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Okay, I'm trying ILS approaches and have only managed one so far and I'm having problems. I'm not sure what I did so I'm kinda messing around with everything. okay as I approach my destination atc gives me the instructions I need and I always do them, ...
Can anyone tell me why the automated weather observation starts mid flight (green bar across top of screen and voiced weather report) and more importantly how to switch it off. It is really annoying as it stops you being able to use atc so eventually you...
I had FS2004 for many many years and had it tuned to perfection with an outstanding variety of outstanding aircraft and weather addons. I've recently switched to X-PLANE 12 because I can no longer get access to my FS9 simulator. My question: Wha...
This question is probably aimed at RadarMan but anyone who can help is welcome. ? My question is about the radio compass on the default DC-3. I know that it has an ADF function but what about VOR? When I bring up the radio I see NAV radios 1 and 2. I a...
At the moment I am having a problem flying 747's. Basically I cannot get the airplaine above 399 KIAS in straight and level flight so I cannot get the plane above 26000 ft approx because the speed drops too low when I climb Is this due to the weight...
How do we switch on the cockpit lights in the PMDG 747-400? There is a switch for all the lights, but I cannot seem to find the switch to iluminate the cockpit itself. L or CTRL+L doesnt do it. Thanks Newboy....
How do I get rid of the overspeed warning. I am flying a 747-400 and cannot set the speed thing. I am a total beginner. Actually I get this with all the planes I fly. Any help is greatly appreciated....
I own MS Flight Sim 2004. I have a couple of planes that are giving me problems landing ILS. The Cessna 414A Chancellor and Bombardier CRJ-200ER. Generally, I'm landing too fast and hard and damaging the nose wheel thus a runway accident. Not blaming ILS ...
I heard some are using Oculus Rift S with FS2004. How is this set up?...
Hi, after playing MSFS 2004, I realized that if you hold the pitch up or pitch down keys and release it, the plane will still pitch up/down even when you release the key. This makes it very hard to play with the keyboard as you will have to press the oppo...
I have downloaded the "autosave.dll" ,but I do not understand how can I restore the crashed fs9 session. Can someone help me ? The autosave I put it in fs9 modules, but after ? what happen ? Thanks at all Andrea...
😀 have just downloaded the Active Camera 2004 where do I get the registration form to get activation. :oops: aga...
i having trouble loading this on to pc. never had no problems before but now i put disc in the sceen comes up and i click in stall then the preview come on task bar but when i open it up it goes and wont show but is still on task bar. any ideas?...
on some of the aircraft the is a primer. what does it do?...
Ok guys, so I reconfigured my desktop and accidentally deleted the desktop icon. now the game won't let me get out of safe mode without it. Is there any way that I could get rid of safe mode without having to use any of the disks to reinstall anything?...
can I get a copy any where....
Hope someone can help! I have noticed on my FS9 that the ATC voice is very quiet, been like this for the last couple of weeks, and I don't know what I have done. The volume is on max in the FS9 settings box I have reduced the sound in the others (cokpi...
Is there an archived site of approach charts that date back to the 2004 time frame? I.E. my home airport KJAX Reynolds field has changed from ILS RW 6-24 to 7-25.Many other sites have changed as well. I need charts to match what information was available ...
How does one change the simulation rate in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004?...
Another FS 2004 question. I'm flying ILS from KJXN Jackson MI to KYIP Willow Run airport. When I get my assignment from ATC it's to RWY 5L which is non ILS rather than 5R which is what I request after being assigned to 5L. The message essentially says to ...
A number of times I have seen posts about finding aircraft that have "working" windshield wipers, I found one (by accident) and they work. Here are some screen shots I took of them working and of the aircraft. **...
hello all I was wondering how to get the registration key for my FS2004 , its not on the box.Can anyone help? 😕...
Hi all. This week I went to load my FS4 Century game on my current Windows 10 desktop computer after many years in a drawer. Disk #4 has a crack and the install would not complete. I asked support where I could get a #4 disk and the response is that this ...
So after a 4 year break I have finally decided to get back into the hobby of aviation simulation. Today I purchases a new copy of FS2004. I loaded it and waited with hopeful expectation....but, alas it did not load. instead I got several error messages st...
I grew frustrated with the minipanel given for the b737-400, so I designed my own: //-------------------------------------------------------- Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=551,151 position=7 visible=1 ident=MINIPANEL child_3d=1 gauge00=73...
It may be due to my advanced age, I am 77, however as a retired psychologist I have always felt somewhat intelligent, but there are some aspects of the FS9 map that seem to elude me: 1) How does one make the center line stretch from an airport from a...
