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Hi Guys I am woundering to go for world tour on my 747 I am just woundering how can i plan my journy to stop at different airports to haul my journy and than fly off again. Can u pls tell me how should I plan the whole trip. Wating for your replys ...
I have just flew from KJFK to KACY using real world weather. On the glidescope I had winds at about 32kts on my 5 oclock. Alarms started going off saying "Wind Sheer". ive never heard this one before. Is it part of fspassengers or will it be part of m...
There is no user help with this program. I don't know how to make airports more crowded. I increase the parking slide bar all the way to the right. Still bot too many aircraft parking at the C and D class airports. Do I have to change the airport fee a...
➡ "dead" line-up of aircraft being stored or ready to be scrapped. Ok, so I saw "Family Airlines" in PanAm's sig and searched the net to find about more about them as I had never heard of them before. I found some dead-beat site here wh...
Fairly new to fs(2004) and have never experienced the autoland feature. Can someone elaborate on it and tell me which planes I can use it on. Tnx in advance 🙂...
Hey Peeps, I have seen this somewhere else recently, but I can't for the life of me remember where. I am flying a BA Jet at the moment and I want to incorporate the "Speedbird" callsign into my ATC. I have tried editing the aircraft.cfg file, but...
Hello, Just came to me, let's say what specs we have and compare them. Ill just make a template so it is easy to read PC NAME - If you have one? 😂 MOTHERBOARD PROCESSOR RAM GRAPHICS CARD (MANUFACTURE, MODEL, FORMAT, CORE & MEM) HAR...
is the Thrustmaster Top Gun Fox 2 Pro any good for flying in fs2004...
When I create a flight and look the destination line on the nav log, I dragged it to a nearby airport so the line goes to that airport and then from it to the destination but ATC skips it and guides me straight to the destination. ANYBODY???...
Hi. I have just purchased a new pc: AMD Athlon 64-bit 3000+ Venice Core 1024mb PC3200 RAM 256mb PCI-E Powercolor ATi Radeon X800GTO 120gb Harddrive 40gb Harddrive DVD-RW Windows XP Professional 32-bit When I attempt to click on FS it load...
Hi all, Does anybody know of a site that will plot routes in the uk and possibly usa that I can use on vatsim? Cheers 😀...
My friends. In FSPax when i reach about 16000feet co-pilot announce that we reach Transition Altitude. I would like to ask about an explanation of this.I search net(i admit not too much :oops: )but since i know that there are many experts here i pick ...
Anybody use this software Add-On? I installed it tonight (I already had Ultimate Terrain installed). After I installed GE and ran FS9, I couldn't tell one bit of difference. Is there something special I have to do with the scenery priorities in FS9 o...
I've had FS for over a year now, but I haven't tried the Caravan Amphibian yet. I'm planning on trying it soon, but I have a question for those of you who've got some flight time in it. About those "anchors" that denote water runways. Are there dire co...
Alright guys I owe this to you, it's because all of you and practise I have come across a perfect flight (although a short one). have a look at this report: Flight JK840 flight report log Date March 12 2006 Flight ID: JK840...
Long day of flying. Butt is sore, so it is time for some rest.
Hi all. I'm wondering how long is your average flight on flight simulator. Mine tend to last about an hour and a half, exploring unknown bush areas mostly and touring addon scenery. Occasionaly I make longer flights, but not very much shorter ones. ...
Hi, I have recently buy PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies and when i try to take my test flight & when i saw the cockpit i was surpised I didnt find the small icons for GPS,MAP etc which we used to have in other aircrafts. Whats shall I do i am used to t...
I belong to FSEconomy and after flying around to earn enough to buy two aircraft, I decided to go on a long trip earning money along the way. The following will be a log of that trip. Not sure where it will end, but the travel bug has bit me. The first...
Every time I put the CD in, the computer wont read it, itll read any other cd though. And when I put it in, I have to reset the computer just to eject the drive. And no, the CD crack didnt work, I had to do a system restore just to get my pc back to no...
😞 I have recently upgraded to 2004 and am thinking of going back to 2002. How do you increase the sumulation speed on 2004. I have not found the way to do this. On 2002 it was on the clock!!! I think the graphics are lousy, I have a clear li...
just wondering if anyone could give me a quick primer for using ivao. i downloaded the ivao pilot client and connected to the network but it appears to be different than squawkbox, i.e. you don't see the available radio frequencies that you can tune in to...
Hi all, I made my first flight on vatsim last night, I was following IFR from KJFK to KDCA. I was told to expect visual runway 19. So I waited and then I was told to do a 180 degree turn and report runway in sight. By the time I had finished my turn...
Hi when I try to install flight simulator 2004 on my computer it doesnt work only installed around 1%. I've tryed to copyed all the files into the desktop the only file wont allowed to copy is MSGAME1. If anyone can upload MSGAME1 file onto a ftp asap...
