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Here is a list of the minimum specs required to run FSX as issued by Microsoft ➡ * Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 / Vista * PC with 1 GHz equivalent or higher processor * 256 MB of system RAM for Windows XP SP2 / 512 MB Vista ...
hi guys, I upgraded my PC from windows XP to windows vista ultimate. Everything was working fine, but I hadn't tested FSX. I had a bad feeling. When I switched on FSX, my worst nightmare came true. The Ultralight wasn't loading, and when I took any airpl...
Hi there, I just finished the Austrian soaring mission - in record time 😀 But the mission always fails although I land on the runway at Zell am See. I tried both ways (Rwy 26 and Rwy 08 ), I even tried landing on the apron. But no way. Missi...
hey today i was flying about on FSX and i just noticed every time i go into the 737-800 virtual cockpit it comes up FSX has stopped responding does anyone have any solutions to my problem thnx ace261...
How do you land a Microlight in a 40kt crosswind? Here's how ;) I lost some of the quality in uploading but you get the idea. I don't think this has been done before and it's pretty funny and tricky to d...
I’m stuck in the “Civil Air Patrol Search” Mission supplied with FSX Deluxe. After I pick up the downed pilot and am routed to “McCall”, and after landing there, I loose all comm. from the “CAP Observer”. Consequently, I don’t know where...
This addon has been dis-cuss'd previously in the addons forum. It's been a while and more O us have downloadeed it. I'm canvasin this forum now for a 2nd o-pin-uon. effieveda wrote Warning - stay away from FSX_GA_TRAFFIC. It can be found on this site ...
Gosh when I go for flying lessons not eve my landing are that bad 😂
Hi, i've seen many screen shots of people getting passenger views.. Could any one tell me how to do that??? I have heard you have to change something in the FSX.cfg file, but don't know what...
y not cuz i just made one to day and i went to my info and pasted the html or w/e and made it so but alls what happons is this...
I am in teh m,iddle of configuring a dell and it costs $250 to upgrade from a 6600 to a 6700. Is it really worth it or should I spend my money on an 8600 video card or adding 2gb of memory....
How does the sim determine where and when birds appear? At one time I had a couple of hawks hanging out right next to my airport just like they do in real life. I could fly up and see them on several occasions. Then they went away. I can still see birds a...
Wow I just flew an ILS approach at London City airport. I didn't realise the approach was so steep. This screenshot was taken when I was 3 miles out and I had just started the descent from 2500ft with a 8kt crosswind. The A/P couldn't keep up and I h...
I just got the game, Im running a vista computer which is compatible with the game. The odd thing that happens when I go to install it is it goes through the few loading bars in the InstallShield, and then it simply doesn't come up. It just doesnt show, I...
I accidentally deleted some default FSX aircraft out of the aircraft folder. Is there any way I can restore the default aircraft without entirely reinstalling FSX?...
ok there is a weard mist when i get to around 6000ft. it happens with all types of weather. i tryed having it just clear skyes and it didnt work. the with thunderstorms it didnt work its always their even in real time weather. ive tryed altering my graphi...
Hello everyone, Isnt FSX fun ! Im migrating my skills to jets and have discovered that they all have aerolons ? (extra wing tip flaps) thats for me; and airbrakes. Recently Ive noticed that when sat on the runway before Ive made any adjustments.... my fl...
I have tried to load the FSX SP1 upgrade and have something wrong somewhere! so I believe l need to wipe my FSX directory Prior to reloading the Default Program. But l do not want to loose all my Pilot's Log, Flight Plans & Missions Completed Data. Can a...
Hi guys, I know quite a lot about computers (it is neccesarry to know your CPU inside out if you have FSX!!:IDEA🙂, but one thing I don't get is this talk about dual core proccesors. How do you know if your computer is dual core, and what does it...
I can't seem to find it? I've looked everywhere. Can someone tell me where it is, or provide me a map? Thanks, smitman55678...
At last I have completed the Instrument Chechride. Feel somewhat de-humanized by the whole experience. Hints and Tips 1) Use the pause button often 2) Employ heaps of patience, and only attempt 1 or 2 times a day. 3) Although you are told you have +...
