Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
I cannot change teh display settings in fs2004...any of them..and there isnt a hardware tab on the display settings i am also stuck with the default resolution.... this really sucks....cause i love the game..but it looks like shit my syst...
I'm keen to download a comprehensive and 'easy to reference' keyboard diagram or chart that I can print and display within close proximity to my monitor and keyboard. (FS2004) Any suggestions as to where I can access one? Thanks...
What is the easiest software to use for paint jobs? Preferably free 😀 Cheers...
Hi, Newbie just done my first Visual Approach flight. Flew from Chicago O'Hare to Chicago Meigs. I followed an online tutorial and think that if I had to plan this trip myself I would REALLY struggle. I did this without any navigation aid at all a...
Hi guys! I need help opening the cargo doors. I tried doing the combination shift+E+2 but that shows the aircraft panel instead of opening the other doors! I need help on this....
There is a little screen in this screen shot how do you turn that screen on I never have been able to turn it on thanks 😀 ➡
First movie production. Don't be afraid to critisize it. or
for those who fly PMDG's 737NG, please help me. When I'm flying, I understand the FMC will calculate my TOD and descend down the right path. However, how do I know what to set my MCP altitude to, and at which waypoints I should be at which altitudes. ...
A little help... I am flying an opensky 767-200 and can't seem to nail the landing. I either flare to early or to late which ruins my fspax scores. Any tips that anyone could give? I have mastered the 747 and 737 and can nail those every time. ...
I really am going to have to become a member of this site it really is addictive(no doubt due to the quality and friendliness of its members). I'll take my tongue out now.Could anyone tell me please why is it i can cruise easilly in a Handley Page Victo...
Hi I'm looking to download this tool however can't seem to get it. Has anyone got a link for it? Regards David...
I am new to joysticks so i want something simple that can play MS flight simulator 2004. I Just bought a Logitech Attack 3 Joystick and want to return it because theres no twist function. so should I get the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Saitek C...
Hello, I just have som questions 1. Do real world pilots land using the ILS or do they land manually? And is autolanding and landing with ILS the same thing? 2. Where can I get ADF frequencies for different airports? /thx...
Hi all! Was wondering if anyone can thro some light on a problem I am having with FS2004. When I have selected a flight with a default aircraft, (with it sitting on the end of a runway) once I start my take off run the program crashes to a blue screen wit...
can someone tell me how to make sure i have the fs9.1 updated version of the no cdpatch....
So yeah, got a pop up warning saying I was running low on disk space, decided to check out my FS9 folder for the heck of it, and holy hell was I surprised.
is there a freeware like fspassengers and its not a trial. i want a full add on...
Is there a way of determining the type of airport from its ID? Such as single grass airstrip or international airport etc? Are the red stop bars controlled by ATC to hold aircraft in FS or can it be added?...
Hi All, I have been on a flight last night from Chennai (India) to Singapore(WSSS). I have had strange problems with the ILS out there.I had tuned in the appropriate frequency in the nav1 radio and set my course properly.Once the default ATC gave me v...
Hi All, Through sites like this and PAI/WoAI, I have been able to transform my FS2004 from strange, deserted wasteland into a vibrant, AI filled utopia (ok, slight exaggeration but you get the picture!). I have long been interested in some way of viewin...
Ok so i have been trying now for quite awhile to add some AI traffic to my game unsuccessfully. Can someone please explain to me how i do it? I have downloaded "File Description: BA Connect (3 variations) Embraer ERJ-145. In January 2006, British Airw...
I am looking at the STAR procedure naming for KSEA: CHINS FIVE EPHRATA SIX GLASR SIX ...
Hi there. I am looking to buy PMDG 747. But my one question is will FS passengers work with PMDG? So will all of the random failures generated by FS passengers affect the PMDG? Thanks...
I've started flying the Beechcraft King Air and the accompanying flight notes tell me I should aim for Vr at 110 KIAS and maintain 117 KIAS while climbing. I am at N1 100%. I find this impossible. The speed is whizzing so fast that, by the time I draw ...
Hi lovely people of sorry to be posting yet again but i have to tell u of my complete frustration of STILL not being able to use approach correctly?? Its so annoying i have had at least 10 attempts just flying out of Gatwick then doing a ...
What can i assume as my general progression from my little Cessna? obviously soon im gona need more of a challenge, like i bigger aircraft, once i master these approaches coz i feel my general flying habits are alot better. I can finally, pretty much,...
