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Hello! Right im sure u'll all be glad to hear i finally got up there with the help of Rod! so....i can fly pretty basic, the lessons they teach! I do have to say, a few of the lessons didnt go to plan! im off out today to purchase a joystick coz im sick o...
Hi, I installed the latest 2.1 version of Active Camera. I am in Default Cessna 172 and in VC mode.I activate the "Internal Pilot View" in Active Camera and push the centre wheel to look around.As soon as i do that FS crashes and restarts.... Anythin...
:twisted: Hello good ppl , my problem is the ACTIVE CAMERA FOR FS2004, i am trying all the ways how to work with it, but it doesnt work, i got the full active camera its already installed, jsut how u work with this in the game ?!!!!?!?!?!?!?!? :twisted:...
Somebody help please!!!! :cry: Ok, here is the situation - i am using FS9 with the 737 Pilot in Command Add-On - a nifty piece of the software is a FMS by the way of a CDU. This allows you to program your departure, en-route and approach phases of fl...
The ILS localiser comes alive at about 28nm from the airport and what altitude and speed should I be going at this point up to the start of the glide slope? I've found that if I'm going to fast when I start descending down the glide slope I fly over i...
Does night flying interest you or do you prefer daytime?...
Hi , How can I change the Units for fuel and payload on FS to Kilograms instead of Pounds? Thanks...
can't seem to get anywhere CLOSE to the 124-knot cruise (indicated OR true) at full power trimmed level at 5500 in ks during day flight in september. Tops out around 110 kias max, and cruise at around 2400 rpm (the higher side of the cruise power scale) ...
FS9 - FS2004 has never given me any trouble starting up - suddenly today, I go to start it up then the welcome screen appears as normal but then disappears and FS9 fails to load. Tried several times also with Zone Alarms disabled for good measure - no joy...
I really need help when i go to do my sig it dont come out only the url please help thx all...
a while back i started fs2004 in safe mode 😳 (fat fingers) pressed the wrong exe and now i cant get it back to full mode it is starting in safe mode all the time any ideas how i get it back to full screen and out of safe mode thanks :oops:...
I am having trouble posting my FSPax report on here. I am trying to follow instructions from another post but it just isn't working. Can anybody give me any pointers? Thanks in advance....
Hi people just wondering, been looking at the amazing screenshots and they are unbelievable. i cant wait for the chance to fly one of the airlines! What is this FS Passengers? how much is it or can u download it for free? what comes with it? and what is P...
Heya all, Whenever I quit out of FS2004, normally, it would automatically bring up the logbook so I can log my flight time, only now it says that the log book is corrupt. Does anyone have a solution for this? Also, how do you have the settings so t...
Is there a rule of thumb concerning distances between waypoints? I have a flight plan where the first waypoint is 2700nm away. This doesn't cause me any problems but the track line arcs as its such a long distance. I was wondering if the wayponts are clos...
Does anybody know of a freeware download that will allow gates to be at all airports?...
I usually use TOGA mode on takeoff but when I have the autobreaks set to RTO they sometimes spontaniously start to break by themselves. Any ideas?...
Brace yourselves gentlemen, this is a long one. The only thing preventing me from getting 100% flight report in FSpax is my landings. They are always too hard. Im flying a downloaded 737-700. I normally use approach hold so I can concentrate on flaps an...
I made a fligtplan so that a helicopter can take off of corona airport but the helicopter is showing up in the wrong parking spot how can I fix this?...
Hi there, this might take awhile so i appreicate in advance any help what so ever! Basically i have played FS from 98 but never really been able to get into it and recently i realised its coz i dont actually know how to fly properly. All i have been do...
Just wanted to ask those of you who have the PMDG 737NG, on average, how long does it take you to go through preflight, FMC setup, and engine start? Also, for those of you who fly on Vatsim, is it just me, or do I need them to type out the transmission...
Hi all, Can somebody help me out with calculating how much fuel is required for journeys. I always end up with too much fuel when landing making me land faster than usual. Thanks 😀...
Hi! I'm planning to build a mid-range AMD-based gaming PC in the next few weeks, but right now I still haven't decided between an LCD or a CRT display. I haven't tried using an LCD for gaming. Which one would you recommend for FS2004 and why? Some say C...
Hey guys, i have a question about, wahts better when the fsp less, or more, because when i am going to the cockpit to spot view, there is like gray textures thne the defult textures and computer is freezing for 1 or 2 secs, and its usually like that, does...
has anyone else got active sky 6? I just downloaded it today, because i wanted more wheather dynamics. ie MORE TURBULENCE BABY! but i just don't really see any difference in this and what i had before? I have got the AS graohics and AS main programs...
