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Well this morning I fired up FS and much to my dismay, whammo, it freezes when the splash screen comes up, nothing happens, thats it. Then I have to close it for being none responsive. This is one thing I was hoping wasn't going to happen but it has. ...
I have posted this in the A/C forum but thought I could get more responses from the General Forum. Here is the post I have up: Basically I am interes...
Today's flight through the haze.
.... should I be worried? This is my A320 on approach. This smoke didn't come out while cruising, I just went to check my level as I flew in for approach and noticed this trail of red smoke. What is it?...
hi! i've got a small rtather annoing problem. I've got two monitors pluged into my pc. One for the main view and onother one to display gauges. When i get my gauges on the other screen and i go to fullscreen mode everything works perfect but if i want ...
Don't know if this has been posted before but here goes. Do you want to make the sharpness in FS look good in the distance? If yes then copy & paste this into your FS9.CFG. Make a back-up of the orginal first 😀 About half way down you wi...
Hi all. To day I recieved my Yoke and Throttle Quadrant but my dad and I have spent a very long time tryig to assign all the buttons and levers etc.. We have got the Yoke working fine - it works well and the little throttles on it work aswell....BUT...
Flyaway has been hacked i think, stupid hackers :evil:...
Hi guys, Is there a difference between these two? Also, how do they work?? Are they automatic and do they change for each aircraft and weather? Thanks 😀...
I took off from KSJC and was all but 20nm on approach to KDFW, 1300nm flight, when my right engine flamed out. At the time I was roughly 4000 ft decending to 2400 then planning on hitting up the glide slope for a nice landing. I had taken off with a fu...
Today's flight.
I've got a weird problem... I added on Project AI traffic and now all my traffic flies in pairs. These screens were just taken as I was 2 hours into a flight over the SouthWest of the USA. Other than my framerates probably taking a hit for the...
Someone know of the problem? I start FS and it goes to blackscreen, and then jumpes back to the desktop...would be glad for any good response! 😀 It is my brothers pc and he says that this has never happened before... Computer specs: CPU: A...
Hi everyone, I recently bought the CH Yoke and rudder pedals and really like them. I'm now thinking of completing the package and buying the quadrant. It's quite expensive so I'm wondering if anyone could recommend it? I would be mainly using it in the...
I am trying to install FS 2004 again, having had my computer to the computer store and the system reinstalled a while ago. When disc 1 is done I get the message to insert disc 2. I do. Then nothing happens and after a while a message tells me: "Please ins... This is an AI DC3. She was parked beside me at an airport near Berlin. I felt quite curious since this antique is rarely seen nowadays. So I followed her on the taxiway, takeoff, climb, and all along the way at 1...
Hi, In two days time it is my birthday and I will be getting the CH Yoke and Throttle Quadrant. Now I would like to ask something - What makes CH so good? What is the USP of the Yoke and Throttle? Why is it sooo much better than other yokes and the...
Can someone tell me how to install the no cd patch, 2004?...
First of all, what the heck are DME radials and how to do I use DME as this depature procedure explains. Trying to figure it out, and please explain how to do it in FS not real world, that would just confuse me even more. Secondly, what the heck doe...
When I cycle betwwen views, I no Longer have a virtual cockpit for my Cirrus, it used to be there, but now its gone! can anyone help? Also , on the cirrus, when flying the "full" plane, someone has left the back door open, and i can't close it. The lug...
Hello all, You may realize I have been very much involved in the 737NG, and I'm close to having mastered it, however I went over to launch a quick flight from KMCO to KMIA, when I realized that the SID referred to in my flightplan was not availab...
How do i open the parachute on the guy? Also how do i open the back door on the Lockheed Martin herculese Plz Reply Thnx 😀...
Hey guys, My friend has entered a Captain Sim Screen Shot contest and the first place guy/gal gets a FREE product of their choice, well the screen shot involves him flying the Coast Guard HC-130 and me in the background flying the UH-60J (Jayhawk) so plea...
just a little question.. what is the top 10 longest airport in the world?...
Just wondering what all your opinions on this magazine are becasue i'm thinking of subscribing. PW 😀...
Flying along in my a320 at FL330 when I start getting "blown" very suddenly to one side or another. The autopilot quickly gets me back on course... but it's almsot like hitting turbulance. Not enouh for the crew to throw on the seatbelt sign (FSPassenge...
