPAIN...
Hey can anyone plase help me it seems that the TCAS i installed form Ultimate traffic isnt working and i dont know why its come spu on display while i fly but when i toggle the swithch ot on it wont work or show other traffic around me if anyone knows how...
Hey guys well just now i updated my fsp, but where is my code? its not in my email box, is there anyway i can get it back? Very annoyed, Beerbadger...
Hello, Is there a way to see your landing speed and touchdown fpm without FS Passengers? Sometimes I like to just mess around and now that I have FSP I'm always wondering what my exact speeds and touchdown rates are..... Thanks! Eric...
Hello, I am wondering, how do I arm the spoilers on a plane in FS2004? Thanks in advance, Guest....