UPDATE - 19 Mar 08 - Original post updated, to include clarification on certain parts, to add some common questions and answers to those questions and clarification about the GPS approach. Approaches - Instrument Landing System (ILS) Guides: 1) ...
Hi, I am having a problem with my real world weather options for the FS2004. Everytime the sim tries to get the weather it gives me an error "an error occured while downloading the Real World Weather. Please check your internet connection and conf...
I joined Fly Away when I dicovered the excellent tutorials. I want to learn the basics of navigation, etc. I am having a problem finding the tutorials. I feel very stupid and need some guidance. Thanks....
Buonasera, purtroppo avendo disinstallato il volo2004 dal mio pc,ora il primo CD si è rotto come posso fare anche sulla mia e-mail o qualche altro programma dove possibile scaricarlo grazie. ...
I am new to Flyaway. I cannot find from where I can download the flight sim itself. Lots of downloads of aircraft and scenery addons, but I cannot find the flight sim itself. Can ay nyone help please?...
When I make an ILS runway with Lee Swordy afcad, how I intercept altitude (height) of glide ? There is no data in afcad program. Excuse me bad english language Regards...
Hi! I was wondering if someone would help me with some advice regarding the specs of this pc,and if its good enough to run fs9? Regards Jon Hey,I'm back again and I've burnt a hole in my brain searching for a decent pc to run fs9. I'm sorry to b...
I had FS2004 running at full settings at 1920 x 1200 with constant 60 frames per second, but I changed a few things to try and tweak X-plane now I cant remember what I had as far as graphics options in the Nvidia windows advance graphics settings. Now whe...
Hi all, I installed fs9 from CD so far with no problem. Now, I downloaded the update to 9.1 from these pages. But the installer stopps at the beginning saying a file is missing: ATC.dll. Although it is there. I also replaced the file on HDD with new copy ...
I bought FS9 way back in 2004 but really never played with it much as life got in the way. I am now playing around with it all the time. Yes I know I have a old system but I don't use this computer for any and decidec to instal it on this computer for s...
I'm running an old vista Dell vista machine and I have a small monitor hooked from the video card to it with standard pc hook up. Then I'm runing a HDMI from the video card to an older wide screen tv 1080I, I was trying to change video resolution on it t...
As far as I know I did a full install from the 4 disc's but when I went to the United Kingdom and first selected a small airport it seemed like all the airports were listed, but then it like recycled and only showed 4 sirports or bounderys not really airp...
I need a solution on how to fix my ailerons on my wilco a320s, if you have a solution pls anwer ASAP that would help me alot. Thank you very much....
I've just installed fs9 on Windows 10 tried to make a new ai flight plan with ttooles program. but it not making copy in the scenery and does not set up the new scenery. my flight plan lets say for example traffic_1.bgl does not show up in scenery fold...
will flight simulator 4 work on windows 10...
Hi all, Looks like we lost the Real World Weather downloads. Have checked with Jepesson and they keep sending data to Microsoft FS weather server, but the weather downloads seem stuck in some previous weather situation. Have checked this on several compu...
Hey guys, Feeling a bit nostalgic so I decided to install FS2004 on my PC, got through to disk 4 and 90% when an error occurred, file is missing. I have been through every forum and the downloads that are available are all broken/old (2004-2011...
Hello all... I hope I'm in the right place... Looking for locations in FSX to do some barnstorming in my ole Curtis-Jenny. You know open barns for fly thrus and all that flying circus kinda stuff. thanks...
Rudder response very erratic after many attempts to calibrate using FSUICP. Since the pedals were 15-18 years old I decided to order new ones. In the interim I programmed the twist grip on my Logitec joy stick to the rudder assignment which funcioned flaw...
Hi anyone I started to notice that I'm losing my planes when I go to select it, and when i press 'fly now' the game crashes please help thanks...
i have an old dell with vista on it and I just installed flight sim 2004 on it it loaded ok but it will not open? For a while it said need administrator to run but I only have one user, and it still will not run. From all comments it shhould run fin...
Is FS9 compatible with Windows 10? Can it be made to run?...
When trying to start FS9 using Disk 4 I get dialog box message: "Please log in with administrator privileges and try again." I am in as the only administrator on two different machines. This happens while using Windows 7 and Windows 10. Is there a way ...
During a night flight there is often not much to look at on the ground-- until you get to a city. I noticed that there are lots of stars to look at on those night flights. I was wondering if the Microsoft people programmed realistic stars and constellat...