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I love flying fsx.I am still new at this thing but are getting the hang of it.I know how to fly to an airport,no problem, but when I get there i dont know how to line up.what do you do to line up to you selected runway? (ps. i fly a ifr approach usuall...
I cant find the gps icon (looks like a sattelite dish)in the plane....In FS2004 as soon as you enter the plane,there was a row of icons in front of you.In FSx I can not find them in the plane.How do I activate them so I can see it....
Hi, I'm using a Cyborg Evo joystick and I'm having problems setting up the Hat so that I can look around in virtual/outside mode. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Swampy...
Hello folks, Just installed FSX and it plays beautifully on my computer! A very good purchase, I would think. My question is this. I'm using the Logitech Rumblepad 2, which has 2 analog controls. The left is fine, but the right is not. The rig...
Help. I have looked at all posts regarding this check ride. All ideas come from pre fsx and are helpful to a point. I just don't get what I'm doing wrong. I pass parkk, turn to the 160, get the message enter holding pattern at 140 intercept. I ...
This is how to get all the air trucks moving to u 1. Go to options Display , Traffic. Then make the AIrport traffic is at very - low minimum. If its on Non at all u wont get the baggage truck etc. 2.Next turn off ur engings, then open the main door ...
In the Secret shuttle mission I am able to start the plane but cant move I turn on the engines the rev up and just stay idle any help appericated...
For those of you having problems try this link from the microsoft team 🙂
Well, i figured out how to get the gate to come forward and all, but the trucks, baggage control, fuel trucks...none of them move after i parked!!! what going on here???...
I was in Best Buy last night and ran across a beautiful soft covered Flight Simulator X book on the shelf. Thought I would come home and find it on the PC to order and save a few bucks. Now I can't find one. Went back to Best buy to buy it and it was the ...
VREF - Landing Approach Speed gear down 90,000 lbs (flaps 30) 116 KIAS 90,000 lbs (flaps 40) 165 KIAS 180,000 lbs (flaps 30) 109 KIAS 180,000 (flaps 40) 157 KIAS thats the reference it gives you and if you have full flaps you do you...
I'm having serious problems with Flight Simulator X Deluxe Edition, it is running way TOO slow, my PC exceeds all the minimum requirements 😕 , Im not going to complain like a lot of people in here, saying that flight simulator x is a piece of cr...
So I got to the part where everything starts shaking and I do a pushback from the rock. Well, I was not lined up straight so that I ran into the pillars and from there I was pushed backward all the way across the ground and into the lake. Nothing I did wo...
Hey all. I've tried, almost, everything! This is my gfx in FSX. I used the same settings: **1024x768x32** What's wrong? I think my FPS in-game is less than 5 ! My specs are: 4400...
HI, My Fsx is installed, but when I start it it gives an activation error and some scenery errors. :x I skip those errors and i go till the main screen. I select my airplane and the airport, I click on the start button, the loading bar starts load...
I was on the fense until I went to gamespot and saw ther collection of 140 screenshots of FSX. I have already spent more than the cost of FSX Deluxe trying to get accurate ...
Hey guys. Just got the game and X52 fight joystick. Anybody have a profile for the game and controler. thanks...
Is there a way to skip waypoints in an IFR flight plan with the ATC, or create a flight plan from your current location and file it with the ATC? I filed a flight from Honolulu to Kansai Intl through jet airways, but the first the legs were at such ang...
I have been playing FSX for about 2-3 weeks fine, ok it jolts abit, slow loading up but i can get over that. However i came to it today, and it just loaded up the load window, and stayed there. When I did a Ctrl + Alt + Delete, it said that FSX wasnt resp...
Posted this a few weeks back but stillo have the same problem. A few times whilst landing the B737 (ILS) the plane turns to rwy heading and then the AP turns off the ALT Hold then instead of the plane making its decent down toward the runway the nose l...
OK. I give up. How does one deploy the speed brakes on a Mooney? For that matter, how many prop planes even have speed brakes. Are we talking about prop pitch?? I know about spoilers on jets, but speed brakes on a prop airplane? Are we talking slip and fu...
I downloaded this FSX config , but im notsure where to put it do i put it in the config file in fsX , but there dost seam to be any cfg files what say config to overwhite with in that folder...
I have managed to do loop to loops in a C172 and it was fun 🙂...
I get to Katale and land OK. I taxi to the waiting car on west side of strip to unload cargo. Nothing. I shut engines down and open door. Nothing. How the hell do ya unload cargo or am I not at the right spot. I went over to the tent area and nothing. Hel...
