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There are a few things that the computer can do that I have not figured out how to do it. 1. opening cargo doors 2. the conveyor belt vehicle that loads the cargo and any other airport vehicles that you guys can think of. thanks a lot....
hello everyone. i was on the mission where you have to rescue passengers on a sinking sailboat. first you get the captain but after that it says to head west to get his friend. i did that and went for 20 miles and it said to turn around and head back to t...
Hi all I was wondering if the jet truck race comes in the deluxe version, the normal one or is it a download? ive got the normal version 🙂 thanks 😀...
Hi! I have the FSX Deluxe and am currently running it on a Dell e521. I am not sure what graphics card etc i have right now, but it is the standard one from Dell. What do I need to buy to make it run more effecient and make the graphics better? I ...
I was hoping that someone else could help be confirm a bug that makes it difficult (or nearly impossible) to land on runway 28 at the Carlisle, Pennsylvania Airport (N94). It is very difficult for me to enter a standard glide slope. The plane just will no...
I am about to begin a fligth around teh world. I am trying to decide what aircraft to fly> iam debating between The A340-300 or The Boeing 747-400. Do you have any Idea which one would be better. Here is my flight plan: Williamson Count Regional(H...
Am having a whole new problem wif flight sim , if any 1could help that would be great. I am un able to have any other view mode in freeflight and on missions Only view i seem to be able to choose is cockpit and the rest are not there. any 1 have any in...
I don't want to build anything -- I just want to click and pay and answer the door when the UPS guy comes. What's the best cost-no-object (but not a ripoff) PC system for FSX. I want big dual monitors and of course top frame rate. And if there is su...
Okay as many other I've have trouble completing the instrument checkride in FSX.. I'm having trouble at the holding over SEA. I'm coming from PARKK, and heading straight in for SEA VOR, (I've tuned my vor before the lady said track the 140 radial... so...
I'm a refugee from online first person shooters who was looking for a less violent sim related to reality. I've played FSX as an explorer, It's been a wonderful way to learn about parts of America I cann't afford to tour in person. I use web searches to l...
ive been wondering does a graphic card make the game better what other beneits does it have...
Hello my name is Sam Hampson VPA ( is a brand new website to upload all your flight simulator screenshots. On VPA there is very slack rules so it is very easy to get your screenshots on, we will only reject if your shot has FS writin...
i think it would be cool if in the next FS there was a multi player room created by Microsoft called earth or something and that there was no limit on people in room. then it would be more realistic and a great way to meet new people virtual airlines c...
How do you control the descent rate with the FMC? PS: Let me be a bit more detailed. How would I control the descent rate in the FMC of the PMDG B737-600 NG?...
I see this quite often in your postings but couldn't quite figure it out. Is this a Microsoft addon or something? I'm a little embarrassed to ask but nonetheless, it still remains a mystery to me....
When I launch flight sim, the computer freezes up instantly. Microsoft can't seem to help. I've tried 50 thing they recommend to no avail. Now I know what people mean when they say they are going back to 2004. Please help....
I was just on a website before and a new processor has been released, the QX6800 with four cores each running at 2.93GHz each. If FSX were to support dual or quad cores with SP1 will it run it better than the Core 2 Extreme with 2 x 2.93GHz because i hear...
I know this'll sound stupid, but how do you attach a screen shot to a forum reply? Thanks...Art...
I had a problem with installation FSX ,Error 1935 rool back. But that was solved now i get an Error when i start FSX was unable to load some Program files and will now exit. Does someone know how to solve this problem pls.. :cry:...
Question pertaining to real world heavy metal pilots, when landing in an ILS runway and the weather is fair, do you have an option whether to land manually or does regulation states that you have to land the plane with autopilot on?...
I am a bit of a flying boat nut and also being a newbie have come accross a few obstacles in logic with FSX. For example there are no water runways in australia, therefore how can I start a flying boat in Rose Bay in Sydney Harbour (used to be Australi...
Hey all, I've got this werid problem with my sounds disapearing after running FSX for a period time like over 10 minutes or so, but once I exit FSX my sounds comeback, and I'm not sure why this is happening? Anyone got any ideas?...
Should I get an AGP 8x or a PCI Express graphics card? Will it make any major difference if I use a PCI-E card?...
After seeing all the compare rig threads, I thought we should make one where you post your FSX load time. To keep it simple, post the time it takes from you clicking on the icon to FSX being fully loaded (at main screen). You don't have to post the time f...
For some reason, taxiway lighting is not showing up at any airport! Can someone tell me how to fix it with a config file if that's the problem, or what kind of texture file taxiway lights are so I can switch them with aeu7? This has been going on for a wh...
