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I departed from Bergen Flesland airport to Oslo Gardemoen airport and then proceeded to Nice. Here are the pictures from the trip: Norwegian 737 being pushed back for taxi Seated in the 737 getting pushed back. I wasn't lucky enough to get a window ...
What do these buttons on AP do? Thanks 😀...
i am in the middel of a night flight......look out the windows, i lost lights on the ground, it only renders the nearest lights patch by used to be able to render all the ground lights.....whats going on???...
New to the game,,,can't turn aircraft while taxiing. If I use the rudders, I can never get them to center up...What am I doing wrong here. My joystick does not move in circles and if I try to turn left or right, no action...Someone please help......
Can you change the FS Default that opens each session with the plane's engines already running?? I have looked everywhere to change this setting --but no luck :cry: I would rather start each flight from scratch particularly since some of the more recen...
I have that channel thank god! Sometimes its ok but what do cars and other things got to do with flying I don’t know? Like saying dose my bum look big in this. Nothing to do with flyaway. Anyway im happy I have it. It doesn’t start until 7pm UK ti...
Go here and check out some great videos rob...
In another forum, I was explained that the higher you fly, the thinner the air is. So for example, if I have Speed Hold indicator to 385 KIAS...i just have to change the SPD to MACH on the autopilot? But the problem I have is...why does the nose tend to p...
Hi, its probably right in front of my face but how do you get your downloaded aircraft to work in FS2004 i always get the files but whenever i click on the aircraft it says the file is corrupt or cant be found, please help....
Hello people, not long ago I had to re-install FS2004. Installation process was fine and all four discs installed on my computer. However when trying to click on the FS2004 icon to run the program i get an error: "Aircraft Initialization failure Gmax...
Guys, please know that the post labeled "Active Airport Software" was posted by me. I didn't realized I was no longer logged in. Unless I'm crazy, I swear I heard somebody mention this "active" airport stuff (boarding ramps, trucks, luggage carts, foo...
Hi guys, Deano here. Hope all is well. 😀 I received this email yesterday but I have only just logged on to my PC. The following text mainly applies to the flight simmers in and around England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland. It is to do with (a...
Hi people. When i first saw FS2004 videos.. (chopper in las vegas), i notticed that we can pan camera in a 180º in the cockpit (or virtual cockpit) view. But i can't do it with my Sidewinder Joystick. Any help would be very appreciated 😉...
What is the difference between the NAV/APP Hold?? I use ILS to land and the aircraft picks up the runway perfectly with the NAV hold. What is the difference if I choose APP hold?...
Hi guys! I have a problem- whenever I start up FS, i see the FS load screen, but it never goes away, and the main FS screen where you select aircraft and stuff never appears, the FS load screen just is always there, and when i check into ctrl+alt+del it ...
A few posts ago I asked wether anyone could find me some great effects that I saw in a video. Well, I found the effects and how to install them. This is the type of effect I'm talking about: First go the link below and scroll down until yo...
hi guys, went to load fs when i got home from college and its asking for cd4 even tho its in the drive? FSPassengers screws up then my disc 4 doesnt work :/ Ive rebooted pc and stuff and its not havin it. Anyone else had this problem? Looking a...
Seat belt sign button? Anywhere I can download this?...
If u have FS2004 when u climb to about 30,000 ft + and u put maximum thrust...your plane wont go past 400 Knots and the nose tends to pitch way up like if its climbing but its not. That is nowhere near being close to realistic flights. Today,...
Hi all ! I've got a big problem : When I want to Start FS 2004 , I get only a Black Screen and land again onto the Desktop. I've got a "Dell XPS M170" Laptop with a NVidia GeForce Go 6800 ULTRA integrated. Can you help me with my problem ??...
Hey guys, I was wondering does anyone have a recomended setup for an Xbox Controller? Maybe someone else is using this to play the game or a link. Iam really struggling to get it sorted cuz i dont know what each term means or does, its really compla...
This is soo cool.. have any one of you tryied MyFsgoogleearth? you get real time flight tracking in google earth connected to your flightsimulator 2004....
What settings do I need to change to see my landing lights from the cockpit. Aircraft.cfg, fs9.cfg, etc. The landing lights are working as I can see them from any view other than cockpit view. The aircraft doesn`t have a v/c. The spotlight bmp is show...