Hey Peeps, I am finally getting to grips with my A319 that I am flying, but just need to clear up some loose ends. Firstly, when I pull up (on average), is pulling up to "20" ok or is that a bit steep? Also, what is the correct rotation speed (again...
look what happens when you move up! the ground textures float up with you!! :evil: anyone know how to fix this?...
I cant seem to find any SID/STAR or IAP charts for Europe is there any useful fight with links or charts ❓...
Hi all - I know half of the fun of FSimming is exploring, but I wondered about a thread dedicated to finding the way to various famous landmarks. For example, I have posted elsewhere on this board about a trip down the Thames taking in Tower Bridge, th...
could someone please tell me where the setup.exe file fs9 is so I can put the patch in?...
Sometimes, an aircraft will be required to perform a procedure turn before final approach. To know how to execute this turn, the pilot needs approach plates, but lets assume he didn't happen to be carrying the charts for that specific runway, because he ...
I am trying to figure out how to load or start the so-called Flight Instructor Panel referred to in Learning Center. FS 2004 is supposed to have this available for an instructor using Multiplayer. I have been unable to get this working. Can anyone point m...
Its not brand new but.... Just thought I would let everyone know, I just updated to the latest Geforce Forceware driver realeased on 8/11/2006 from the last version and with exactly the same settings in FS2004, my frame rate went up between 10-...
Heya all, Just a quick question for you all. Asides from assigning failures before flying, does your plane ever suffer a random failure/damage/storm damage?? Cheers all Nick...
Can anyone tell me how I completely cover the sky with clouds, like someday where it´s not raining, but a heavy cloud layer??...
Recently, I've experienced the same memory failure whenever I close FS9; "The instruction at "0x0253540e" referenced memory at "0x20d13930". The memory could not be read. Click OK to terminate the program." When I click ok, the program closes just fine...
Well recently I just started planning all my flights around actual flights that are flown. Including times, dates, the airports of course, with the correct planes, using the right call signs and what not. Now recently got even more indepth by learning t...
How can I make my AI aircrafts, have much better texture. Make the fuselage and everything else look more smooth?? Thanks in advance...
Hi ALL, I wanted to know if we have any max speed above which i should not be deploying spoilers to slow down the aircraft....
Hi guys I'm relatively new to all of this however have a quick question. I have seen all the add-ons for the additional planes and want to fly the Vulcan bomber. I've seen that you can buy these add-ons from shops, ebay etc but what im wanting to know ...
Can anyone tell me what AI means in referrence to AI aircraft and stuff....
Hi everyone, in a B747 i always take off with the autothrottle set on SPD 250 up to 10,000 ft. After 10,000 ft to FL20 i set it to 280, then FL20-30 300, FL30+ 320. I know this isn't how a real pilot would do it, but can anyone tell me the speed or ...
ok i'm using PMDG 737, and i am also using fspassengers. When i try to get my co-pilot to change the dials in fspassengers by say for instance, hitting H (for heading) the typing 090, normally the autopilot would change to this setting, however when us...
Hi everyone, I was flying from KLAS to KSFO, got to 18nm outside of SFO, was at 6,000 ft, 180knts with flaps at 30 in the default B747. I had the nav 1 radio tuned in to runway 28R, with the course set at the right heading. I turned the knob abov...
Are there any downloads of pre-set failures to really test the pilot? Perhaps a flight where immediately after take-off to touching down the pilot will be presented with a nightmare of a flight? I know I can create my own failures but it never seems...
Hi, I've having some problems finding any information on how to enter the heading on the above. plane. I bring up the radio stack and can enter the ATIS frequency, Runway ILS, transponder. However I cannot find anywhere to enter the heading so the co...
Am I alone in thinking that the lessons provided in FS4 are frustrating? My main source of irritation is that the instructor (Rod Muchacho or something) speaks far too fast, like they have speeded up the tape to fit his narrative in. Consequently the info...
When loading a new flight, Flight Simulator 2004 crashes to the desktop at around 70%-90%. The following error is reported: AppName: fs9.exe AppVer: ModName: sim1.dll ModVer: Offset: 0004fe33 I had the game inst...
I want the following files for FS2004 : terrain.cfg & Scenery.cfg please and thank you 😞...
hi all, i have a problem is that i dont know how to activate the smoke system on an aircraft, what key do we use to activate it?...