Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
hello, i was flying online recently and there was an ATC controller who knew where everyone was and was doing ATC services. Where can i get this software and how do i do it? Is it difficult?...
Are there any tricks I can do with the altimeter when landing on a runway with a high elevation? The reason I ask is yesterday I planned a flight to an airport with an elevation of 3005ft. I made a note of this on paper. As I approached in complete dar...
what is the purpose of ECAM? I would also like to know the operation of EICAS and ECAM? Does anyone know how does these systems works? there are too little info for ECAM... does anyone know any website which i could look up on? thanx alot.....
I'm trying to learn how to identify my bank angle by looking at the top of the HSI reading. It has a moveable arrow that points to different fixed markers as the plane banks. Can anyone help?...
In real life (or so i believe) aircraft have a built in weather system which tells them there is a storm or something in the direction, so they can avoid it. are there any aircraft fitted with this equipment?...
After sifting through tonnes of online Aviation tutorials I have noticed that some have conflicting information. Sometimes they are blatant errors. This shows that I must always check and make sure the information is reliable. One example is several tutor...
is it possible to make your own runway whereever you want?...
I need help locating aircraft carrier you can land on. plz and tankyou...
problem: every aircraft heads severly to the right of the runway when taking off . i ve calibrated the joystick , reinstalled logitech drivers , turned off realism anu suggestions please 😕...
Is there anyway to have aircraft carriers in fs2004? I have no clue if there is or not. If there is I'd like to know how to use them. If not... well whatever. 😕...
Ok ,Today I was flying Airbus 300 from Okecie (Poland) to Frankfurt/Main and about 50 miles from Frankfurt the weather went realy bad ,I mean bad .Winds up to 60mph , but the worst thing was turbulences. My plane was going up and down like a toy. So I kn...
Hello I am planning on buying a flight yoke and pedals but before I buy them I want to know if I should stay with the joystick or not. ❓ Graham...
Hey everyone When I am flying in Flight Simatulor, sometimes when I have the weather on clear, I see fake mountains in the distance. I know for a fact that they are not real mountains because they are nearly always the same flat height and they even ap...
I'm trying to find out if flight crews have a set time/scenario when it becomes a 'sterile' cockpit or does the captain verbally declare when he wishes it to be sterile? Is it aviation law that a cockpit is sterile through the take-off and landing phases?...
Hey guys, i wasted alot of money this week, i bought yoke and pedals, i got all the PMDG aircrafts, soon u will c the pics of my test flights, and i bought the flight enviroment from Flight 1. i bought the MD-11 aircraft AMAZING !!!!, and ofcaurse i got m...
I've been reading about this fascinating phenomenon. I know that jet airway lines are viewable on the map in FS but are jetstreams recreated in any flight sim so you can either fly with or against them? Not that you would want to fly against them though!...
yes i know this is an anoying thing, but me and my friend were wondering how to download AI aircraft. i want to make FS more realistic. please help hi andrew S....
Hello, I just got Jeppesen JeppView specifically for Flight Sim 04' and I believe the serial key lasts for 3 or 5 goes. But because you guys have helped me out a lot recently I thought I'd share the serial code for JeppView with 3 different people f...
hey all hope someone can help as its starting to get on my nerves,the problem is when i start fs it automaticly loads up at seattle,not much of a problem but its annoying having to wait for it to load just to exit back main menu. thanks...
why is it so impossible for me to land a b747? i can land any other boeing, a 737 a 757 a triple 7, but whenever i am coming in for the approach with a 747, i make the descent fine, but when i near the runway, the plane starts to ascend all by itself. i d...
As the end of my schooling fast approaches, its got me thinking about what i would like to do after i leave school. I have come to the conclusion that I would really like to become a commercial pilot. One problem... I have a disability which affects m...
It may be this week when I go out to buy the graphics card you have :groupwave: Just one thing I may have a problem with :umm...: Do you and would I need a PSU ❓ I don't know a thing about these, how they're fitted, what Wattage etc. O...
hi, ive yet to find the problem thats causing fs9 to freeze up and i need to cross something off my list . could someone please do this for me it wont take 60 seconds . go into programmes>microsoft games>fs9>troubleshoot>safe mode. when ...
Hi, This is for users of the Feelthere ERJ. I have produced a fictitious Operating Procedures Manual for the aircraft. What this is not; - It's not a set of Checklists. - It's not a User Guide for the add-on What this is; - It's an Ope...
Are all four reheats used during the take-off in Concorde?...
