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Hi Everyone! I have been thinking about taking a long flight from Vancouver to Sydney, but I am having a problem. I would like to set it up to fly overnight and then I would come in the morning to land. My problem is, When I go and set up a route i...
I previously ran FS9 on Windows XP but am now transferring over to Windows7. In XP I was advised to modify the system registry to stop Windows updating my files last access date on files every time they were read. I did this and it greatly improved the...
Since moving my FS from Windows XP to Windows7 I have had nothing but problems with simple tasks. The latest is the grey smoke that used to come out from my MD80 series aircraft. Now, for some weird and wonderful reason, it is pink instead of grey!! ...
Does anyone have any tips on how to adjust the FS 2004 "sensitivity" and "null zone" settings? Does moving the "sensitivity" indicator to the right increase or decrease the sensitivity? Does moving the "null zone" indicator to the right make the null ...
Hey guys. Can anyone provide me with an FMC tutorial for the PMDG 737NG. Thanks...
The FMC manual that came with the PSS 777 was no help at all. Is there anyone who knows of a good place to find help with this thing? I've set up the takeoff fine with the FMC, but I can't get the plane to follow the correct path during flight....
I'm p/o'd at Megascenery. Doesn't look very real to me. Add shows a shot of Fed Ex field but all that shows when flying is the old RFK stadium on the Anacostia river. It looks like the original scenes in FS9. I have all the files set at priority 1 thru 13...
POSKY(project opensky)'s A330 has a lot of problems. When I land softly and slowly on the center line, I........ ******************************************* Flight AG843 End of flight report Date January 31 2010 Flight ID:...
Flight UB563 End of flight report Date January 26 2010 Flight ID: UB563 Pilot: Hongming Zheng Company: World Travel Aircraft: Project Opensky -- Boeing 777-200 - British Flight Date: January 26 2010 Departure: 22h42 (06h...
Hi All and Happy new Year! For the past couple of months i have been working on an application for FS2004. I incorporated some things that i wanted to be able to do when i am flying. Other than that i wanted to be able to also measure some other metric...
when i add a water texture add on and i go into flight sim its just this big ugly dark blue and every time i try to change it its still the same help please :cry:...
*********************************************************** Flight ID: IF636 Pilot: Hongming Zheng Company: World Travel Aircraft: Project Opensky -- Boeing 777-200 - British Flight Date: December 30 2009 Departure: 13h29 (21h29 GMT) Arrival...
I've been away from the sim for awhile now, just starting to put it all back together and I'm having some teething problems......I remember viewing all of my AI traffic, but I forgot how I did it.....I know you would select Air Traffic view , but I can't ...
AI traffic, the ''I'' stands for Intelligence, I am gonna say they are not ''Intelligent'': 1. Sometimes ATC tells them to hold position because of another plane taking off and they hold with a part of their plane on the runway. 2. the other AI traf...
OK, So I was just happy flying along, playing fs passenger (demo version!). I was flying from San Francisco to Sacramento. When all of a sudden, my passengers are all freaking out because we where flying over a ‘WAR ZONE’… aahhh HUH!!! Now im not fr...
Hi again guys, just wondered if you knew about this apparently very good freeware flight simulator called flight gear? You can download the 12GB( :ill: )slimu at for free apparently it should have lots of good graphics and planes. C...
OK, I've been using FS9 for 4 years, and once, merely by accident, I pushed (as I recall 2 keys at once) on my keyboard, and the game automatically change my monitor resolution to a wonderful high resolution. Before that I had played with high res, but c...
Trying to get a straight answer out of POSKY in their own support forum, is like pulling teeth! Here is a lesson for all you EXPERTS! If someone asks for help with a product you developed, don't be afraid that the person will become better than you an...
Quote: Phoenix, Ariz. - Real Environment Simulations is pleased to announce the release of the long-awaited software, Real Environment Xtreme for Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2004 (FS9). "We've received many inquires about our REX technologies incorpo...
Ok so I was doing a flight from KBOS to KPHL I put stormy weather on. I was about 29,000ft I looked at the t.v then looked back at the screen and my plane was taking a dive a very steep one. I managed to keep it undercontroll and landed at KORN and saved...
Hope someone can help! I currently have loads of woai flights on my FS9, however on the Air France package, Airlineair (operate ATR flights from CDG to near Europe/France) are not included (they fly the Paris CDG-Bristol route). I have downloaded a ...
Recently I flew an Air Canada flight from Winnipeg to Toronto. I had a problem though. After Take-off the ATC told me to contact Winnipeg Center. Winnipeg Center gave me my heading, but never contacted me again. They didn't tell me to change frequency...
I want to change the engine sounds for my PMDG 73747, LevelD763 and CS752. Freeware is preferred (payware would definitely be considered). I have heard stories in the past about software conflicts when some folks changed the sound files for certain aircra...
