Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Relatively new to fs 2004. Getting more and more frustrated when I think I have followed all instructions correctly during planned I F flights. I keep getting go round from atc when the runway is clear and nothing in front on approach. I have Just Flig...
Hi again Um you know when the plane goes into overspeed what button do you press to slow down ??...
just a message to see if anyone is interested in flying formation on multiplayer. if there is a few then i'll post a list of aircraft that we use already( mainly military aircraft)...
I thought it was nasa too but I am not sure. Anyway I am in the process of making a 100,000 ft runway off the coast of Jacksonville,FL. I am making it with AFCAD and if it works right, it will be the longest runway in flight sim. 😀 😀...
has anyone else used this awesome program, i have only just found it and it's probably old hat but it's just plain awesome...
Find it on You Tube today....
PLEASE HELP!!! I have been reading post after post about landing and trying to make a smooth and decent landing. My problem is that I seem to hit the ground quite hard on the main gear and the nose kind of just gets knocked almost onto the runway due ...
how do you know which way to turn on a taxiway for example.. taxi to rwy 32R using B B1 G H TY Y5 how do you know wich way to turn on B1 G H TY Y5 Why don't you Turn on and follow the Progressive Taxi line(Yellow arrows in FSX).Its the choice ...
Flying on FSPax in a Learjet 45. It was only a small flight so my tanks were only filled to 40%. When I started the flight the weight in the tanks were equal. However, 10 minutes into the flight it appeared that the left tank was decreasing quicker than t... Why?...
Hey guys i know what V1 and Vr, and Vref are, but what is V2, and can anyone give me a link or just tell me how to calculate these 😀 (i have always used my FMC - woops 😂 ) Thx in advance guys ❗ ❗...
Does anyone know where I can download a good package for the C-17 airbase Charleston AFB? I have lots of good military bases with the relevant military aircraft parked on the apron, and the majority even have AI. The only C-17 package I have is Hickam ...
I have been having problems with the yoke not staying in calibration from flight to flight. I keep having to re calibrate it to make the flights work. I have less problems with the yoke in MS 2004. Any suggestions....
For those who enjoy the FS Meridian, there is a site where you can download a flight in the real thing. It is a complete flight from start-up to shut down and includes alot of interaction with the GNS 530 auto pilot and the complete Meggit avionic system...
Greetings to all. Can anyone tell me where to find details of fuel consumption for aircraft? In order to fill in a flight log properly I need to know fuel consumption rates at take of, cruising etc. I suppose at a basic level I could use MS FS 2004 ai...
hey everyone, I have fs2002 (i know im in the wrong forum) and i was wondering if there is a demo or anything for fspassengers for Fs2002 Thanks :hack:...
Hey guys i can't believe i'm asking this but can someone tell me what is APU and TCAS and what are they for..? Thx!...
hi i seem to have a problem with fspassenger 2004. when i end the flight fsp2004 gives me a report on how i did, everything is perfect however i seem to be loosing points for exceeding the flap limit- which i dont, i always extract the flaps below the giv...
I still cant get SB3 to work. My question is can i use it on a regular laptop using add-on aircraft, or do I have to have a real cockpit simulator? Also How do i log into a server on VATIM and how do i find my callsign?...
On an ILS approach with HUD, how far out does the visuals appear?...
How do you take screenshots in FS2004????????? :help!: :help!: :help!: :help!:...
Firstly, I would like to say hello for the first time in a few months it most certainly has been while. Two questions for you: Is there anyway I can register on VATSIM without usind an ISP e-mail address? And, is there any software/hardware i need...
well guys, i could really use some more help. im not sure how this is happening or why, but randomly, especially when im on final, or even about to touchdown, my fs9 will shut down. well specifically my monitor shuts down and displays the message " out of...
could someone please lend me some knowledge.. ive been using the gps to set up for landings. however i never really get lined up with the runway could someone please let me know around when i should be activating the vectors for my approches in my gps im ...
well I got a pm saying we should abandon the off topic forum. I personley agree with this. I mena look what we've done. valuable members have left the forums. Hopefully wit a little repair they will return. no more arguements nothing! just plain talk abou...
PLZ help! i was reinstalling fs2004 but it didnt start the installation cause my brother broke the cd. :evil: I havent played it in about 6 months and i want to play it badly. could someone like email me the disk #1 or the whole game?? my email is johnthe...