Just wondering if anyone else found saying the phonetic alphabet online embarrassing lol.. 😂 ~Sno0ze...
just recently my computer started crashing when flying. it usually happens when i am on takeoff and am rotating. The screen goes black and kind of flashy and up pops a Blue Screen with error in white text saying something like "dumping physical memory......
Should I get Flight simulator x for Christmas? is it that different from Flight simulator 2004? I need some suggestions, pros and cons, please. 😀 😀...
The operating instruction say to switch between NAV 1 & NAV 2 and COM 1 & COM 2 frequency selection, push the selector knob, or toggle shift+n. Neither of these work. The G-1000 is alway stuck on NAV & COM 1. Anybody know a fix? ❓...
I am having trouble landing the King Air 350, and would appreciate some advice. I had some problems getting FS-X to run right in the first place, but I’ll discuss that in a minute. Suffice it to say that the problem is somewhat related to using the M...
❓ How does one check the frames per second on the fsx game. I just can't seem to figure out how to do that. I am no where close to being a pc guru. I know just enough to get in trouble LOL...
does anyone know if eurowings professional for fs2002 & 2004 is compatable with fsx. i can install without any problems, it seems, but cannot find it when i load fsx. thanks...
hey, I fly exclusively in virtual cockpit. I was looking at the trackir website and it looks like just the thing for me. I use a yoke and was wondering if anyone has the trackir and can tell me if it has a huge effect on fps ? thanks in advance ԅ...
For the last 1 and a half month iv been doing anythink to get the baggage truck to arive but its just not happning , iv opend cargo doors open all doors parking brake on i dunno what elce to do , can someone help me please , thanks...
One is, has anybody found away to select the trim for take off in almost all the scenarios. I find that all of them have severe nose down on take off and I can't seem to find a fix. This issue has been part of FLightSim since away back. In FS X, is the...
When coming in for a landing using ILS how do you turn the needle so it's pointing to the runway on your compass. I used to use the OBS knob but I don't see anyway to do that on the CRJ700....
I have a Dell Dimension 8250 with an Intel Pentium 4 processor at 2.53GHz. I also have 850 Megs of Ram. When flying the simulator with med-high scenery settings I am getting a message that says my virtual memory is too low. Does anyone have an idea how...
For the longest time ive been trying to open all the cargo doors on the airliners but i just cant find the key.... Can anyone please tell me what the key is?...
How do you turn off the menu option that appear at the top of the screen after you use the ALT key. I tried the alt key again and using the right mouse button but it does not work any ideas!...
every time i click free flight and then fly now... the plane always starts without the brakes on and moving forward a little. does anyone know how to start the flight with parking brakes on?! please help...
Ok i own FSX deluxe and when i click free flight, my plane automatically starts off by rolling whether im at the gate or runway. so then i have to put parking brake and then the plane stops. is there any way to start of w/ parking brake on like in FS9? do...
Hi new to FSX I'm after a little help explaining just where the exact files and folders are that need to be backed up that contain all my settings/data along with my mission progress for safe keeping. So if someone could point out the locations of...
First do fs9 Aircraft now work on fsX? and do fsX aircraft work on fs9...
When I first ran FSX I was missing the option to play ATC in single player mode. Yesterday I was in the tower during a multiplayer game and the host ended the session. The popup box appeared asking me if I wanted to continue "flying". I selected yes. ...
i got fsx couple days ago. but i dont know why my computer cant complete the installation when i insert the second dvd , it keep saying insert cd 2 ! ... can someone help me with that plz...
Hi Guys, I am frustrated. Just trying the landing mission in FSx in St . marteen. I am expected to decend from 7000 to 3000 while slowing to 180 from 250. Even with power at idle, the plane increases speed once i nose down. How can you slow down...
When i start a new IFR flight plan, i first make the IFR clearance to ATC. ATC will answer me what attitude,departure frequency and a code. I readback to ATC. Then ATC have no respond to me. In ATC message box, There are no any choice for me to choo...
When you tolk over a mic, do you have to hold down a button to be heard? Please post. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀...
It seems unfair to me that microsoft make such a fun simulator and put what must be a huge amount of work into it only to find not many people can run it.On the up side for them I think that their already huge bank account will get much larger with all th...
Hey guys and gals.... I'm not new to FS but I am to the float plane. I know you can use the rudder but it does not work well. Is there a reverse thrust type of thing? In one of the missions you need to pick up a guy from the dock. The problem is it is...
I picked up FS today, read all the system req's, but when I opened the box, it says I have to load with a DVD only and that a stand alone CD-ROM will not work. Man is that a crazy thing, why did they not put that on the outside of the box. Sure hate to bu...