Hallow everyone:] I want to ask, is there any programs or maybe in game settings to control the aircraft with the mouse like in fsx?...
I am seeking free, or payware PLR/ MRR (Private Label Rights and Master Resell Rights) flight simulator related products. I searched Google using different key words but I am coming up with everything but flight sim stuff sad.gif Any suggestions or referr...
I have this software on my pc but for some reason it refuses to take screenshots whtn "PrtScr" is keyed - it did once but no more. I thought of de-installing the program and re-installing but can't find it in any "download" - can anybody please point m...
This is the mystery of the year for me... I will recap what I did before I encountered the issue - I merely installed the Cloud 9 LAX demo software to my FS9 system, along with FSDreamteam Las Vegas (demo version) - both from the official software sites...
hello everyone , i have downloaded the AES 1.9.2 and i want the aircraft parameters for the default B777 used in FS2004. if possible , can someone give me the parameters for the Wilco Boeing 777 ?...
After reinstalling FS2004, I can no longer cycle the panel lights in the Virtual Cockpit view. I can turn them on and off in the Cockpit view, but in Virtual Cockpit when I click to turn on, the little huorglass appears for a moment and nothing happens. ...
Does anyone out there know of a way to talk to the tower to which your comm one radio is tuned, without having to await it's appearence on the ATC's " Airport Nearer/Further to You List"? I would like to make contact before I get within nine miles of the ...
hy, I am looking for the english language.dll file for fs9 can somebody help me with it? thanks...
Enjoy FS Super Help Guide FSUIPC Version 3.48 << Must Have New Contrail Effects: https://flyawaysimulati...
Hi Is area 51 in the FS9 database? I can't seem to find it and I'm sure it is in FSX?...
I have a very strange and annoying situation. Usually sometime after I have started a flight (can be anythihng from 30 minutes to a couple of hours) the graphics start to go haywire. The best way to describe is like looking through a kaleidescope or so...
This problem is irritating. I got my new PC today. It works wonderfully and so I installed FS9 with all of my addons, Saitek Cyborg Evo and my Saitek Cyborg X. I ran flight sim but when it was generating the scenery database it came up with an error th...
Since going from XP to Vista i feel i want to go back to Flight sim 2004 as a lot of the plane downloads like firefox don't work in flight sim x. Does flight sim 2004 work okay in Windows Vista ❓...
Hello, I hope there are some people who might know the answers for me, and help if possible. I am trying to find out the airline callsigns for the following (I have googled, Bing'ed and Yahoo'ed but not found any answers, even been on their websites, but ...
HELP!! I am very worried. Today as I normally do I started GEII pro and began by downloading the AS6 sky metars. As I did this a message came up saying something about FS and new Active Sky something or other (I didn't really pay much attention to it), bu...
Can someone please explain the following to me. I take off, climb to cruising height and set auto-throttle. I look at the GPS and it tells me my ETA is for example 16:00. Several hours later I return to check everything is OK, and the ETA had changed t...
fsuipc i got warning saying my aircraft is no longer avalabule were do i get this from i unistalled my flight sim and my aircraft dont load no moor :cry:...
Hi Im having trouble changin the fs9 splashscreen. Ive downloaded a couple I like but dont know where to put the file. It doesnt really explain properly in the readme. Thanks for any help. Cpt Dale ;)...
ok when in full screen im getting less than 2 fps but in windowed mode im locked at 25....any ideas???? specs Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.080917-1612) Language: Englis...
Hi All it's me again. Would like to know what's the icao code for Canberra PR9. This I want to use in my flight plan and also need it to put it on when I am connecting on to IVAO :oops:...
i was wondering if there was any way to get better graphics or ram for a there any external system i can get and if so please give me the link to the webpage...
Hello I am looking for the program easygauge. but i cant find it on the internet. is anyone knowing where i can buy that program....
Hey there, I've had no luck in resolving the control issues within FS2004 and no matter what I've tried the controls in the sin remail with the ailerons in a hard right bank. This is now prevelant with all the aircraft making FS2004 useless. I 've tried u...
I have tried different settings on MFS X for my pedals and I still find taxying quite difficult. I also notice the differential brakes too sensitive. I have CH Products Pro Pedals USB. One other thing, when I am flying the Dash 8 turboprop, the plane t...
Farewell Fs2004, with your bad frames, im am switching to FSX now. 😞 Farewell....... :cry:...
Howdy - lurk here often, but haven't posted until now... I've been having this issue for some time now, but never sweated it much until learning how to perform ILS approaches. I'll take off, level off as per ATC, set the autopilot and switch it on. Eve...
I recommed everyone here download this: It's a really excellent 1hr 33min video in which the pilot talks you through a return trip from London Stansted to Lisbon through several in-cockpit cameras in a B737-300. During the flight, he talks you through ...