Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
I used to get cockpit and engine sounds with the atc talking , now when atc speaks all other sounds disappear if i turn sound off then back on I can hear the engines until atc speaks again how do I fix this. does fsx use more ram or vram I have an o...
I’m comfortable landing with low approach and it seems okay on simulator, actually I did many good touch down with it but I am curios if it will work as the same in the real world (If will not use the ILS). Knowing that the default aircraft has full...
Hi guys and girls. this is my first post and like all new forum noobs i'm posting this in a general section untill i get the right feel for the forum. I have recently bought FSX off my mates old man - unfortunately he is pc challenged and the game o...
I've been away a few years now due to a sickness I have for Sim Racing. So first I'd like to say hello to all. Although I'm obsessed with Sim Racing, every Rig I own has a set of flight controls and include both Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D. I've run i...
I downloaded Call out sound on my FSX trial version. It is working, but I wonder Why it is not functioning correctly all time, well sometimes yes, sometimes no ( On this video.. Announcing 25 hundred even if I am almost 250ft msl).
I just got a Windows 10 Pro 64 bit desktop. I have my original FSX and FSX Acceleration CDs. Can I install them on the new Win 10 64 bit machine? Any considerations or special procedures? Also have Saitek X52 controllers which I wasn't able to set up prop...
I am playing FSX 2 days and i have one problem with downloaded aircrafts they wouldnt show on my aircraft list please help :cry:...
Hi, I would like to point out another site of interest to us all. has some great suggestions of routes. But it doesn't appear to getting many contributions at the moment, so perhaps we could add some suggestions there, and here of co...
I downloaded B52 from b-52g_rrv_jt to fly on FSX. Is all ok, except the speed hold on autopilot: Holding Altitude or HDG is ok, but not the speed. I noted that autothrottle is available without any arming, but the speed is always increasing without any ...
Hi guys! Once i have connected the joystick, started to have problems idling the power. Pressing f1 would idle it for few seconds, but then springs back to about 10%. I have tried adjasting sensivity, null zone and calibration, but seems nothing works. Pl...
Trying to create a Flight Plan from Waterloo, Iowa (KALO) to The Eastern Iowa Airport (KCID) and I am having trouble with the requested runway at Waterloo vs what ATC wants to assign. I request either Rwy 12 or 30, an 8393' runway, ample for the 737-800. ...
Hi guys, Anyone know why when I loaded a new textures for the default 737-800, the wings and undercarriage are completely black? I have checked and can't see any problem, previous repaints have not had this problem. Thank you, Steve...
Just a "heads up" to a problem I recently encountered. I was trying to fly an Instrument Approach to landing at Lambert - St Louis KSTL Rwy 30L, had the FSX published frequency 110.55 entered and all is good until making the turn from base to final. Alt h...
Hi there I have just got this PC 3.4ghz Duel Core Intel Processor 8GB Ram 2GB Nvidia Graphics Card Windows 7 I bought this in the hope my Aerosoft Airbus A319-21 would run at least 40fps I won't be running any scenary but would like if possible t...
Hey guys! On this day in 2006, FSX released to the world! I plan to do an anniversary video tonight, but I need your stories of the best/worst times you've had within the game! Feel free to post anything below, be creative and tell it the way you wa...
Hi, I tried to run msfs x recently and the engine sound when flying any plane was silent when flying from the left seat but when taking a spot view or outside view the sound was there. Upon looking at the file structure I found that the .air file foo ever...
Hi I have recently bought a new gaming set up: Modula 404 intel i5, SKT1150 Processer, Samsung hard drive & RX480 graphics card. All purchased primarily to play Flight X simulator. I have bought 3 x Acer GN246HLBbid screens. My aim is to be able t...
Hey guys. Does anyone know how to setup the Saitek switch panel and radio in FSX Steam? I just bought the flight yoke, trim wheel, throttle quadrant, rudder pedals, switch panel and radio panel. I can setup everything in FSX except the panels. I've downlo...
Ok, so I just installed Abacus Fighter Pilot 2. Problem is, now FSX won't run. I get the error "The Requested file is corrupt or unable to load. Flight Simulator will now try and load the default flight." OK, I get that. I let it reload. Then I get "Fligh...
Hey guys, its really frustrating when my aircraft is cruising and suddenly a pop up appears and say, "Your computer has run out of available memory. Please restart FSX. Is there any fix for it? Its a real pain. Thanks for helping...
How do I get the menu added to the top of my FSX? Thanx!...
I recently downloaded Windows 10. After doing that, I subsequently downloaded FSX. My main problem: there is no icon on my desktop to initiate the game. I made sure when downloading that the icon box was checked. I can't seem to find FSX on Windows 10. Ca...
Has anyone here got the Wilco Citation X, had problems with it crashing FSX when trying to load the FS FLight Plan, but managed to get around the problems? I've tried everything I've read on other forums, but not been able to sort it out. 😞 ...
