Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
While on FS9 I had to change my screen from full to window ( Alt+Enter) last night to access some other site and I couldn't believe the difference in quality when I left it in that mode in FS9! Everything was so sharp! Just by going down a notch or two in...
Just take a look at what I've brought. PMDG 737NG PMDG B1900D Walk & Follow Aerosoft BAe 146 PSS A319/A320/A321 FSBuild 2.2 FSPassengers FScene Europe ZINERTEK - ULTIMATE NIGHT ENVIRONMENT PRO ZINERTEK - WORLD ENVIRONMENT PRO CLS A300-600R F...
Today I whent on a tour of Denver Center, where my dad works. I got to watch and listen to him control traffic. I ❗ 😀 t was very cool! 😀 I also have one question. I downloaded the UPS MD-11 from this web site. When I go to fly it...
What does it mean they say squawk (then a number)?...
Hi guys, I've got a question. Whilst flying an IFR flight I engage AP, to give me some time to prepare my approach. AP trims the plane for level flight. But when I take over the controls from autopilot, how can I center the trims? There no trim whee...
Hello everyone, im new here, but please help me, how do i get Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 in window mode, so i have this menu Bar in the top? I know how to do, but cant remember it 😞 ::BACH::...
is there a way to start flights with the engines off like in the real world? 😕...
Hi, I here people defrag their hardrive etc... What does this do for me and how do I do it? Thanks 😉...
This question been bugging me for years now but I never thought to ask here. So here it is. I noticed on vatsim and flight sim I heard people say with Information X-ray or Whisky etc. I have no idea what it means, please help......
Hi guys I am new to this forum...I m Italian so sorry me for my not perfect English... this s my problem: The ATC window is totally white...not I cannot see what is write on it...and I can t see what there is behind the ...
I just got FSP and it is really cool. 😀 But I have some questions about it: When I'm in the Manager section, what does it mean to: dismiss (fire?), heal (?), or transfer (move to new airline?) a pilot? I'm flying piston planes use FSP and when...
FS 9 has been minimizing itself for no reason. It doesn't matter if I am manually flying, or on auto pilot. I've tried: Installing fs9update Uninstalling the entire program, removing anything relating to Flight Simulator. Reinstalled (3 times) FS9...
When I start FS9 I get error: "Flight Simulator was unable to load some aircraft or software. You can continue using Flight Simulator but this aircraft or software will be disabled. File: ACONTAIN.DLL" And it writes me again and again with these file...
Does anybody actually do overnight flights in 744's? 772's? Im doing a flight to Singapore from Heathrow at the moment and its 00:56am with 9 hours to go! got a long night aheadof me!...
Runway is 16L (LGSR) and wind is 250@21. Video is low quality (no edits), 12MB. Not the best landing in the world, but hey.
hi everyone, a couple of questions to ask you. 1. do any of you have a problem when at big airports suck as heathrow of JFK. as mine is really slow, especially when coming into land my screen will freeze when i am above the runway for a good few seconds ...
Why does all AI disappear in Instant Replay?? I would like if they stayed because if I am taking videos or screenshots, airports look nicer if they AI in it. Is there a way to make them stay??...
Having purchased a super-duper computer, I was hoping FS9 would be trouble free and smooth flying. However, I am still getting annoying things happen. My main annoyance at the moment is that sometimes plane or airport textures keep blacking-out and re-...
Is it possible to get free charts?? Such as if anyone read the pdf file that you can get on avsim about the 5 most dangerous approaches the man that wrote it has a chart for each of these airports Is it possible to get free ones?? I would like to have...
Ok, I have seen one post about Google Earth on this forum. I thought I would add another just to add how impressed I am in it and to make some of you more aware of it's potential. I thought I would post in General so more of you may see it. Prior to a ...
I have a problem with the taxiing in my little Cessna 172. I try and hold it under 20 knots but it either goes too fast and veers off in all directions, despite my using rudder control, or if I drop speed too much it stops altogether. I can't seem to find...
Can someone help me with this please in FS Passengers (The Greates Addon Of All Time) I have noticed the pressure danger sign thing come up if i ascend fast and I would like to now why this happens. I thought that airliners where pressured as if you where...
Hi gentelmen! I need help on opening the aircaft's doors in FS2004. Thanks! 😀...
Is it possible to make my own ATC sounds I mean me recording my own voice and making a new pilot voice (rather than just pilot 1 through 9 make a new one called Pilot 10 or something with my voice) I do realise that it will take a long while to do t...
well heres what happened.... 😀 i was flying and then came very close to crashing so i pulled up hard on the joystick. The plane goes up and while the copilot is shouting warnings about g forces, everything fades and goes black. ❗ ❓...
hi i just brought a microsoft sidewinder force feedback pro with a game port on it can can not get the joystick to work the software that came with it does not install on xp prof does any one know if you can get a microsoft sidewinder force feedback pro ...
hello everybody, i havent been on this forum for months now! gosh... ive been rily busy including advancing to state science fair. if it werent for my trusty FS2004 i wouldnt have made as far as i did. any way to the topic. ive been flying a cessna 150 ae...