Dear Friends, I hope someone can give me some advice on this...... Everytime I install an addon to my FS 2004, as soon as I begin a flight certain strange things happen. For example last week I installed AFCAD packages from ProjectAI and yesterday I ...
Does anybody by any chance have a copy of the default gauges folder which is fresh of any addons or anything like that. I think I may have screwed mine up a little and overwritten things I probably shouldn't have. This would be a great help as I really do...
Ok this is going to sound stupid and may be a longshot, BUT, is there anyway possibly in FS2004 that allows automatic taxiing, i.e the plane taxi's itself correctly to the correct gate. I know you can turn on the taxi route but is this possible?...
Hey everyone sorry if this has been asked before but here it goes, I had to stop playing fs9 for some time because time just didnt allow it, now that I have started playing it alot agin I am as mad as ever, I just compleated a flight from KSLC to KSEA in ...
Hello people of the flightSim world. How is everyone??....good to hear. Anyway i was just wondering can i download a new paint job for me Cessna, im loving the whole learning and stuff but am bored of the plain white Cessna. Can anyone help me out?...
I'm starting my flight training very soon. Also, I have just started familiarizing my self with FS. I'm wondering if FS is of great advantage to the the actually training. I understand it can help with the instrument training, but does it benefit a ...
To all you FS Gods on Flyaway (you are to me). Could anybody tell me if there is a way to setup downloaded aircraft to start from a cold and dark cockpit? I have the PMDG 737-600/700 and this is possible from select a flight, but i can't see a way to do i...
Yes, here's some Ai ground staff that seem to do even the baggage of even the AI aircraft. Unfortunatley it's seems to be only for Japan but hey it something worth downloading. So here's the website it is: I hav...
how is FSPax? i wondering cause i now actually have money!!! can you run just like a GA flight without having to use FSPax on that flight, like if i want to practice approaches? thanks in advance? -anders...
I just downloaded the FSP demo from the FSP site. After figuring out all the steps, creating new company, loading passengers etc.. I've got a weird problem. When I go to take off my plane is turning heavily to the left. Once I get into the air it conti...
how do i calculate V1, VR, and V2 sppeds? help appreciated! 😀...
i know i have asked this before but to no avail. i have been told to copy and past the file to the fsp icon. i try this but it only opens the program. with the #4 cd out it just instructs to put the cd in. so somebody please tell me how to install this...
All, I am looking for the way to have ATC work according to flight plan created in FMC of 737NG. I want an ILS flight. Everything is entered into FMC but do not know how to synchronize it with ATC. I do not want to create flight plan again in FS9 m...
Sorry because I could google this but does anyone know of a method of converting distances in miles, kilometers and meters in to feet? Thanks....
have you noticed how quickly the aircraft slows down when on the runway? It's weird, these massive 777s, as soon as they hit the runway, slow down in seconds flat. I work at an airport, and I see hundreds of landings each week (DC10s, MD11s, A300s, ...
Hi Guys, I was simply wondering if any of you had made a definite decision to stay with our beloved 2004 rather than shell out for the new version? I am just curious as to your opinions, as i dont think there will be that many improvements for those...
I've got a question that has been puzzling me and havent found help in FS9 learning center. I've been flying the Cessna Skyhawk and have become decent at VOR and ADF navigation. I thought I'd step up to the Baron for more power etc. When I scan the ga...
helo i've tried to pass the commercial pilot checkride a several times but each time i land,the instructor said i was failed because of my altitude,now,i really don't now what i'm doing wrong: first i fly to 3000 ft (turn left at 1000ft) keep this al...
Hey i downloaded FSpassenger last night just to get a feel for it so i know what to expect! Is there anyway i can look around the aircraft? or do i have to download all the insides and stuff like that?...
MAD,MAD,MAD...letme get to the only getting 1.8 FPS!!!!!!!!! i have FS9, UT, and snapper running but thats it..........!!! everything is soo jerky! when i turn the heading bug for the AP it pauses... and i just pressit and then it goes way past...
Due to the recent problems with my rudder going all over the place, I yet again cleared everything out and re-loaded FS2004. Now, with absoloutely no add-ons or updates and with a fresh clean FS9 on my system, the rudder is still out of control on the ...
i was just wondering if there is anthing that i can download or just do anything that i can use so that i can refuel jets with my kc-135. write if u can tell me anything 😀...
Do boys play flightsim more often that girls? To answer this, lets turn to the polls....