Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Hi Guys Thanks for the replying to my last post. I am woundering hoe to create SID/STARs or u can say Flight plans which we can enter into the FMC I have gone throgh so many websites but cant understand Pls help me to understand so that I can co...
I already uninstall and deleted the entire file from registry before reinstalling FS2004. Now I want to install the FS9.1 update, it says the update already exists. I don't understand. The update is not there at all. Can you please help me to solve this....
Does anyone know about the "texture reload" function in fs9, and how to use it? Many thx 😎...
Hi everyone Ever notice after you land the Tower will tell you to "... turn next taxiiway"?? Sometimes this can be confusing. Some airports its straight-forward, as you can only turn left or right, not both, so its simple then But in some airports, ...
sorry about the caps on the title but hey it drew you in didnt it lol. well anyways on to my question OK with the throttle controll the X52 comes with it, well its hard to explane to you that dont have one but to all the people out there that do, ... it possible by configuring fs9.cfg or an existing patch or something to set up a multiplayer session with default ai traffic and default fs2004 ATC just like in single player mode? Thank you for your answers...
Hey Peeps, Not been around for a while, but now that I am back I am looking at changing my A320 panel for one that possibily has a MCDU and one that lets you input a flight plan etc etc. I understand that the chances of getting a freeware one is sma...
Does anyone know where I can download Jeppersen air nav maps that will work with FS 2004 ? I usually use these maps in other Flight Sims that show the NDB/VOR etc and also the airport plates. I'm lost without em 😀 Are they within the ...
Whenever I try and increase the throttle in-game, the computer suddenly displays a blue screen and restarts. This is not a problem with the joystick that I use because it works in all my other games. I do not have Internet Explorer 7 and I have tried r...
I have just set up two monitors both of which are working but I do not know how to place the aircraft control panel on one and the scenery views on the other. Can anyone help please. 😀 Simmy...
i have a question that i believe i know the answer to but just wanted to get some confirmation. While flying online ATC will on ocassion inform that the information at the airport im landing or taking off from is (ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, e.g.) is current....
Hi people 😉 . Today, I've been reading alot as regards FS, I've put some into practice, so I'm going to attempt to put this together and maybe it will help some. Hidden commands in FS............. I'm sure that alot of people (including mysel...
I just installed FS2004 on a new computer with alot of paywear and am having a problem. About an hour into a flight the tool bar dissapears on me and if I go to the Alt to bring it back up my fs will shut down. Any ideas how to correct this?...
I was told that re-calibrating my joystick through FSUIPC might fix my problems I am having with aircraft banking left and right. I have never purchased a copy of FSUIPC but read that it may be installed on my system by any addon already. I have had...
Hi, i'm a boy on 14 years. I not get it, now i payed for the flyaway membership, but now wen i doawnload a plane, WinRAR want's me to pay. Do I really have to pay for all that?! 😀 Please " 😀 help" me.. ❓...
Hi friends, It's been a long time I have been here. So how you guys doing there? Well just a quick one 😂 I know I come with stupid questions everytime...Well I have seen this whenever I request Airport Directions from the ATC I hear Airport is...
I am trying to figure out how to center the stick vertically using keyboard controls. There is a center for yaw and bank (num 5) but how do I know where to center the elevators? How does the keyboard behave with respect to pitch? For instance does the sti...
My dad is a controler at denver center. I've heard rumores pilots don't like the FAA. What are your thoughts? No offence taken. 😀...
I have some 3D I-glasses that can produce stereoscopic 3D images. I was wondering if MSFS can support OpenGL or Direct3D? I am using a Nvidia Gforce video card and they claim their stereo 3d drivers will works on all games, both Direct3D and OpenGL ht...
OK now this is somewhat about the new flight sim X but not entirly so here it is lol. Ok insted of buying a COMPLEATLY new comp " I plan to sometime next year anyway and I will be keeping the comp I have now anyway." I want to be able to play flight si...
I am looking for suggestions on a good flight simulator application and hardware, and why anyone would recommend any particular product(s). I recently took my first flight lesson, took advantage of the FAA special for $50, and I absolutely loved it. I ...
It seems like the 2 outer engines of each wing of the 747 are "bent" a little inwards. Why is this? Just curious, thanks in advance 🙂 edit: I think this goes for the airbus A340 as well...
