Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
post your FS9 easter eggs here: I know of: 1 the loch ness monster (take off from inverness and head SW) 2 fireworks at midnight dec 31 2003 over any major city (change the clock back and enjoy) 3 the northern lights (aurora borealis) (up in the a...
Which one of these Joysticks is the best to get? I need to know fast, because I'm going to BestBuy soon to buy one. I can afford all of them.
Anybody know how to adjust the waiting period for ai craft to take off. If an ai aircraft has to wait more than five min. to take off it will just dissapear. I know the waiting period can be adjusted because I came across an article on how to do it awhile...
can anybody send me a new .cfg file for terrain and scenery? all o fmy stuff got screwed up and it doesn't work anymore. my email is thanks...
I know KIAS, KTAS, KCAS, MPH but what is MIAS? I encountered it on some older Piper Arrow checklist....
Hi every1, i want to know how to listen to the ATIS of the airport i will be landing. First, I load a flightplan. Then I have to setup my FMC for the Flightplan. I ask for taxi permission and then note down the runway i will be takin off from. My probl...
I have a new respect for anyone of the groups that put together realistic flight plans for real world airlines. I spent the better part of the weekend putting together one for Air Canada. The hard part was finding all the repaints to so I could have the c...
Hello, I love FS2004, ive been playing it alot recently, currently im doing a flight from Sydney to Frankfurt. At the moment im at 34000 and ive got it on auto pilot on, and the only way i can keep it level with the horizon is to have alot of flap.....
Sometimes when I land, the nose of the plane goes into the ground and the tail goes in the air, but it doesn't count as a crash. Why does it do this? Is it because I don't pull the nose up high anough when landing?...
what does it do, and will it really excellerate fs9?????? patch – file will buy you an added 20% to 40% more graphics. Please do us both a favor and read this info in it’s entirety!!! NOTE* I enclosed all the code that’s original and what wa...
Everytime before flying off, my whole computer restarts... loading finishes and you are in the cockpit nothing happens... until you touches something my computer restarts 😞 anyone knows the problem ? or where can I find the crash log so I can post...
Bad news guys, i have been getting low frame rates lately. I think it is mainly due to the 3 things. These are put in order from most probable cause to least probable cause: 1. Sound 2. AI Traffic set at 100% 3. Scenery settings set at maximum ...
Hi, i would like to know how do i get this position in the PSS A330/A340 edition. Thanks...
What's so bad about Overspeed? The only thing I noticed is that it makes an annoying buzzer sound. But what does it do to your plane?...
well as some of yall know im not the best with technology and here is another problem ive mastered the ILS system but now i need to understand the approach system with the glidslope ive just be useing the ILS system until i can land manually but now i wan...
anyone know how I can transfer the fuel usage from the wings to the centre tank on the PMDG 737, and quick please cause as this picture shows, im about to run dry!:
Hi everyone, A while ago I purchased the PMDG 737-800/900 editions, and I have just got to grips with it and successfully completed the tutorial flight. I have looked through the forum archives before posting a new thread, and couldn't find a thre...
I'm looking to enhance my realism a bit. I've become addicted to simming because it provides flight opportunities that I can't experience in real life (I'm an instrument rated commercial pilot). Currently I've got FS2004 9.1 update F1 ATR-72 F1 PC-1...
Ok, ill try not to shout... thats how desperate i am! A while ago I done a flight and then suddenly the toolbar dissapeared for no reason what so ever. I thought it was a one off, but then it kept happening to my other flights etc. It has now got to th...
hello, I am having troubles with the graphics on my Combat flight simulator. Whenever i fly the ground is always multicoloured. Could anyone help me with my problem....
I have been trying to use real aircraft speeds such as mach. 80 it gives me a sign of overspeed also can anybody tell me where to get an aircraft with clickable overhead buttons...
i have purchased several alphasim air force bases and was wondering if its possible to modify the flight plans since all they do is circle the base...i have traffic tools but i don't know where to begin if its even possible......
😕 how come at guam when i use auto approach it takes me down to less than 75meters, well over 5,000 meters from the airport??????? :cry:...
Hello FS'ers I have a very short and simply question which has been bugging me for a while. You have to open the exits of an aircraft by pressing SHIFT+ and then either leave it like that or press 2 for the cargo doors to open. The problem is I can ope...
This has to be the best aircraft there is. Ive been using it for a few weeks now and read the documentation, and am starting to get the hang of it. One thing im not sure about is, how do i know when im established on the localizer. With the flight pl...