My pilots voice is set to a females voice how can I change the voice like in fs9 Thank's 🙂...
where is the animation button ?...
okay, I taxi to the gate and stop on the yellow line, shut down my engines, apply parking brake, open the door, press ctrl+J and the jetway never moves...what do i do!?!?!?!...
im having a nightmare fsx won't start i tried both the disks it starts loading then just goes away need desperate help im in hell here...
OK - this is driving me crazy! I was taking my first trip in the Garmin-enhanced Cessna 172 (comes stock with FSX, the glass flight display model) So I tried to start playing with the GPS - the buttons (PROC, etc...) work like the Shift-3 GPS does in, ...
I cannot wait until I complete my helicopter training! Is this not the coolest thing to watch?? You see a Bell on approach, hover taxi, and even a near miss with another aircraft on the taxi way. Performing a hover taxi in FSX is so hard to do.... ...
I have the standard version but see a grumman goose and a maule aircraft which are not in my aircraft menu but are in my simobjects aircraft folder is there any way I can get these aircraft to be selectable with the vc and all and is it legal or is this o...
for some reason when i go to choose an aircraft to fly, the detail on the aircraft looks extremely low. i can't make out the images/lettering on the aircraft. i went into settings and turned them up all the way and it still looks bad, so i reinstalled win...
Hi folks, I've seen that there is a reward badge for flying over 4 flocks of sheep in the midwest mission. I found three (one straight ahead from the runway, the second as you turn around near the road, the third near one of the barns a little further ...
Hi all, Every once in a while, just for kicks, I like to watch an ai aircraft take off from somewhere and land somewhere else. I've got several flights set up to/from KPDX (Portland, OR) - KBUR (Burbank, CA). So what happens is I'll watch one of them dep...
I have just managed to get passed error 1722 and here's how I done it: Start the installation as normal and when the error comes up press Alt + Control + Del and use that and restart your computer. Then go to: My Computer Hard Drive Program Files ...
How do you summon the stairs and baggage carts to your plane?...
I have FSX on a Windows XP Pro machine and had to reinstall FSX. In which order should the SDK1, SDK2, and SP1 files be installed? Kareem...
Starting as a guest until the problems of regestration have been resolved. I have just installed fsx, after running or the first time the fsx splash screen reported an activation error, the sim ran for 30 minutes and then asked for the prduct to be reg...
you get what you pay for. the free downloads are just horrible. no disrespect for the contributors, but once you tried the FSX aircraft, there is just no comparison. the fs2002 was a major leap in sim technology the fs2004 was fantastic now...
I've been using a muti screen display in FS Century of flight, no problem but can't find out how to do this in FSX. I guess using FSX in windowed mode may help but can't see how to do that either. Any suggestions?...
can you land in a narrow runway like this ?
hi all i want to put the video of my last flight on simtube or can i get the viedo out of fsx, where do i find the file of my saved flight? thanks andy...
do you find that fsx real world weather always seems to be cllear skies, broken clouds etc. with no wind or extreme weather...
how i make photo scenery for fsx...
😞 I can't seem to find Laarbruch Airforce Base (ETUL) anywere's?? 😕... the airport code is LPMA...
These are one of the times this has happened to me. in calibration, everything seems to be alright!! I was flying on a Singapore Airlines B777-200 going from Jakarta to Changi. For most of the flight, I was on autopilot. When I took off, I used manual ...
hi guys...any help would be appreciated....on final with just about all the airplanes , say about 14 miles out or so i never can hold the airplane on the centreline of the runway i am always CHASING THE GAUGES ....i have no problem with the g...
I've just installed FSX on XP after ditching Vista and all went well untill i installed fsx sp1, now i have 2 problems :- 1-If i stay in cockpit mode on selecting a flight, the cockpit will remain but the outside just becomes a black screen 2-If i switc...
hello everyone. i have a quick question. ok, when i put my gear down sometimes, there is a screeching/beeping sound. what exactly is this sound and what does it mean. ps- does anyone know any freeware mid-range either multi-prop or medium jet with a...
Can somebody explain a few things? 1. Will direct X 10 work in XP as I hear a rumor, or will it require vista? And if it does work in xp, will you notice a difference? 2. Will you see any advantage to direct 10 if you only have a direct X 9 video...
does anybody know how to get your add on aircraft to be the air traffic in the game as well as only the default aircraft and paints...
Does anyone know where I can get a Rockwelll Aero Commander for FSX?...