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has anyone ever d/loaded any of the sky deck panels? they are really good definatly the best panel i've ever gotten... heres the link......
Hello! I made this for pure love of this Piper Tri-Pacer 160 🙂 Its a great aircraft. And I love small planes!! Enjoy!! Sorry about the performance, hypercam is the best I could find 🙂...
ok my fellow flyers i have a predicament....the sound set i use for my 777-300 is an awesome soundset, but when i make my soft landings there is no touchdown sound. only when i bump the plane on landing do i hear anything. Most of my landings are pretty s...
okay i recently got my cp fixed and im getting a new cp witch computers do you recomend thats cheap?...
This is for people that have been. The website is called...try the next blog....
I have been trying to uninstall FS9 but because of a part associated I cant get past Cannot Delete: STT_ClockNav_V!_O.gau. Access is denied. I realise that his is associated with an aircraft I have downloaded (it was a russion TU - 154P I think) but aft...
i rarely fly them, but i found a site which has a ton of them for download: there are plenty for fsx as well but i didnt wanna make 2 posts...
Does anyone know where to get a lufthansa livery for any of the PSS A319, A320, A321?? ❓...
I think I have a handle on this image/video thing! Please give feedback so I can really get it right. I did notice that the frame rates were off (a little jerky).¤t=fs92008-02-1201-06...
Is it possible to alter the altimeter display from 'inches of Hg' to millibars for a Cessna in FS2004? If it is how is it done? Simmy...
I just found a very difficult airport: Courchevel, France (LFLJ). The altitude is over 6000 ft, and the runway is only about 1700 feet long. To make matters worse, there are a bunch of trees right at the end of the runway in one direction, and a mounta...
okay for the meljet boeing 777-236IGVB bRITTISH airways is there any wing views for that and how do i add them 😀...
Hello! I'm pretty sure you guys know about The Mudry CAP-10B Aerobatic aircraft. And if you have used it then you know that it comes withe a pre-made head movement simulation. I was just wondering, and this goes mostly to all programmers, if there ...
I know FSX has it, but is there anyway you can get rain/snow blowing behind planes as they move along the ground? thanks....
okay guys i just ordered AES thing for the jetways to move but it says pending and when i go to download it it says that your download link has expired help please what does pending mean thanks! 😀...
can anyone point me in the direction of the f1 view active camera. i have looked but cant find it. thanks happy flying...
Hey guys! I recently saw this video of one of Carenado's aircrafts on Youtube, I didn't know if it was free or not so I asked the guy the posted the video. He said he got it for free from Pirate Bay. As far as I know using those websites to find fil...
I remember buying FS Terrain for FS9 was good I think 'JustFlight' made it....
I may be missing some steps here, but I finding it impossible to completely uninstall FS9. When I put disk 1 in and click uninstall, the computer gets hung up and I get the message it is no longer responding. but when I run FS9, I get all these messages a...
okay this is really confuseing i have world of ai but i want create flight plans but when im done and i go into ttools the all the teext i try to find that i created i cant find to process it 😞 to compile it and stuff thanks guys please help fas...
Well, since i'm a major n00b, i was wondering if i was landing the plane right. When i land, i always line up with the runway manually. When i get near the runway i get my speed down in the 150-170 zone then i lower the speed and i let the aircraft slowly...
I ssem to have lost the ability to use all the views from the cockpit. The usual commands don't work anymore. I re-installed FS9 so I am assuming I have not ticked a box. Any help would be appreciated....
Greetings, I've notice recently that some of my AI planes are landing about 500 meters short of the runway. This becomes a little disconcerting when you are given clearance for take off from ATC. You line up on the runway and then have an AI plane rol...
I just download the waikato aircraft carrier. This isn't one of those quistion on how to use the catipult or the landing thing(sorry, don't know the name). 😂 Any who, I was watching some youtube video's and I saw that the elevator to the lower ...
I was wondering if there was any airshow AI that is available to download. I looked around everywhere but i can't find anything. It would be fantastic if you guys could find something....
Just to let you know about this. Unlike FSX FS9 never had a screenshot button. But i know there one's like Click, Grab & Save and PrtSc ect... ect... Well i found this other software witch does the same thing if anyone wants to check it out. h...