Hey peeps, Only me 🙂 I was just wondering what the default assignment is for the SPD switch on the autopilot as I cant seam to find it in the assignments window. I am trying to set up my joystick at the moment so I have got everything in ...
How do i use the approach hold switch on a 747-400...
I've noticed that when I take my Triple 7 up to 30,000 ft and put Max throttle...the airplane goes about 370 Knots but the nose pitch is looks like the plane is climbing but its not...the same thing happens when u go 250 knots under 10,000 with ...
Is there any free easy to use on screen recorders? thanks in advance, beerbadger...
Hi all, When setting up my company I set the failure percentage to 10%. Im now sick of all the failures but I dont want to loose all my company info. Is there a way to reduce the percentage and what would you recommend for a realistic setting? Tha...
My Ultimate Traffic only provides 3 or 4 makes of the GA aircraft, cessna, piper, mooney, piper, for GA trffic.....I would like to see more variety of AI aircraft in the sky, is there any AI package out there?...
I was just wondering why is it that the higher you fly, the slower your speed inicator shows? The mach indiciator is till the same but the knots/hour gets lower....
How do you take off the Flap-Freeze and Gear Jam in FSPassengers? It's annoying!!!...
Sir Freddy Lake, a British born pioneer in aviation passed away on the 9th of February 2006, aged 84 last Thursday. He was the man who created the no-frills airline concept and run his own highly successful Trans-Atlantic “Laker Airways” during th...
Hey guys I just got FSpassengers and when I go to unlock the real thing it comes up with an error message saying "Username or password wrong, try to copy and past your username and password" well I did that about 20 times lol so does anyone know what is g...
Hey everyone, At the moment I am doing a tour around Europe which includes various flights around the continent. I will be flying in my Michael Aviation (painted my Davec), in my A319 for all my legs of the tour. I will post some reports on how eac...
Sometimes, not all the time, when I radio a tower that I'm ready to taxi or whatever, the audio for "my voice" says something like "Soar 207 ready to taxi, with Foxtrot" or something like that. I know that Bravo and Foxtrot are part of the military alphab...
Anyone have their favourite airport lists? Spent hours as a newbie flying to my unimaginative airports and just wondered if anyone had a list of favourites...
Hi Folks, New to this forum and need a little help. How do I set altimeter in fs2004? Thanks for any help you can offer....
I've been looking for a B777 panel that has the Autoland feature. Does anyone know of one? Thanks!!!...
they can't spread sand and salt....plough? doubt it...then how?...
Having recently formatted my HD and reinstalled my FS 2004 I find that the frame rate is exreemly slow almost zero. I also find that I have no menu bar at the top, so I cannot make changes from the menu bar, neither can I exit the program using Esc. I h...
Just wondered if anyone had used it and if it was as good as it claims. I'm interested in the UK volumes 1 to 4. Be good to hear your thoughts. Thanks chaps....
anybody out there tried FS force used with force feedback joysticks? I'm trying the free version (10 flights) but finding a few bugs, any reviews would be appreciated....
I was surprised enough when I got FS2004 and found that it: 1. Included this little tiny airport in Fryeburg, Maine that I knew well from when my Aunt Sharon would fly in to visit us in her Cessna. 2. Had the correct dimensions and height of Pleasant ...
Im in a 747, trying to climb to a crusing altitude of 35000. I'm doing alright till I turn on the autopilot with the setting at 35000. I usually hit the autopilot at around 25000. My airspeed the proceeds to slowly drop till I stall. Should I be hitting a...
What do you think is the ugliest aircraft in the sky?...
what are the other sites i can download planes from? went ot check my bookmarks and theyve all disappeared, only one i can think of is projectai and avsim. which others is there?...
It may seem a dumb/ass question 🙄 but is it possible to set the settings in FS9, to get cloud layers in the pics I've included ??? I've just been reading about clouds/weather etc thats included in the FS9 tutorial, but it does'nt give me the ans...
Does anybody have any tips on landing the 737? Ive only tried it a couple of times and I dont pitch up in time so I always land too hard....duh....
Hey all, I have no doubt this question has been posted before, but a search for autopilot and nav gave so many reponses I couldn't find it. My understanding is, if I have a flight plane and its loaded into the GPS, if I turn the autopilot on, s...
Hey everyone, Im new to flight simulator and I am loving it. But, does anyone know how to approach the runway, or what correct buttons in the cockpit to push? I always think im in the center of the runway and always land on the grass next to it....