Hey I'm bored out of my mind and i can't think of where i should departure and where should i arrive? So anyone want to give me some places?...
So, basically there are 4 light switches in the cockpit. Strobe, nav, land and bcn. can anyone tell me when to use these different type of lights? Also, I don't have the "pilot controls aircraft lights" option enabled - could anyone tell me what...
This is my first FSpax report, just wondering what you guys thought of it... Flight ID: PO422 Pilot: Pilotwannabe Company: Air Pilot Aircraft: ERJ 135 Airstair delta Flight Date: March 28 2006 Departure: 11h49 (19h50 GMT) Arrival: 12h17 (20h17 GM...
Hi,our in Europ Some of you may remember that I started a Tour in Europe on FS2004 but as you may have noticed I haven't been posting about it. My PC has been in a wreck lately and my dad has been up and down like a yo yo trying to sort it out with my...
Hey Peeps, I am currently flying an Airbus A321 and wondered if anyone knew the recommended pitch trim settings for the rudder and elevator for take off? Thanks Leachus...
Hello every1 i have just brought fs2004, 😀 😀 when i enable the visual flight path to guide me in at an airport the rectangles arent there, Can any1 help me please 😀...
I always fly 2D, but in the night, I have to turn on the cockpit flood lights to see the gauges. I can't find the back lights or LED of the gauges, but in the 3D cockpit, the gauges are backlit. Doesn't seem to have problem flying with the flood lights ...
I was supposed to have my first flying lesson today but the weather is bad so they have moved it to Thursday. :cry:...
Perhaps, someone has experienced the same thing I have, and can tell me how to eliminate it. When cycling through the views ("S" key), from cockpit to full exterior view on the ground, upon first viewing the full exterior, the aircraft is jumping up-an...
I bought it without a second hesitate, coz I want to do everything to improve the ground scenery. But I didn't have time to play after I installed. Can someone give me some feedback?...
i have ordered a Saitek Cyborg Evo force joystick and was Wondering what to expect from it...
Hi, With active camera, how do you create wing views so you are behind the wing? Thanks...
What is a Splash Screen?!plz help!...
Hello is it me or the disk I have but last week I tried to fly over the north pole and all i could was reach the outer edge and it just would not go any further, have not tried to fly over the south poler region yet, I know in fs98 you could what happened...
Hi Peeps, Could someone please send me thier copy of "gps_export.dll" situated in thier FS9 modules folder - mine has got corrupted 😞 Thanks Leachus...
Company: VINTAGE AIRLINERS Aircraft: Howard 500 - Passenger in blue and bronce Flight Date: 26 March 2006 Departure: 14h23 (14h24 GMT) Arrival: 14h56 (14h57 GMT) From: DRRN - Diori Hamani - Niger To: DRRN - Diori Hamani - Niger Nbr of Passengers: ...
hi, Is there a download version for active camera. I want the full version - not the trial one so after i download it i can pay for it. Thanks...
Hey Peeps, I was just wondering if anyone knew of a decent Airbus fuel calculator that I can download? Thanks Leachus...
Financial Report: Ticket Income: +£10,192 (217 miles) Cargo Income: +£13,473 (54399 lbs) Services Income: +£0 (1 sandwich 0 hot food 1 drink) Services Cost: -£186 (50% quality) Fuel Cost: -£3,289 (12290 lbs Jet-A1) Airport Taxes: -£246 (Heav...
when i finish a flight my fspassengers report says i didnt set the flaps correctly when i was taking off. am i meant to put the flaps on when im taking off?...
Over the past few weeks I have been having a few problems with FS9. When ever I'm in flight and try to bring up the kneeboard FS crashes to the desktop and an error report comes up. In the error report the following wants to be sent over FS9.CFG DX...
I have created a flight plan using FSNav but i cant work out how to export the plan so it will work with my PMDG FMC I can see the export option but can't work out how to convert it to a .rte file. Can anyone help??...
Hello all, I've been trying to master the 737NG for a while now, however I have one question which I'm trying to resolve. After I depart, the FMC is programmed to reach certain altitudes when crossing certain waypoints, however, sometimes, I rea...