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Hello everybody, I wonder if anyone can help me...i have active camera for flight simulator 2004, but i was wondering how i can get back the default tower view of flight simulator, in the past the only way i could get back the default tower view was by...
thanks to Liono's screenshots, I have gone out and purchased Walk and Follow It was well worth the money! Its a little bit fiddly to work out at first, but its a hell of a lot better than active camera. I would recommend it to anyone. 10/10!...
Whats an icoa code is it the airport id...
Hi I was flying form Duxford, In the uk, in my DC-3, with real time and weather on when i looked out my left window and i spotted doggy cloud(s), not the first time i've noticed it ither. They seem to just end. It seems to occur regulary. I have left my ...
can i print out the jepp charts off the fs 9 disks?? I dont have a printer and need to get the pates printed.... Can anyone help?? If you can, please email Any help much appreciated.. Cheers....
Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if it's possible to mod fs2004 so that runway lighting is on all the time? Thanks....
Last summer I built a computer just for flight simming to help me get ready for AF pilot training. I loaded nothing but windows and flight simulator with the T-37 microsim, updated terrain mesh and USA roads. Now that I'm finishing with Tweets I've star...
hey when i land i usually use auto land to get lined up with the runway and i do the rest myself.. and everything works great until I reach the outer marker.. then the plane will pitch up for some reason.... i know i set everything up right (radio nav 1 a...
New problem with FS9's 737... All instruments, avionics, radios suddenly go black and the only way to retrieve them is to save the flight, then re-open it through Select a Flight. This only happens on the 737 so far. I have Failures set to none. Is ...
Ok people, i would like to start by, once again, thanking everyone that has helped me get this far..... Last night i completed the first part of a European tour that im doing. Its not really planned out to be honest. Just sort of a.."hmm where shud i g...
Hi all, I just got FS2004 recently and I decided to fly around Cancun. I was very disappointed though, as only one building was rendered for all of the Cancun coastline and Cozumel. Is this normal with the default scenery or do I need to adjust my graphic...
hi, i was wondering if you could help me out? i have active sky 6 and i start the program up before flight sim and when ever i minamize FS for some other reason AC6 still says FS Disconnected?? any ideas thx...
Personally, I don't like to fly long flights on FS2004. I have flown from LAX to Honolulu, which was probably my longest flight. I have also flown from Columbus, Ohio (my hometown) to Las Vegas, Nevada nonstop in a single session, which is still only abou...
I have been making flights into Amsterdam ( EHAM), VFR, and, depending on the direction I'm entering from, ATC either gives me "runway 1L left downwind" or "runway 1R right downwind" Does "left" and "right" mean here the direction of the TURN in the tr...
Well, ever since a couple of days ago, I've had quite a bit more time to spend at home, so I decided to go through with purchasing the 0610AIRAC in order to fly my PMDG737NG once again 🙂 This evening, I was on approach to Denver, when I encount...
Sorry to be back , but i need your expertise again i'm afraid. Could anyone please tell me how to get that carpet of cloud that extends as far as the eye can see in FS9 like you could in 2002. I've tried 8/8 clouds and lots of different variations in user...
I'm planning on doing a really long flight in lots of stages, visiting as many nice airports as i can in my 152. Can anyone reccomend an airport they think is nice or fun to fly to? Thanks....
tried this today, and its pretty cool. Gives a change from flying with passengers 😕 Just wondering if anyone else has this, and if you couuld tell me how i get it to work with any other aircraft except the default cessnas. Thanks...
anybody here flying Eaglesoft Citation X? I have beening practising closed traffic for hours, smooth landing is rare, most of times its rocky, quite a few times the jet floats at the ground effect then when I push down it falls like a rock, noway to rec...
Hi Peeps I was just wondering if there is an easy way to work out which Star to use when you are planning your route and entering it into the FMC? I have just flown EGBB to EHAM and thought I had my route sorted, until I entered a Star to work out m...
Well, seing as everyone here was so kind and helpful with my last two problems, i hoped someone might be able to help me with this one: Having had the demo for two days, i have decided that i like the game and want to get the full version, but i want to ...
Hey Peeps, I was just wondering what the correct start sequence is for the B757? Its just that I have just purchased the PSS 757 and having a few probs. I have checked the manuals, but no joy.......I shall explain what I am doing. 1. Set the fuel cu...
there is an add on for flight simulator 2004 where you speak through the microphone to the air traffic control and they answer back can anybody tell me what its called thanks....
hi, i bought "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004" about a week ago, because i have been told for my birthday next year i will be getting a set of 24 lessons (real lessons) ive been trying to get information to read up on the lessons in game and help me ...
