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What is the proper landing speed (IAS) for the 747-400 with full flaps? Also, what is the proper flare angle at that speed?...
I don't know if real-world pilots do so, but in FS do you guys use AP for the descent and centering, and then deactivate it to do the final touchdown?...
Hi everyone I've noticed around the forum that most people dont actually know how to link to avsim library downloads. Well I'll show you 😀 Now the Internet Explorer guide, I use IE6 but its the same for all versions of IE as far as I know ...
Are there mssing functions for MSFS9.1 or are they not included? I cannot zoom the view in / out, although the backspace will zoom to 1X - but its always at 1X. Neither the setting nor the FS9.cfg file have any indication that these controls are even incl...
Hi everyone what is the cruising speed (in mach) for the boeing 737-800 (posky) and the Airbus 340-300 (the Air France Posky one, you all know it)? I just wanted to know this. btw by cruising speed I mean the speed in mach that the plane is going wh...
I have bought Ms Flight simulator 2004 and everytime i try to play the game it Goes to the desktop not even playing the game. Can anyone please help me? My computer specs are P4 2 GHz 512mb Ram Geforce 4 Mx 4000....
How come about 2 minutes after taking off in one of the Boeings, I seem to be always in Overspeed, even when im above the clouds 😕 I try lowing speed and still its Overspeed please help, thanks....
I am looking for some Backcountry Airstrips in Alaska; or ones that are very hard to access; or ones that are in pretty, or extream locations. If anyone knows of site to find some at, or know of any, please let me know. Thanks...
Hi all How do I scroll down in the GPS Flight Plan page so I can see my distance from the airport rather than just the next waypoint
I'm not sure if I'm using it wrong or what, but I've tried 'APP' with a couple of different airports and usually I find that I will be brought down anywhere from 40 ft. to a couple of hundred feet off the runway centerline. I have to disingage the auto...
I am always downloading planes and trying new ones out from and I recently downloaded the B-52. I couldn't get the sound to work on it and now sound for mos of the big jets don't work. Mainly the engines. I accidently copied a new sound.cfg...
After hearing on my scanner that Auckland International (NZAA) had switched the active runway from 23L to 23R (A Taxiway) I jumped in my car and made my way down to the airport as soon as I could for another plane spotting session. The reason I was so exc...
Hi everyone, You may have read my other post at where I have uploaded some photos I took of planes at Auckland International Airport. Well, today ...
I was at Auckland Int. Airport today and managed to get a few new snaps: 1) ZK-JNF, a Qantas NZ Boeing 737 2) ZK-OJI, an Air New Zealand Airbus A320 coming into land 3) A side view of ZK-OJI 4) ZK-OJI again, seconds before touchd...
Today I happened to be the in the Auckland International Airport area and pulled over in a lay by at the side of the road, very close to the end of the active runway, to take a few photos. The airport was extreamly busy this Tuesday afternoon with a take...
I have Fs passengers, and its all good declaring an emergency to your passengers, but is there anyway in FS2004 that you can declare an emergency to ATC????? It seems pointless that you only have one engine andall your passengers are in the brace posit...
hi all, i need a little help wif the lvl-d 767 panel....when i merge it with another aircraft like posky757-200 for example...the elevator trim dosent work properly and the aerolons misbehave. If any1 is havin the same problem or can solve, reply or c...
I had FS update patch 9.1 installed but then i accidently deleted some files out of my FS2004 folder, (bit of a long story really) well it all seems to be ok anyway, i thought i would reinstall 9.1 to make sure it was still there but it won't let me insta...
Hi All, I am just about to purchase the PMDG 737. Can anyone recommend this product?...
how do you get the installer to work as all i get is a invaild do you get the file ttools in to the installer .sorry to ask as you can most see it does not take much to get pass me .thanks....
hi, fs2004 fairly good... but most of the time it pauses or shutters... it's mainly when i am doing something important (like landing :x ).. so i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to get it to run smoother... also i have the fs2004 setti...
This perhaps may be the most dumb question asked, but can someone explain me how to use the flaps? This is how I do it: 1. Once I get the message from the tower, "Landmark 1123 heavy you are 20 miles east, turn left heading 255 descend and maintain 1'80...
Seneca V is not equipped with cabin presurization. But its equipped with cabin oxygen from what I see in the FSD model. And the service ceiling is 19500. How come an aircraft is designed for such high alt without equiping presurized cabin? As I asked a wh...
Hey ppl.... I just installed a new video card (ATI Radeon 9250), but in FS2004 theres a strange behaviour with the buildings and autogen scenery, some buildings stars flashing and blinking like a discotec, I tried everything to fix this and nothing happe...