I have a new system, and decided to install FS2004 to see how it'd run. I can run on full settings fine. But the game seems awful sluggish when entering / exiting flights, changing from menus. These parts loaded faster on my older system! If i'm flying...
I reinstalled FS9/2004 on my new system , Pumped the graphics to maximum and it runs like a charm. The sky and clowds look great but the ground and water look so so. I remember this water mod which gave water really cool reflections , but I can't find...
I'm not sure if this has been posted before but for those who fly on Vatsim....this site might proove useful ➡ Sorry if it has been posted already 😕...
anyone know of a good md-11 download for fs 2002? ive found a few but the quality is not so great. thanks....
I have been reading a lot on FS Passengers lately and I finally think I want to get it. I have one question though. When I went to the site, there was the option to download it for free or buy it. I'm assuming that most people just downloaded it free but ...
I just reinstalled the atr yesterday and everything works fine except the atr configuration maneger when ever i try to start it it says subscript out of range please help me 😞...
Hi guys, When I land (in a boeing 777 default on FS2004) I carry out a full ILS approach etc. and land it every time on the line but as soon as I actually touch down the aircraft will jolt off the runway and I will have to steer it back on to the runwa...
Is there a way to emulate aquaplaning in MSFS?...
Hey everyone as some of you know I just got my new comp, and I am loveing it lol, but there are a few issues with FS9, one is that I have ground enviorment, yet it is still really blury in the distance, you know like its not really loaded on teh game yet....
well, ive done this post before but i decided to give it another shot at posting it 🙂 I cant change the water effects slider on my fs. I put it on high but when i go back to the menu, it is on low again. So the problem is that if I want to inst...
I answered this thread ➡ After pressing submit I remembered something else Italian,and again free Free adventures ➡
Is there any software to add to FS2004 so after a flight there is a summary screen giving an overall flight performance percentage and other results?...
i was playing around with a craft (not yet on the market 😛) when i got a complete electrical failure - not good flying ifr in fog. i managed to glide long enough to drop and see the airport and i pulled off a successful landing managing to stop in...
Hi guys, for the last 2 days i been suffering from the case of the unloading driver when i start up FS2004. I know its almost about time i upgrade this card maybe sometime next month i will but for now im running a GeForce4 MX 440 graphics adapter, its be...
hi all, i bought cls a340-600 but have now got a new computer, however i burned the files for the 340 to a disk to put them onto my new computer and it wont let me add them. anyone got any ideas how i can transfer them onto my new computer?...
I don't have a printer attached to my computer so is there a way I can send the flightplan file to another computer to print it off? Its a pain to pause the flight evey time I want to view it and writing down the co-ords, fuel etc of all the waypoints tak...
I was flying into paris, on final, ATC said i was clear to land on the runway. Weather wasn't great, visibility a little low, and then BAM! I see a 747 fly over my head! lets just say it was a suprise!...
I would like to thoroughly recommend this aircraft if you are up for nearly the real thing! It is fantastic, everything is so realistic..from the overhead to the FMC and the main panel itself as well as the sounds. This aircraft is not for people who have...
Hi Guys, Most of the time when I swith the autopilot button on I can then click the necessary buttons to set heading and rate of climb etc. Sometimes though, The other lights won't go on when I press them and the plane starts doing dangerous things. If...
Does anyone use the Nvidia 7300GT DDR3 card with FS9? I have just ordered 2 for SLI usage and wondered if anyone has any oppinions or experiances with the said card?...
I recently updated my computer, and in my humble opinion it's pretty darn powerful (2 gigs dual channel ram) (it can easily handle Battlefield 2 at max settings). So I decided to fire up and install FS2004 again and bring back the glory. But here I am...
Hey guys, i am realy angry !, why? yesterday i had a flight with my Dash 8 From CYYZ to CYBG and i was getting closer about to descend, and then while its auto pilot my dad wanted the computer, and was trying to play 😳 he was desending like crazy...
hey RadarMan, do you know if there is any icing effect built into the default FS9? Also carbuerator icing? As well as pitot tube? The default aircraft come with carb and pitot tube heat controls, but I don't know if they're any use at all. Will the aircra...
I was offered to be taken up for a spin by a pilot named Wombat (aka Andrew Hope) around the city of Auckland in his American Champion Citabria aircraft- We had an amazing time! Before I start my report, I would firstly like to thank Andrew for his out...
Hello guys, I know it's been asked before in the past but let's make this a new and updated post. I'm wondering what expansions you guys have on your FS? I have quite a lot which I will try and post 😂 I just became obsessed; once yo...