Hello. I started to playFS04 the other day and then i relised that my joystick was unpluged, i pluged it back in, wated for the ding nioise that m/s makes tosay its installed then carried on flying. It was all ok untill the following day the throttles sae...
I recently downloaded a P-51D to FS2004. Everything works great but I'm having trouble flying straight and level. Since there is no trim tab on the panel I have to use my 3 and 4 buttons on my Logitech 3D Pro. I can't seem to find that 'happy meduim' and ...
Hey, I'd like to get rid of a couple of payware add-ons that I no longer use and would like to get rid of to free up space. The problem is it wont let me do this from the add/remove gives some lame error message :x What is the best way to ...
Hello all, I read the basic tut to FS here They mention that you have to lift the front wheel of a Cessna at 40 knots when taking off, otherwise it will shimmy. But I took t...
Hello folks! Newcomer here, so please forgive me if this is a topic which has already been covered seven ways from Sunday. Anyway, what are some of your favorite airports for scenic or other reasons? Thanks in advance for some suggestions. Reg...
How can I change the red numerals on the Cessna radio stack to a diff color like yellow or aqua...
Hi all, I'm new to FS 2004 and MS FS in general but always wanted to give it a go. I got it from barterbee online and didnt come with directions, so I'm going through the lessons. now what I'm wondering is there a way to print out a keyboard map i...
I am going to fly from O'Hare airport, making multiple stops, landinmg at McMurdo Base and doing the same back! I'll keep you updated and I'll do it in multiplayer....
Would someone please let me know what "FS9" is? I'm new here, see all the references, but have no idea what it is! Thanks in advance! Phoebe...
when i click the clock button it says that their is a problem with my license file?? but i got it installed ok?? any ideas thx...
Hi Guys How’s every body out here… Guys I have downloaded the Advanced Operations Tutorial for PMDG 747 which have tutorial flight DLH454 from EDDF to KSFO I really enjoyed following all the instructions given in the tutorial and flying for 11 hrs...
I dont know why the flight planner has gone crazy but when I plan a flight from London Heathrow (EGLL) - Kennedy Int NYC (KJFK) useing IFR and High Altitude it gives me really stupid flight plans. It gives me a route up across greenand over the north p...
i load the demo flight and when i click the clock button everything goes black and fs crashes. i installed everything correctly. is there something i can do different. i have the update 1.2 installed and went through the config manager so. if someone coul...
Hi I recently purchased Ultimate Terrain Europe, I've followed the instructions however the buildings on my FS still look like they have been planked in the middle of nowhere! Does anyone have this and can assist me so that my FS looks like it does on...
I click download, files are downloaded and unzipped, I copy them to my Aircraft folder in FS... Aircraft don't appear in my FlightSim aircraft directory.. What am I forgetting?...
Hey every1, wats best to buy, the game or just the code to unlock it? and once i bought it it wil work at any airports then? i just downloaded the demo version and its cooooool 😀...
Just wondering, I have been trying to post some screenshots for FS 04 for weeks now and they never appear even though I get a message back saying that we have recieved your media?? So annoying! Has anyone else had a problem posting shots on this site? Doe...
I want to get this add on, but i want to know if it is any good, and if it will just kill my machine becuase of too much detail. im quite tempted to get it, but i dont want to waste my money, so if anyone knows where i can find a demo thier help will be m...
Flying from EGKK to EGDP (without checking first the airport of EGDP) i was surprised by seeing this ➡ Is this the smallest or there are more?At the beginning i thought it was my scenery fault(And i take as prove the Tower in the sea... ㈸...
hey guys. well everytime i try and play FS2002 or CFS3 my PC just restarts. and it kinda sucks 😂 anyone know what this could be? im not to good with computers mind....
was flying from bermuda to philly nice flight. i get cleareance to land on 27l. i program the ils. set up th plane. turn on final. intercept the localiuzer. then another 737 turn right in front of me. a near miss !!!!! so i follow him and i execut...
hi folks, so heres' the problem. i'm running FS2004 (US) on a Vaio laptop with an AZERTY keyboard layout(french). i know,i know, lousy set up you all say, but in France thats all i got for the time being. everthing works brilliantly......except for 1 thi...
How does this work where can i find it? Thanks for the help as always 😀 IF this is unclear i mean when i open kneeboard i can open a internet browser IN FLIGHT....
My simulator is constantly crashing to a black screen, followed by a Microsoft message saying it has encountered an error and needs to close. This will happen at any point from before take-off to having landed and taxiing to gates. Microsoft have been ...
Hi, I am trying to install the Real Environment Pro but i constantly get an error saying some .ocx file is not registered properly....I use windows xp 64 bit edition and have even formatted my machine and done a clean install of FS 9.0 and updated it t...
wow look at this video amazing isnt it LOL you can find more a t this url