Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
hi, i am running fsx delux on a 2 gig athlon ddr400 with a geforce 7600 graphics card and when in game play after about 20-40 mins my machine crashes, it a brand new pc. it was running hot, so i installed a super cooler fan on the cpu, installed anothe...
I was just on this website before getting a External Hard Drive and apparantly theres a INTELĀ® Core 2 Extreme Quad Core QX6700 (4 X 2.66GHz/1066MHz/8MB) processer. Thats a 10.64Ghz (i think) processer!!! I wonder what FSX would be like with that with al...
In the default Cessna 172SP, and other airplanes I am sure, the switch panel shows a rotating Beacon switch "BCN" and a Nav light switch "NAV". Both switches are functional when toggled with the mouse. I am setting up an external switch panel to dupli...
I have the standard version and megies is not there I fly to the city in chicago and look at a strip of land where this coll little airport should be but its not is this a glitch that happened im my insalation???...
Sure we've all been removing and disabling stuff in XP: services, tweaks, patches, updates, to get the most out of our flight sim. But This gets tedious if you format often. Let me present you with a solution: This might be a bit off topic but hard...
Hello, after taking off the ground and reaching about 6000 ft, my airplanes go up or down (airbus, boeing) when I center the joystick. I'm sure that my joystick is calibrated and I think it is not the wind. Can you help me? Any advice? Thanks....
Now I want to know how to open the main cargo doors on the 747-400 and other aircrafts. I was able to open all the doors and rear ramp on the C-130 a minute ago, and been trying to download a C-17 Globemaster III to try those doors (have anyone DL'd a wor...
I am writing on behalf of my son who has been an avid FS user since he was 10. He now is 14 and only due to FAA rules would be a licenced pilot. He has over 30 flight hours . He has 2 computers . First is a HP a424 eith 2.6 Ghz pent 4 1 gig ram and...
I've don't seen to get any taxi route markings in any of the airports i select, ive tried every setting from the lowest to max but thay are just white boxes any help My pc specModel : MSI P4MAM2-V (MS-7095) Chassis Type : Desktop Operating System : ...
Hi all ILS line-up where the 2 purple indicators show, for some reason recently they have not been showing up! All Nav 1 is correct i know what im doing as i have done it many times before. Is it something to do with clearence to land????? Thx L...
Is there something like "cargo pilot" except for Airlines? Like we start on a small airline pilot flying local flights and we go up? That would be so mega fun!...
hi i was wondering if anyone has a good X52 profile for flight sim x. i know ive seen the link to the saitek site where the X52 flight stick is but i havent seen any for flight sim x. just 2004 and what not. if someone could help that would be great. ...
Hi, I got FSX Deluxe Edition for Christmas, after it had been sitting in a cupboard since release date with me not allowed to use it until christmas day, as it was a present from somebody (though in actual fact I bought it and they just gave me the mon...
hi all I have the standard FSX and wanted the extra planes. I found out that all you need to do is to add the panel folder to the plane you didnt have to make it work. here is a site that has all the panel folders for the delux FSX just put the...
I am a newbee to Flight Simulator and probably just doing something stupid. I have flown lesson 1 (straight and level flight) to the point where the instructor suggests pausing the simulation before starting the second part of the lesson on the trim wheel...
❓ hey , i have a pc with amd and 1gb ram with 128mb video card but as soon as try to change the seetings from default to something better it slows down alot, any suggestions on a better video card thats not to hard on the pocket aswell....thanx alo...
i amo not sur why fsx is not working right. if fsx's specs. are 1.0 processor and a 15 GB memory. i have a 1.7 GHz processor and a 512 mb of ram and i believe 80 or 60 GB hard drive. i do have a DVD drive. 915 GM/GMS 910 GML Express Chipset family ...
Hey I can not wait any longer and since we have 10 days until release (atleast from what I heard) I thought to start a countdown!...
First of all, I am brand new to this forum, but have reviewed most of the topics searching for an answer to my issue. I hope my post is OK. I have FSX running well and installed a Triplehead2go on graphics output 1 on my Nvidia 7600 GT card. It is dr...
Hello I've just got acquainted with FSX and in doing so I've downloaded a couple of repaints for the original 747 and 737 aircraft. These aircraft are also used if you activate the traffic function in FSX but they do not use the livery I added. I...
Hi, Can anyone tell me how u can open cargo/baggage doors and also have the ground vehicles approach them in FSX? (If it is possible) I have noticed on a few occasions now that the AI aircraft can open and close them and have the baggage and caterin...
I have recently uploaded most of the flight plans available from The World of AI site for FSX....Works a treat and very realistic aircraft, compliments of EVAI, AI-Aardvaak etc... I have a few issues though....and since the general support forum seems ...
i got fsx (deluxe) and it installed good and everything but when i click on the icon on the desktop it starts to boot fine and i agree to the terms and it goes through the senery loading bar and then when it says loading, it stops at 45% and my screen goe...