Hi Friends, I am getting 2 to 4 frame rate per/sec when using PMDG aircrafts & 5 to 11 on using default aircrafts. Is there is way to tweak FS9 and/or MS Win XP to increase the frame rate number? I am using a Celeron {R} CPU 2.66GHz, 512MB of RAM...
Hi all, I've been flying FS09 since it came out, and I've seen a lot of weird stuff-- the airport in a box canyon up in Alaska, the Aurora Borealis, the underwater airport in Canada (CYRV), the Chicken Restaurants all around the world, but this takes t...
I read this in another forum, so I tried it, and it works! I realize there are NEWER drivers out, but I had older drivers and wanted to update-so I gave it a try. I can actually see in 3-D with red/blue glasses! I also tried messing around with it on Gho...
I am having trouble with my slew. I can go up and down on when I slew but not anywhere else. I have had this problem ever since I got Fspassengers. Please help....
im wondering what an average landing is in terms of -ft/m. and also what is your best landing ever in terms of -ft/m. mine is -35.4ft/m landing 13L at Chico today....
I have recently been attempting to master ILS approaches. I have read the approach guides on this webstie and also many other things about ILS on the web. I am flying in a dahvilland twin otter. I follow the pink line to my destination, and make sure I h...
Hey guys, I have a huge problem my gps_export.dll file just crashed and i cannot restore it, could somebody send me the file please to ?...
ive heard people talking about slew mode to take screenshots. i dont really take screenshots often so i dont know what slew mode is. could somne fill me in here? thanks in advance. 😉 😀...
Hello All, I am new to the FS series. I have several driving sims. A friend gave me his FS2004 because he bought FSX. I see on this forum that people are talking about FS09; is that an upgrade down load or it is a completely new game? Is it still avaiabl...
I was just wondering how to make a .pln for fs9. I know when u have the route you can go to and make it, but is there any other alternaticve because that site tells me there are errors in my flightplan when there aren;'t because i got them off...
Hi there, If a runway doesn't have an ILS and ATC tells you it will be a visual landing, is there anyway you can program a landing guide into your GPS so you can still do an approach on AP? Any replies will be appreciated....
When i take off to cruise, in the distance i get like 'mountains' or sharp jagged adges, sometimes it can only be a bump. Im not sure what it is, can anyone help? ❓...
How do u have the spoilers autoactivate upon landing?...
I have a Geforce 7900 GTX & have experimented for a few months with using various older version drivers to run FS2004. I have discovered that an older Version is the best for my computer & probably yours too. With all the same settings, I get ...
Hello to you all Can anyone help me with a problem my fs9 has developed. After a new processor was installed and the hard drive wiped. I re- installed fs9 and the textures are now all mixed up. blocks of water inland and blocks of land in the middle of...
Hey New member here......Sorry if this sounds kinda Redundant but i just joined and i am having problems downloading Aircraft...I actually downloaded the Harrier ok and it works....But i am trying to download the F16 and the BAe 146 but it isn't showing u...
As we eagerly await the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator X, let us not forget the way that Flight Simulator began. One day after the release Flight Simulator X, we will complain that we what more. We want this..., we what that. I'm impressed with ...
Is there any freeware programs that can help me make a flight plan so I can do trans Atlantic without FS going tits up trying to create the flight plan? ❓...
Hello Forum Members: FSFlyingSchool is ready for public beta-testing! We would like to invite all interested virtual pilots to download a beta-test copy of FSFlyingSchool, the new add-on for FS 2004 and FS 2002. FSFlyingSchool brings you the s...
Ok, I'm making some flightplans, and there's one thing I don't get. Here's an example. The three question marks are the place I'm having trouble with. AC#2,N5080L,1%,WEEK,IFR,6/07:00,@6/08:00,???,F,0051,KBJI,6/18:30,@6/19:05,???,F,0051,KAXN,6/19:30,@6/...
Help me please.... I have recently downloaded from After I added the panel to replace my default Boeing 747-400 panels, I hardly can see the airport ground because the panel is appear very big. It covers almost 80% o...
Does anyone have experience with the Flight Simulator 2004 Walk & Follow program? -If so how much does it cost and what MB and do you recommend? OG...
Flight BA336 End of flight report Date November 21 2006 Flight ID: BA336 Pilot: John Doe Company: British Airways Aircraft: Posky B744 British Airways "Chance for good Flight Date: November 21 2006 Departure: 04h22 (01h2...
Suddenly, all the aircraft I put on the runways have the ailerons locked in at a sharp left bank and the AP on. Changing the bug setting does no good, I have to turn off the AP to get control. Any suggestions?...