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Hi, During my total FS 2004 de-install (had it installed on C drive, not in the program files!) as per the Microsoft 'manual remove 'guide, I noted that the local machine registry keys due to be removed (in bold bel...
Hi, After some scenery problems, have decided to re-install FS9 using the original 4 discs. Have completely deleted my FS 2004 file, which I have on C drive all 24 gb of it with my add-on stuff and proceeded with install from the discs. (Obviously have b...
Hi, Something went terribly wrong with my FS. Indicated headings in instruments are not the actual headings off by more than 30 deg. The scenery is flickering and the 'always smooth flights' are getting intermitently frozen, with skipps at dense scenerie...
On the screenshot galleries there is a poster called Captain Dennison. He seems to show up every now and then and post a negative comment on the vast majority of piccies there. As someone who takes the time to upload my pics to the gallery, can I as...
Hy, My problem is that when I want to go full throttle in Cessna 172 the tachometer doesn't pass the 2150rpm, and this happens only for the 172, the reat of the aircrafts seem to be OK. I've tried the things below for no change: - uninstall then in...
Someone knows about an norwegian multiplayer server for fs9? It would be cool if it had teamspeak too ;)...
Hi I accidentally removed a scenery file from SCENERY/CITIES folder, the file being SYDNEY When I started FS it came up with an message saying it couldn't find it, so I closed FS9 and put it straight back in. Restarted FS and all seemed fine, but w...
I was doing a fspassenger online flight in a 747, coming in for an ILS approach. Everything was all going good, runway clear etc etc. Then when 300 feet of the ground suddenly my copilot says, aborting landing, going around. Next second he nails my ...
anyone know where i can find a Iran air livery for ready for pushback 747-200? thanks...
I have read the manuals from PMDG, read some online FAQs and manuals to program the FMC but I still don't seem to understand very clearly how to program it. I really need help from someone to explain me how to program the FMC using the following data, as ...
i remember in fs2002, when u press alt in the middle of flight, the menu bar would show up, and the game screen wouldnt resize itself. in other words the menu bar would just show up on top of ur game overlapping it. in fs2004 i noticed when i press alt, t...
I was flying from UK to Spain and about half way through the flight, my airspeed dropped down to 250 and kept dropping...230, 220, 210, right down to 160 before I paused it and came here. I read other forums suggesting its the Pitot Heat and by turning it...
HI friends, When i plug in my sidewinder joystick to my comp,2 things happen. 1.the airplane s nose wheel fully turns to right side. 2.the yoke in the virtual view cockpit turns to right and remains there. All these happens with the stick in neutral p...
Please I need help. My problem is I can land flying from London Heathrow to London Stanstead, The glidescope, runaway and localiser is intercepted and im on the runaway. When i do a return flight from London Stanstead to London Heathrow (UK), it just...
Hi gurus I have recently rediscovered FS9 and am now configuring airstrips in Alaska for bushflights. I use AFCAD211, but the runways seems to hover over the ground. I expect this to be a common problem, but have not been successful in seeking advic...
does anyone know where i can get st maarten airport diagram...
I am trying to find the uninstall option for FS9. Can someone help me? Thanks......
Hello everyone! i was just wondering if anyone knows of an air transat virtual website. if you do please post the link, Thanks! 🙂...
i just thought that id go and find a new bunch of ai sets to download and i get this when i type in their website url and i get this......
Does anyone know where I can fine A demo of FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2004 ????? PLZ Help!!!!!!!!!!...
Ok, I've posted this problem before some years ago but at the time no-one could give me a definite answer and no-one seemed to have a similar experience. Basically the problem is my rudder and steering keep flicking to the right. Yaw damp and centring ...
Its probably a really dumb question but is it the p-factor or the compass because I'm always having to reset the compass to stay on course and in jet engine aircraft I don't have to do this....
hello all sorri about my english. i bought rex for fs9. It is very good.let me try explain my it possibl to run the WASys while i fly. Right now i have to push alt tab, to view the WASys, and dat minimizes the fs9 and pauses it. I hope ...
I cant activate new scenery in 2004. I get a messsage saying ,you do not have permision to add new scenery . get a moderator to complete activation. any help gratefully recieved. I have win7 pro. greycap...
Hi guys. Not been on for a while. I was looking at getting back into my flying. My current Nvidia card has given up so need to get a new one. My PC isn't the greatest. It got an E2140 processor with 2GB of ram but ran fs9 surprisingly well on mostly high ...
After I downloaded the c-5 translaod, then the agusta 109 package it would not allow me to load any other aircraft. All installer packages for every aircraft I try says installer damaged. I deleted AIR installer from adobe and reinstalled it. Nothing yet....