Hey Guys, Is there anyway I can install Ulitimate Traffic and then turn off the annoying popups of Air Traffic Control in FS2004? So I can just see the traffic without having the annoying default FS? Thanks, Michael...
Hi, I had the same problem a few days ago with starting FS, black screen, and then crash to desktop. Anyway, I deleted the module file and now when I start VatSim Squawkbox 3 and click connect, it pops up with a message: "Connecting to Multiplaye...
Hello. Well I guess I am kind of bored with the FS airplanes I have currently. Can anyone STRONGLY recommend a certain payware airplane that they think is just really great. Basically I like props but jets are cool too. Also I prefer GA up to medium sized...
On the 737 and similar aircraft, there are 3 fuel tanks that can be adjusted for capacity (L,R & Ctr) ---On the 737 instrument panel there are only 2 tanks showing--L & R. On several of my fights, I am coming close to emptying the L & R tanks while the ...
Hey Peeps, I have just taken off in my A319 from Charles De Gaulle, and I missed one of the atc calls, so I went to my kneeboard and then as I clicked on the tick, FS crashed. I then restarted it and it did it again. Anyone got any ideas? Ta ...
have only flown on vatsim and i was wondering what was different or advantageous on ivao?...
when you create a flight how do you set the aircraft to go from the gate and not the runway so you would be able to taxi to the runway because now it starts on the runway. Is it possible? Also ive just read a post and can you get passengers on your a...
What's the best way to line my boeing 73 7 up correctly with the runway using autopilot. I'm doing everything else right I think, reducing speed gradually, raising flaps accordingly and decreasing pitch altitude, but as I approach the threshold I never ma...
Hi all, I have got VATSIM up and running now but I was having some trouble getting clearence. What would you recommend as a good starting flight where the ATC will be helpful? Thanks 😀...
not happy :evil: ho yes i also lost my job!...
I would like to be able to monitor the ATC at my local tower (EGGP) so I can get used to it for my future lessons. Does anybody know what I need to be able to do this and that the distance will approx be that it will be transmitting. I live about 8 mile...
hi there, i was just looking at screenshots from the gallery and i was wondering, how do i get views from inside the plane? i have tried active camera and dont like it cause im a cheapskate 😳 and dont wanna pay. any other ways to get these veiws...
Hey everyone, this is my first aircraft "short-film" I made using Fraps and an editing program called Pinnacle. I had fun making it and plan on making more. Please let me know what you think! HTML is disabled here.. so the link is:
Hi chaps, I had flight sim 2004 installed and working some time ago, since then I've changed hard drive, re-installed XP but now after the splash screen comes up, screen goes black and it crashes back to windows. Tried using CD, no CD crack for bot...
Hiya all, I was looking for an answer for this question and didn't find anything. Sometimes when I fly in FS9, few miles before landing I shut down one of the engines (mostly on 737, 767 or 777-for fun, let us say) and am trying to land. It's impossibl...
Hi, I dont know what I am doing wrong. I followes every thing what ATC told me to do turn right hdg... turn left hdg .... etc and alsofollows the guides posted here but still I cant see the runway....I am flying from delhi to calcutta with fspassenger...
ok heres my problem... for different views e.g cockpit, tower, spot etc i used to use button 2. to move the camera around i used to use the view finder. however i started it up today and found that my keys were totally different 😳 now the vie...
Does anybody know what buttons to press to open the cargo door? also are there any addons for cargo trundlers etc. Also how do i find what graphics card I have??? 😳 😀...
I saw one of these a while back, can't remember what it was called, it had loads of ms flight keys color coded so you know what they mean and easy to see. It was a separate device. Anyone know the thing I mean please? thanks...
Now that I finally have an aircraft that I can fly at over 18,000ft and with the PC-12's wind direction feature while flying the winds shift DRAMATICALLY which in result moves the aircraft around violently at times and jumps the speed of the plane up and ...
When I was playing multiplayer, some guy (unfortunately I can't remember his nick) asked me to come to the airport VNLK for a challenge. There's a small landing strip (grass) at about 7000-8000 ft, with beautiful scenery.. take off, take a little ride...
Hi Guys I just want to know what is the meaning of Bravo Airspace...why did we request for that Hopw to hear from you soon Vik...
alright- download a mean looking aircraft (military aircraft) and then put the throttle all the way up and when you are going fast enough take off and go straight up. When the altitude metre reaches its maximum turn your aircraft so you are looking up and...
I got a SimYoke and Rudder pedals back in December '05... and boy did it make the difference. I've been using Flight Sim since version 98 was out, so I'm no newbie to this, but even in the months leading up to December, I was messing up easy landings and ...
On final approach my landing gear locked and wouldnt go down fully. Ive never made a belly landing before, well not successfully anyway... Flight JD864 End of flight report Date March 05 2006 Flight ID: JD864 Pilot: John ...