Hello, Is there anyone that could help me with my problem? I can not deactivate the brakes. If I push the "." button or the brake on my joystick, nothing happens. Brakes will stay activated. Had the same problem with my FS2004. Could it be my Joystick...
As I have already guessed, my graphics card could be better. Only being able to install PCI cards (not PCIX or AGP does have its disadvantages I guess) does limit my options. Anyway, the textures for all my 737, 747, and Airbus appear blurry. You can make...
...i'm at my wits end, all my planes, and the built in ones with FSX and FS9 are dark running under Vista, or this Acer. Running Acer desktop E4300 1.8GHz duo with 2GB ram and Intel 946GZ Express GMA3000 Chipset for video. The planes are all in sha...
How will this computer handle FSX?: Perntiunm D 925 3.0Ghz 1Gb RAM PCI-Express 16x GeForce 7600GS 256Mb Considering that my current computer (Celeron 2.6Ghz, 256 Mb RAM, 64 Mb onboard graphics) handles FSX at slightly higher than lowest settings(Ev...
well on my defalt fsx 747-400 the wings seem to dubble if u know what i mean. both of the wings have like another wing thats above the actual wing. i would put a pic of it on here but i havnt got a clew how to so i tried my best to describe can anyone hel...
After crossing the vor, i turn to 110º, then fly 1min, turn right to intercept the 320º radial, i intercept it flying between Wº and 300º then i adjust to enter the radial, i fly until cross the vor and obs 1 flag changes to "TO", then at 0.5 dme from...
I recently uninstalled FSX and now I want to re-install it. I have tried a few times to reinstall it and now I need some help. Every time I put in the second disk, about ten seconds in it says, word for word, "Microsoft Flight Simulator X Error E...
I can see the MD83 folder in the airplanes folder, but I can't see the MD-83 in FSX. Anyone else have this problem?...
I use the real-world weather download setting for winds aloft. Is there any way to see what they are before starting the flight. I would like to make my flight plan adjustments the old-fashioned way....
running this with all settings cranked on a dell xps 4g ram 2.6 dual core dual nvidia 512 7950's and i am still getting black marks once in a while while looking left or right while in flight cant believe it maybe the settings are too high for the game...
hey there guys, I was wondering, I changed everything in my pc so far except for the mobo.. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good mobo, the size of the one I have now if 9.6inches x 9.6 inches. the original pc is a hp 1600n and the mobo is th...
can anyone tell me what the elevator trim should be set at prior to takeoff. I've tried it at 0 and the plane just takes a really long time to get off the ground and you can never lift up at Vrot. An elevator trim setting of 2.7 makes it really easy to ...
Hi, I have just changed my 18" normal aspect LCD for a new 22" 16:10 wide aspect, 1680x1050 pixel LCD. Naturally, I changed the resolution setting in Windows (XP) to suit. However, when running FSX the picture is distorted, i.e. everything is stretched...
I know that there is the 8800 GTS card but the price is unreachable at this point; but I do like the price of the 8600GT. Do you think I'll be able to see better FPS than my current 7600 GT which is pathetic. Anyone using the 8600 GT? Is it the Memory...
I am about to buy a yoke as an upgrade from my Saitek X45 and I wondered who had one and if they liked it. Here is the one I am getting
hey guys, Well yesterday I installed Cargo Pilot to MFS X, just before I instilled I checked the game and it worked great. Then I install and MFS X freeze at the start up screen. I have to go to program manager to end the task because the program is no...
Hi there, I was playing FSX yesterday and was surprised to see that for some reason all the jet ways were missing from every airport in FSX, even with scenery complexity set to extremely dense! This happened to me at every airport I have departed from ...
FSX SP1 also going to improve performance in XP or Just the Vista?...
Hi all ... not sure wether I'm posing this in the right place or not, but was wondering if anyone can help me backup my rewards and missions. I've finished almost all the missions and got loads of rewards and now I need to format my pc and really don't wa...
can anybody play it with keyboard? specially missions....
I would like to get some info on how to allow the older prop planes, Bearcat and Corsair for example that have tail hooks catch the cables on FlightDeck 4. I cant get the meatball to respond when I load Dino's Tomcat.If any one can steer me in the right d...
Hi, my dad is now in USA and have bought my new GeForce 8800 GTS... But my question is, I got a AMD athlon X2 3800+, and 1 gb of RAM. Would this be enough to make FSX run ok, or would i have to get more RAM as well??? Thanks for any respons...
i somehow lost my fsx.exe run file. can someone send a copy of theres to me at thanks...
my fine sim pilot comrades how do i get a tailhook command i looked and looked some more but cant seem to find some planes as you all may know have extra commands and one of them says tail hook? any help?...
I have been doing some checking online and reading various forms and found that SP1 will be released on April 30th. The size of the update will be around 200 Meg. fyi 😀...