Hello Everybody! I have a few questions about ultimate traffic. 1. I had ultimate traffic on my pc. I was flying to Moscow and soon as I arrived I noticed there's no planes on the airport. 😞 But when I fly to anywhere else there are aircrafts...
Hi, its me , papyl5, in efforts to recreate some gear up landings, I FAILED. every time i touch down, after a while, such as in a 737 , 747 , 757 ,767 ,777, or any retractable gear aircraft, the gear eventually comes out!!!!!!! I was in the middle of ...
hi im now just answering some quistens you asked me in a pb so i had al mail that some one ordered fs9 and ask me what for addons etc. first of al i dont have a brillant pc or something its just the configuration i have real enviroment and nothin...
I recently purchased fsx and am waiting to update my system until I install it..but I'd still like to play with it in the it possible to install it and have fs9 and fsx on my system together?...
flap 30 setting is 170 knots. Does that mean touchdown speed is 170 kts? It seemed a far too fast landing to me.........
I have a PW 767 Aeromexico, I saw one taking off and it was smoking as much as the Eric Cantu 727. The smoke effects are just as much as this 767 was doing. So my question is, can I edit the POSKY Aermexico 767 to use the smoke effects ❓...
Hey guys! I was just wondering, do any of you guys know how to get wingview on FS2004? I got F1 view or something like that but it doesn't work......
Hello again all. In about 5 mounths i havent played MFS 2004, now i started again . When i installed it last time, i downloaded a program, that gave me a panel, or an option, where i could press from 1-10, and there would come announcments, like - "Wel...
Hey guys. I was just wondering if there is a way to dogfight in FS2004. Is there some kind of program that lets you? If there is, could you let me know because i thought dogfighting on multiplayer would awesome....
On a bunch of my addon aircraft, I have a radar made by Eric Marciano. It comes up but it doesn't show any aircraft. I have done some tests by getting right next an AI aircraft in flight and turn the radar on but the plane doesn't apear on the radar. He...
I've installed FS04 (finally lol) and i want to know what addons you guys have installed to make it look beautiful 🙂...
okay when i fly helicopters the go crazy they spin out of control is there a fix for this please help thanks! 😎...
i want to be a pilot. can anybody help me? thanks for your help 😀...
Ever since I downloaded FS Passengers, I have been unable to take screen shots. Has anyone else run into this, and how do you fix it? Thanks?...
Hi, I want to practise some manual Tuning of the radio's? Is there a way to select that you can only manual operate the radio's?...
Hey All! I am looking to buy a new computer to run FS2004 with maxed-out settings and nice graphics, with above-all good FPS. My grandparents' have a nice Dell 530 with 2GB of RAM, a 128MB ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro video card I think, and an AMD Athlon X2 ...
Whenever/whatever I fly I experience flickering ground images, ie, buildings, lights, landscape etc. Could this be a graphic setting problem? Thanks in advance for any advice....
I was flyng the pmdg 744 at flight level 310 running about 95.6 percent RPM when I climbed to Flight level 350 I was averaging 100% RPM now even though my engine is running at a higher RPM will the fuel consumption be less (even in flight sim 9)?...
Why are there folks asking FSX questions in a FS 04 forum ... FS 04 is still valid and with a few add-ons and tweeking it might be better than FSX...
Is there a way to calculate flight time and distance in flight planner before getting to the gate and realizing Oh snap i plotted a route thats too long...
Ok , I'm pretty new to the whole world of MS flight sims, but I'm learning fast. I have both FSX and FS2004 loaded up. I started with FSX , liked it and then went out and bought 2004. I spend most of my time on 2004 but switch off to FSX for all the eye ...
Hi I have a few questions regarding the Bombadier LearJet 45: What does MCT and MCR mean on the throttle quadrant? How do I activate autothrottle? What are "touch brakes" (I read this last in a manual checklist which I downloaded from http://dauntless...
Hello, I have fs2004 with Ultimate Traffic installed. I see a lot of planes with textures from diffrent commercial carriers, but I am wondering why I can not fly planes with these paint job variations, obviously they are installed on my computer somewhere...
Hello to all, I am unable to create a flight in New Zealand because this country is not listed in the country field of the "Go to airport" window. That means there is something wrong in my files, but I am unable to find what is causing this. Ha...