Why do the helicopters in FS9 always spin out of control if you use the rudder. I HATE THAT!! am I doing something wrong?...
how do i control the ailerons? like when landing how would i go about bringing those up? i just landed and didnt notice they were all the way up until i got to the gate. but they didnt come down i have no idea how i did it or how they came up. im parked h...
im setting up my flight planners every time before starting the flight. i have everything down im doing the whole Nav to GPS thing and following it on the radar., but is there a reason that the routes they give u when u make the plans dont directly face t...
I have been trying to get the Flight Simulator Instructor thing to work, but when I have it 'hosted' from the Instructor program and my 'student' tries to join it says "Can't join - Session Full" even though there is nobody on apart from me, the instructo...
I have just started flying around and getting my act together with this flight simulation. There are no other planes at some of the airports I fly into, such as Milwaukee, Grand Rapids Michigan, South Bend IN. No traffic and nothing around in the sky , ...
Hi, I'm doing the flight lessons now, and I want to practice to imporve my skills outside of the lessons frames, I mean on custom flights. Thing is, flying without a purpose is BORING and won't exactly help me improve - I need to make flights with a certa...
What is that download named flightgear in the newz area. what exactly does it do and how does it affect default microsoft flight simulator and the aircraft i have added. i would like to know befor i download it along with some planes that go with it....
Hi all, Has anyone got the Airbus Fleet add on for MS 2004? I was thinking of getting it but then i saw Airbus A340 professional, according to the description of Airbus A340 pro, it has Flexing wings Plus the following “PSS-enhanced” features: ...
How do you use the special navigatio system in the Ifly 747, i dont know how to plot a course to another airport so i hardly ever use this magnificent plane, could some1 give me steps on how to use this thing, i think its called FMC, if not is there a way...
Is it possible to get some add-on for the ifly that will allow a gps to be used? I just simply cant use the FMC its too hard and I'd like to appreciate this great aircraft the simple way Is there anything I can add to the config file that will allow...
😞 Please some one help me i've tried almost everything except a new AGP or motherboard. When I run FS2004 i could be on the runway or in the air there is no specific point at which my computer restarts its self. MS says its a device driver but...
I am having annoying troubles with my Carenado C206 at the moment, and need some other Carenado C206 oweners to help me out. My problem is that once airbourne. my craft always banks to the right BEFORE I turn autopilot on. It does not happen with any a...
Does anybody have a tutorial that will help me to use GMAX so I can create airplanes. Gmax has one but it wont open. Please somebody tell me how its so confusing 😞 😞...
I am trying to fly various boeings from A - B and managing to do so picking up new skills such as GPS along the way. But I really want to now how to get clearance from the tower to take off and clearance to land etc?! I have looked everywhere! when I wan...
Hey there guy i found this complement for the fs9, and it is great, jus great. Now you can visit the 11 most important airports in the world at a full detailed scenary. NY JFK,London-Luton, Toronto, Frankfurt, Chicago O´hare, Washington Dulles, Las Veg...
Today I was practicing ILS approaches in my 737. Something I have never been succesfull at. Today my problem was, as soon as I intercepted the glide slope at 140knots with flaps at 10-25% the plane would decend way to rapidly and belly land/crash 2-3 mil...
Hi I have an FX5500 256MB, Pentium 4 1600 MHz, 512MB DDR. Can anybody please give me general directions to setup my display settings? What things are more important, etc. Thanks a lot!...
Okay, I download the plane i want then i unzip the files, but after that i get completely lost and end up not getting the plane at all. Can any help me? Thanks...
Suppose your Vref speed is 130 knots. You fly at that speed until the very flare but what do you do then? Are you supposed to touchdown at 130 knots (which means fly a few knots faster on approach), or should you reduce the power to idle on flare, reduce ...
HI i was wondering does anyone have this joy stick???? and if you do can you tell me some more about it and if you like it or not??? thanks alot Nick...
Hello, When you turn on the rudder you by default have to use the middle lever in your yoke. How do you change it to something better as in when you turn the yoke right the wheels will go right? Also, if any of you have one can you please tell me...
Does anybody know of an addon that gives mostly every airport ground traffic and follow me cars and moving gates?...
Hi there What are the V-Speeds for the POSKY 737-800 (or any 737-800, I'm sure there the same). I am looking for V1, VR, V2, VSO (or whatever the stall speed is called) VRef and whatever other V-Speeds I need I know that there will not be definit...
I was wondering what the everyone thought about the CAP(civil air patrol) It's a group that works with the air force,army,and coast guard.they were the first to take an aerial photo of ground zero in new york,they do search and rescue missions and stop p...
Hi guys, i will sound stupid for this question, what is anti aliasing, plz forgive me i actualy dont know english well, cuz i wasnt born incanada or us or england, i actualy moved to canada when i was 15, so excuse me for this questions and my spellin :oo...