Hi folks! I am looking to build a new computer for FS2004 w/ lots of payware/add-ons, looking to run max on every slider.... looking around on newegg, i came up with this set-up.... any suggestions? comments? Case: APEVIA X-PLEASURE-BK Black Aluminum ...
where are the brakes in an actual aircraft not the speed brake or the parking brake just the regular brakes like in during the taxi they stop and wait for other aircrafts so what do they press on if you can also attacha picture of where the brakes are it ...
What should the Autobreaks be set at when landing a Boeing 777? I usually have them set to RTO, but I don't think thats right....
i am a atc controller, and am wondering, what is the key sequence that the pilots must enter for a flight plan to come up on the radar screen??...
i am flying the pmdg 737-700 i up until this point have had not problems with ILS and autoland until now. I engage cmdA the plane will turn and aline but it is alinging about 100 feet right of the runway. I was trying this at ksea on 34 R and it damn...
Hi, Im flying ILS into Adelaide, this is the chart where i got it from , how can i know how many feet i must descend in order to inter...
Hi, I successful created a flighplan in FS9 itself but when i tried to create a flighplan outside US, it dont work. i guess it doesnt show the VORs outside US? is that true? If so, what other ways can i fly outside of US?...
I installed FS2004 in Vista and noticed that the game has a problem. When u run the game through a maximized window view, the buttons and display doesn't work properly. You switch views and it won't show the new view and stay on the same one...also u can ...
😕 how come when i fly to high altitudes in my airbus 319, my overspeed needle drops? like from 370 knots down to 240 at over 40,000 ft????? 😕...
Is ILS an important thing to know? because I skipped over it in the flying lessons, and just recently I got stuck in fog and couldn't land because I didn't know how to do ILS. So could I live without it, or do I NEED to know how to do it because I'll run ...
Basically, the lesson is easy for me until I get up to when I turn to base leg and have to descend from 3500 ft. to about 1800 ft. at 110 knots. Then you turn to final maintaining 97 knots (between 95 and 101), all the while trying to land at Cashmere air...
Wilco no longer has the 737 PIC_CD_SP2.exe file listed on their web site. They only offer it for FSX. I am in need of this file to reinstall my program. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...
How do you turn an aircraft left or right when it is being pushed back using Shift + P?????...
Hi I have bought FS9 for my sister and installed it on her PC, i set the graphic card settings to medium and game play to medium. I gave her a flying tutorial but it was majorly stuttery, 2 - 3 FPS. I had the same rig but on a ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe mothe...
How do you slow one of these down after takeoff? I'm learning how to fly one, and after I take off, it says to trim and pitch level flight going 280 knots. But after I Trim/Pitch it to level flight, it goes up to 300 knots. If I lower down the N1 the inst...
Hi, I'm fairly new to FS'ing just learning with FS2004 now and one thing i have noticed is that when i'm flying on a cloudy day and I climb out of the cloud and look down I can see the ground as if the cloud doesn't exist. Is there some way of fixing i...
Thats it, I'm up to here with Nvidia. I dont tink i'll be buying another graphics card from them for a while untill the bukc their ideas up. I keep getting 'Ghosting Panels' in FS2004, especially when running FSP (Its a driver problem, not your fault ...
First of all, what about the "clanger" in the Private Pilot Checkride? The instructor woman says " you will see Tahoma Bridge airport on your left"... when in reality it is off to your right... and you have to awkwardly cross the left traffic pattern to m...
Exactly what is in an AIR file, and can it be tweaked? I go again! Tampring with another area of FS! Bill...
each time i start my citation X I have to change zoom for all angles from 0.68 back to 1.0, is there any way I can change permanently? I checked aircraft.cfg but couldnt find that value...
I installed Eric Marciano's payware gauge RadarFS9 today. It is supposed to work with both IE aircraft and for on-line simming. It works with no problems off-line but as soon as I try to join an on-line session with the aircraft I get a "buffer overrun ...
Does anyone have a list of all the aircrafts and pictures of them on FS2004?...
do you know how to get the aircrafts say the numbers of altitude like 500,100,50,40,30,20,10 pull up...
What's the deal with some aircraft hopping up and down when sitting on the runway or tarmac? Seems to be more prevalent with certain aircraft, especially freeware addons. Happens most when I cycle through views. Is there any way to fix this (besides not c...
I am trying to run Flight Simulator 2004 on Windows Vista and the sim seems not to be able to run on Vista, has anybody tried this and found some fix another than go back to Windows XP...