Does anyone know where I can print a list of the key commands/functions for playing flight sim. I have a joystick but have no idea what keys on the keyboard do what. Thank in advance....
When I am flying with any jet aircraft with the auto throttle and pilot heat on, my plane sometimes jerks violently to the side and changes speed by around 0.05 mach to 0.10 mach. Any help would be appreciated....
Are there any carriers in FS2004? 😳 If so will someone please tell me where they are located. Thanks, Jeff 😂...
just bought fs2004. Installed OK. then could not play any instructional videos. checked everything. then played game and at first was all OK. I bought cheap thrustmaster joystick, and seemed to work OK, but then the settings I chose seemed to revert or c...
I decided to get Ultimate Traffic to spice things up, but it seems to be pushing my resources to the maximum. Is there any way to tweak things until I get more RAM?...
Good morning. Please bare with me if i confuse anyone, I have recently started using VATSIM, but very rarely use PMDG, CLS, Captain Sim Ect. I tend to use Overland's wide variety of aircraft. Because i am new to VATSIM, a controller helped me out to u...
Note for 56k'ers: There are 304KB of pictures on this page! Hi everyone, Here is my 3rd installment of plane spotting pictures from Auckland International Airport, New Zealand for you guys to enjoy. To see previous photos I have taken, view these oth...
i started my system this morning, landed a flight i started the day, closed the simulator. after spending a while thinking, decided to install cloud9's LAX scenery. when the download and installation was complete, i tried to open FS2004 from the des...
Hello, I'm new at this, and after playing a few hours, suddenly i couldn't turn or move to another side with the airplane while taxiing. I'm not using a joystick, just my keys. I tried to look at the keysettings but everything seemed normal. While i'm ...
Silly question. New to Flight Add-Ons. How do I incorporate add-ons into MSFlightSim2004? Thanks!...
Does anyone know if it is possible to alter an airports ILS? Reason for asking is that I have the ISD Rome Fiumicino airport scenery but I always have to ignore ATC instructions when beginning my decent as they turn me in practically the other directio...
Hi I used to have an excellent product from FSquality which upgraded the road networks in the UK and Western Europe. This does not however work on my new platform with Windows7 64bit OS. I have looked high and wide for a replacement product which gi...
Recently my cursor/pointer has vanished making it extremely difficult to operate panel/autopilot/radios. It's still "there" because labels pop up when I mouse over instruments... i just can't see the actual pointer. Anyone seen this before? Got a fi...
Hey there, I have a Windows XP Dell Inspiron 6400, with an ATI Radeon 1300. Will FS2004 work with all settings to max, and with addons? Thanks! and how many fps will I get? Thanks a lot, Alex 🙂...
New to this. Can't get any waypoints other than nearest airports. Seems no matter which way I turn either dial, that is all I get. Any Thoughts?...
i recently installed Tom Collins 777-300ER repaint, but after opening FS to view the texture, all i get is a black screen where the aircraft should be, and then FS closes. i tried another texture download, installed it, same problem. any ideas? t...
ODG - UKEZ - Offshore-Scenery Packages - Released - Selective Private-Preview Overview The ODG Project aims to model every offshore installation worldwide, (eventually). Meanwhile, The Offshore Development Group are pleased to announce the release...
Is it possible to make a copy of disc 4 to preserve the original...
Hi All... Had this problem before but can't remember what I did to correct it. When starting FS9, I would like to have the engines running rather than a cold and dark situation. I thought the solution was the FS9.cfg file but I cannot find anything the...
I dont know if its just me, but on the ground (taxiing) the aircraft is fine. But as soon as i take off, it struggles to climb and when autopilot is on, constant full throttle because of the climb problem. Ive tried the rate of climb, tried everything...
i recently re-built my machine, and trying to find nice scenery. i have Flytampa KSFO aerosoft frankfurt, and heathrow. do prefer doing long haul, from mainly.. europe and the states. could anyone help? i would like downloads where i can use AE...
I have scratched my Flight Simulator 2004 disc 4. Need some files. Can somebody mail them to me. (I currently don't have full internet acess so downloading disk 4 full is not an option) Those files are: FS_DISC4\SCENERY\CITIES : CHICAGO.CAB & ATLANTA...
Hi there, A few years ago my friend got me a copy of FS2004 the only problem is the launch icon doesn't work - And the only way of getting FS2004 to work is if I replace the old launch shortcut with a new one. Is anybody willing to send me a copy of...
For some reason, I'm unable to place the menu at the top of the screen while I'm flying. I click on 'menu' but nothing happens. I should also say that the word 'menu' is faded, unlike the other choices in the drop-down which are in bold print. Any takers ...