Hi all, i have read the kepmap and i know fuel trucks, but how do i get baggae/cargo doors open and baggage trucks around? Joergen...
Hi all, is there anyway to start the flight at the gatwick parking bay/jetway rather then on the runway? Thx Lukmax...
How on earth do you rescue the friend in the helicopter mission from Auckland?? I can rescue the man on the ship by hovering close to the yacht, but no matter how close I get to the 'friend', I cannot pick him up. Has anyone tried this or got any ideas?? ...
Hi- I don't know if anyone has this problem. I have installed FSX on my Emachines and go on the multiplayer often. A few days ago when I turned on my comp. there were things missing on my desktop. Even the backround was changed to the default. There are l...
I tried to record my flights for review, but I found the "flight video" selection in the drop-down menu is greyed-out. how do I activate it?...
hi does anybody know if you can get fspassengers for fsx? or a program like fspassengers for fsx? also does anybody konw any ai traffic packages which work for fsx? i used to use projectai for my fs9 but i dont think that works for it does it? I ha...
Hi, i was wondering if anyone could help me with my problem. I have bought and install FSX a couple of weeks ago, however recently i was unable to play the game all of a sudden.. when i tries to play, i encounter this msg "Error 1721: There is a problem w...
Can anyone tell me where to get my hands on a printable copy of the Keymap/Key assignments? Is there a file in the root dir? I need it for ease of use in programming my X-45. Cheers...
hi there i am just wondering what could i upgrade on my destop pc and my laptop to run fsx my desktop is a hp pavilion it has 256mb installed but i added an extra 256mb eryer this year as it was going very slow in fs9 i dont k...
hey guys i have a small prob. i want to know how to tell what kind of ram i have. Im not sure if its pc2700 or pc3200. is there a way i can find out with putting it in a computer because my pc is crashed out and i have to wait a couple of days for my new ...
On Flight sim X , Dose anyone know if there is an Screenshot Folder ?...
I've wanted to become a glider pilot for a long time, but I can't seem to master it in the sim. Could somebody explain to me how to stay in the thermal and get altitude? I can get in the thermal for a few seconds, but I always get right out. I'm using a l...
Sad but true. Though there are exceptions the fact remains that if you buy FSX a high percentage of whining will take over your posts. Oh not just the usual mean spirited banter that you see in some ego ridden old timers posts. You will seem to have "...
I just fell down and crash at the last stall test. Some tips for me?...
Let's try to keep all of the "Will my PC run FSX? and "What do I need to run FSX? questions in one place. Read through existing posts and respond to the appropiate choice. Keeping track of them must be a daunting process when a new one is created for ea...
I am so fed up that Microsoft have the nerve too release one of the worst optimised software ever. FSX is suppose to be an improvement over 2004, but this just is'nt the case. The 2004 version worked fine, but FSX is like watching a slide show. If I was w...
Hi, can anybody help me I wonder...I have just purchased the above joystick, it's wireless and occassionally it just freezes and refuses to do anything, these periods last for upto a minute...anybody got any ideas. At all other times it's action is faultl...
Hey guys Sorry about asking the same question that everybody else asks but I dont know whether it is worth buying the $119 FSX if my computer cant play it so just to clarify it... can my computer play fsx? Specs -AMD Cpu 2200+ -512mb of ...
I've just downloaded the SDK update from FSInsider and it says i need to install the origional SDK from the FSX Deluxe Edition. I've got the Deluxe edition so how do i install it to put this update i've downloaded from FSInsider onto it? RADARMAN, If y...
Hello, I am trying to find if there is a way to start a flight with everything switched off? I hate that such an option was not included. I want to start the plane myself!...
Can you talk to the controller in multiplayer with FSX standard? What I am trying to say is can you talk to real life people playing and real life people controlling the control tower? ❓...
Hi all Anyone useing TripHead2go and flight simX, R u getting good results. What kind of graphics settings do you have in place? Its a bit slow for me, so i was testing the water as it were...
When you are landing when do you turn off the autopilot? I'm having a realy hard time lining up with the runway. I have yet to land on the run way lol. Some help please...
Student Pilot: Lesson 3 - Climbs And Descents. Rod sends you into a mountain....
Hello, This is just a general question to anyone really to see if they are having the same problems or if its just me. Since playing FSX now for 3 days im finding it incredibly hard to follow an IFR flight plan. there is a new option "follow flight ...
Hello everyone 😀 Mmm, so I actually got FSX for christmas, woohoo! 😂 Anyways... Been playing it a lot the last couple of days, and I've tried playing a bit with the graphics settings. What really bothers me, is that I don't think my ...
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