C3 ! Yay for me I just reached C3 so I can now fly Multi Engine Piston aircraft. 26 flights / 24 hours flight time / 100% saftey record 🙂 My only problem is money 🙄...
after reading some off the help topics on the forum,i think i need to use the run as administrator option to start fs4 buuuuuuuuuuut i dont know the password as windows xp was already on the pc when i got it . the problem is it just goes back to my desk t...
Hey everyone I downloaded the addon so that during flight you can get on the internet through the kneeboard you know what I am talking about right? well I downloaded a 737-800 and it has a good checklist and refrence cheet and I am wanting to add it to th...
Ok for thoes of you with FSP you know the co-pilot how he makes the call outs? well is there a download so it will do this without FSP? because when I do long flights I like the total relistic lol. call outs ATC the whole thing lol, as for another questio...
Hi i'd like a dell PC, A top of the range Dell XPS 700 (Gaming) Here is what i want to get: Intel® Pentium® D Processor 950 (3.40GHz, 800MHz fsb, 2x2MB cache) Genuine Windows® XP Professional, SP2 2048MB Dual Channel DDR2 533MHz (2x1024) Memory...
hello. can anyone please tell me how it works?. as i so much want to do a movie for you to see. any help would be great!. thanks. simon123 😎...
Hi everyone Will you take a look at my first video from fs2004?? Its a Ryanair 737-800 (with wiglets) landing in Dublin Intl Airport (Runway 2😎 Also, though you experts out there may not think it was a great landing. I used to have a lot ...
Has anyone ever clicked the German flag at the bottem of this page before? It takes you to the European version of this site, which is all yellow themed and still uses a British Airways plane for the logo 😂 They even have forums all posted in ...
I've seen AISmooth mentioned here. I managed to get 1.11a and I have FSUIPC 3.50 running. AISmooth doesn't recognise FSUIPC or FS2004 running. Am I missing something? I saw a post someplace that there is a version 2 of AISmooth, but the website for it...
Would anyone be interested in this at all? Before I go ahead and plan it out, I want to know what sort freeware AI traffic you use. Once people reply to this post I will set up some plans. I will also need someone to repaint the AI traffic but ...
Hello there. Where can i get airport jetways add on for free?? 😀 Do you mind giving me the link 😀...
I have a few questions about the logitech joystick is it possible to temparily disable the twist rudder because on times like takeoff its annoying as you are rolling down the runway because its hard not to accidently twist it, and going them speeds on ...
Surfing on the net today i face-up with this ➡ Seems more than intersting. ❗...
When downloading some airport upgrades, they have come with AI aircraft and schedules. I already have a package which provides aircraft and schedules for every airport worldwide, and these aircraft are much better than some of those provided in the dow...
hi all when i want to push the plane back i press shift and P as it tells you. however when i want it to be pushed back to the left or right i press shift and p and the corresponding button but it never works. has anyone else had this problem and is th...
Hi, I just read a news about a SAS MD80 plane which actually LOST its engine during flight. By lost I don't mean it malfunctioned, I mean the plane physically LOST the engine.. I am wondering, what would be the emergency procedures for this situation?...
I don't know why but it seems impossible for me to land perfectly on the centre line without Autopilot. I used to use Autopilot but then I thought it was pointless cause then I might as well not fly if I don't do anything but clicking buttons. Can someone...
Hi, I am currently flying my Airbus A319 and climbing to 26000, but I am finding that my speed is shooting all over the place. For example, one second it will be at 260knts and the next 320knts. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks Leachus...
the problem is that i play fs2004 at the best configuration possible and it moves generally at 30fps but it changes and falls to 15fps when im in huge airports or passing trough a city, but the big thing is that in these places when the fps fall i quit t...
Hi, Say I have just bought a new graphics card, and just want to pop it straight in, do certain cards require different slots? If so, How do I locate the Graphics Card Slot. Thanks! 😀...
Hi all, I am going to fly around the world in many stages in a 737. Problem is that I am awful with geography and I dont know where many airports are or the best way to plan a route around the world. I want to start at EGGP. Does anybody have a list...
I have seen many of you use Ultimate Traffic. I have got traffic 2005. I take it that on both you can fly all planes and drive a follow me car and are built by the same company. But what one is better? E.g. Dose Ultimate Trafic aircrafts have custom panne...