Is it me? Although the free ware FSX Civil Jets and Prop Jobs can go neck and neck with most payware offerings, I'm not so sure when it comes to military jets.. They are toilet! Stiff, lacking features and sloppily written. Before a warren of troll ...
when i start a flight and it loads in i cant open the menu bar! when i right click and has the option to hide menu bar its locked on hide mode! how do i fix this?...
Newbie here has just downloaded H.M.S. Victorious 66. Where do I go in the Sim to find this carrier, and/or, how do I locate it ? Is it located at a certain port ? Can't seem to find it anywhere ? Thanks guys - Jim...
Hey, can any give me some pointers on how to use the Flight planner for a flight. I know I can pick the departure rwy, and the destination airport and choose the the type of airways I want too use and then make it generate route, but how to make the airpl...
Good day everyone! Would anybody be gratious enough to post some interesting short flights (from airport to airport). I would really appreciate it. Paul...
I installed the subject T-34 in FSX. The prop is black and there are no wheels on the gear. Is there any fix? Thanks, Bob.... name is mikael and i would like to know how i can improve my fsx experience do i have to change core? do i have to change graphis card? here are my pc specs I have an intel core I3 4 ...
Posting as a guest because a google search for fsx error 1722 lead me here. I thought I would help everyone having as much frustration as I am! I havn't quite beat error 1722, but I'm close and found a semi-solution! I tried reinstalling windows insta...
Hello, Please help me find my FSX bottleneck. Everything is fine mid air but when my plane is moving through a downloaded (f.e. Aerosoft airports) it gets really laggy. MBO: ASROCK 970 PRO 3 R2.0 CPU: AMD FX X6 66300 3.5GHZ, SIX CORE VGA: RADEON ...
I might be blind, but not really, but I can not find how to see ground elevation, especially for ILS approaches. I tried watching several You Tube videos, but they breeze thru those so fast, if they did mention it, I missed it. Thanks if someone can poin...
Hi all, Have had a problem with my guages loading, from a previous post I changed fsx.CFG to fsx.bac. and it worked fine until I booted computer the next day. I actally copied the fsx.CFG file and deleted the original but it wouldn't paste so I returne...
Recently I uninstalled microsoft flight simulator X (because I got a third-party error message and air hauler addon wouldnt work)and reinstalled it but I got two error messages one was error 1722 and the other was error 1603 which said a fatal error had o...
hi friends my mouse cursor will disapear in full screen mode is any way to fix it? regards please send ur answers to my email
Hi Folks Got FSX reloaded after years of collecting dust. Loaded up the PHX Sky Harbor 2011 update and the jetways are no where to be found. Had them on the old one but not this one. Any clues? Settings at dense or heavy and animation is turned on...
When I am flying any type of air craft in FSX I can not hear the pilots asking permission for take off or landing from tower and I can not her the towers response I only see the words printed on my scree. Any ideas of how i can fix this issue? Thanks, ...
Yoo guys, Trying to install already for like 5 hours textures like Britisch Airways , Ryanair, KLM , Air france. Its about the boeing 747-400 and 737-800 who are already installed in the game , only wana have new textures. If i put complete new ...
Is there any way to get an aircraft in FSX to follow a flight plan after take off without having to go to the instrument panel to switch the NAV/GPS to GPS. I ask this because I want to be able to record flights from take off to landing in a spot plan...
I am trying to land an A321 but whenever I get close to touching down the autothrottle comes back on and I can't shut it off....
This idea was born out of re-visiting the Lessons by Rod Machado in FSX >> Learning Centre. I wanted a series of text instructions that I could follow to practise VOR approaches and instrument flying. After developing these practise flights, I deci...
where is the gps/nav on the concorde panel;...
I am 16 and i love FSX steam edition. I Am looking for ways to improve my graphics and was wondering what is the best product. I would prefer graphics in Seattle or the PNW area and i don't have hundreds of dollars to spend. I looked at products such as F...
I have installed FSX Gold Edition a while ago, recently I came back to the game and I wanted to open it up but on load screen I got this error: We're sorry, an unexpected error occurred which is preventing product activation from being completed. ER...
There’s an Avsim mission “mercrescue”, or “Mercenary Rescue Mission”, with a DC3. However, there’s no info in the Briefing on which heading to fly after takeoff; and there’s no Map, nor is there an in-flight arrow, any comm., or whatever. ...
Hi, I've been trying to battle the problem of blurry textures on AI aircraft in FSX. I know its not that important, but repetitively looking at blurry textures is getting quite annoying. I've tried looking into FSX settings and tweaking them. Anisotrophi...
Hi, I have PMDG 737, 747, 777 in my fsx. I'm learning PMDG flights. I was watching a video which is the tutorial of PMDG 737NGX. He'll set up flight plan by feeding the airways along with NDBs and Waypoints. I'll plan my flight using onlineflightplanne...
Hello everybody, For a project, I need to find out how mathematics is used in flight simulator x. Is there a way that I can change the landing angle? Moreover is it possible to find the distance between landing and departure points?...
I have been a long time user of Microsoft Flight Sims and have moved on to Flight Sim X the start of this year. I never fully utilized Flight Planners with past versions of Flight Sim, but decided to "venture out" with X. I begin my flights by choosin...