Hey everyone Which is your favourite?? Obviously the majority of the answers are going to be Flight Sim and some of the answers here will be biased (it being Fly Away and all). But some people might prefer Train Sim. And for the people that do?? ...
How do you get the glider in FS9 up in the skys :dontknow:...
Hey everyone I have been flying planes for a while in flight simulator. I love planes, and there very easy to handle once you get the hang and there is no severe weather conditions But I now want to learn how to fly a helicopter in Flight Simulator....
What do I do? It's an intel graphics card, and it has very, very few adjustments... Am I looking in the right place? Under display controls>Advanced? Thanks.... It seems like KNWK or KNRK or something like that would suit it better... Anybody know the story about EWR?...
Hi, I'm having problem with my video card. My video card is: 3dfx Voodoo3 Apprx total memory: 16.0MB date installed : 16th August 2001 This is a second-hand card. I also have DirectX 9.0c Is this card not ideal for playing Flight Simulat...
Hi there. When you push cntrl z, red writting appears. What does e.g. wind 111/10 mag mean? thanks...
Is it posible? because for one reason, i just got a head tracker (like a gyromouse) it uses mouse like protocol for tracking data. and two i think it would be a useful tool for msfs (maybe activated by a hot-key or something?). any ideas?...
Hi guys, I need some help.In this one folder(of a Jayhawk HH-60)I can't open the Aircraft.CFG file to read the contents.All it'll do is start up fs9,and then say something like"file unfindable".Thanks in advance....
Hey Peeps I am currently flying my A319 and still can't get over the problem where my engines are running at 90% of n1 at crusing altitudes. I have read somewhere that if you cliimb steep and then level out it helps, but I am not sure. This is th...
does anyone know how to modify/add/delete waypoints using msfs default flight planner? thanks for your help 🙂...
Congrats to VATSIM and all of us users. Today's edition of the WSJ has an article about VATSIM. I'll admit it's in the "A frame" column - the column that reports quirky news, but still - it's the front page. I only get the print edition - not online, o...
Ok this is kinda weird, ONLY happens on the ground, just started doing this recently, doesn't matter the aircraft. When I start taxing all of a sudden the rudder will go full lock left, sometimes I can counter it enough to go straight and some times not....
Where do you like to fly to? My three favorite places to fly into on fs are Princess Juliana, Innsbruck Austria, and Jackson Wyoming. Princess Juliana is just awesome landing a heavy. Innsbruck is nerve racking especially on an ILS approach. So ...
hi all i see all these screenshots of people landing on boat runways. do i have to download that to be able to do it? if so where do i get it from thanks for your help 😂...
Do you prefere to fly by IFR or VFR?...
I'm asking cause I don't know. :oops: :help!:...
Hi, Its been a long time since I last used VATSIM. How do I speak to ATC with my mic? I need help quick because I'm about to taxi and need to use Voice. Thanks guys 😉...
How do i put the staris down on the airplanes?...
i've just signed up for vatsim but don't know what to do to get flying, their site is not very helpful...
(KORF) (KIAD) I had sound of the engines only. ATC was trying to contact me but I could not reply. I pushed Avionics incase I had bumped it, that didn't work. I could do all of the views. The only setting that I had changed was instead of indicated ai...
What does CAT II mean? (I saw it at the edge of a taxiway on a holding point) greets...
I simply love these modern aircraft we have on our flightsims, especially my A340's from PSS. Their avionics are awsome and so easy to use. Now you see, I want a challenge. I want to learn how to navigate without using the default GPS and with out using t...
are there any aircraft carries on fs9. Can you land on them? Where are they?...
ok this might seem like a weird question but im gunna ask anyway. what noise does your game make when a plane touches down. at the moment i touch down my 747 with no sound. does anyone have the same problems?...
Hello Is it possible to have a panal with the autoland feature for boing 747 or any other plane I downlaod some file from utilities which says autoland but after installing i didnt get any icon on the panel of my aircrafts I have follows all instructi...
Well that dreaded day has come. All of a sudden my FS wont start. The splash screen comes on for a few seconds like usual then turns black with the hourglass turning over and over. The menu screen never appears. Is it time to delete my cfg. file? The o...
What is TOGA, I hear people talking about it about engaging it on takeoff and on landings (sometimes), but what exactly is it?? I tried looking it up on google but to no avail......