Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
I have an actual C-172 skyhawk POH. In the climb profile chart (TIME- FUEL-DISTANCE to climb) it uses a "standard" temperature of 0-deg. C to compute the correction factor for non-standard temperature conditions. Why are they not using 15-deg. C as the IS...
Is there a way I can swap out a standard VOR indicator or DG for an HSI or RMI in a Cessna 182S in FS2004? Thanks, Kevin...
I'm not quite sure I understand the "practical" use of the flight director. I thought when flying manually (AP off), it would indicate the correct angle of bank for a standard rate turn. When AP is on, it always seems to use about 22-degrees of bank unles...
Can someone help please... Several times with certain airplanes when i start to roll on the runway to take off the airplane does not go straight ahead in a straight line but rather it deviates to the left....????...any ideas why this might be? is ...
I followed the stickied guide at the top perfectly. I get clearance to land and I kick in the APP Approach and the plane then just begins to turn in no direction. At first it seems like it may be turning to line up with the runway, but it'll just turn and...
Hi Dose anyone know how to make BOTH cores work (obv for a processor) using Vista Ultimate. I have follwed the instructions for XP and it would let me. Any ideas? Ta...
is there a program that tells you the time it should take you to reach your destination either taking in the weather etc or not, and if not, how can we estimate it?...
Hi, Just wondering if anyone can help; I am currently GROUNDED! Yip my 2.5 month old DELL pc has died on me, so no flying for me. It's a bizarre story.... The problem is that the PC completely shuts off after about 10 minutes of use... when I bo...
any freeware or payware tornadoes in FS, not just the wind effects?...
Is there a way to enter LAT / LON coordinates for an arbitrary point? Inotherwords, I'd like to enter LAT / LON for my house on the GPS in FS2004 etc. Kevin...
Does anybody know where I can get an 777 with an electronic flight bag but is a free download...
Does anybody know where I can get a belly landing program....
I've seen one of these joysticks and it looks a good deal (£5) but it has a USB connection. Will it be compatible for FS9? Is it a good joystick?...
Hey there. I've been wanting to learn VOR navigation for a while now, because it seems to make a simple flight alot more satisfying. But anyway, I took the lesson the game provides about it, but to be honest, it's quite terrible, and hasn't made anythin...
Hello, was simulating a flight from CDG to Nice airport, but when trying to do an ILS landing... ❓ ❓ The ILS feathers do not align with the runway, and consequently on a coupled approach, it appears that I was being guided to the right of ...
Hi all, Does anyone have trouble with the 767-300 when it comes to landing, i always seem to land hard, when i flare i dont over flare yet i always float. does anyone have similar problems or is it just me? happy flying...
Hey, If you formatt your pc, and then install the Nvidia drivers you should be getting lots of frames I have formatted and installed FS2004 on Vista and i can fly around JFK and get 27FPS (Locked at 27FPS) Its wonderful Just need a new hard driv...
Flying a Beech Baron, I got an oil pressure light warning - I feathered the prop, shut everything down and continued on my IFR flight. When I contacted my airport for landing instructions I couldn't find any way to declare a single engine approach and em...
How do you get the jetway to move in fs2004...
has anyone downloaded this? i would like your opinions of it, and if it is a straight forward install....
where can i find a 767 with the vc...
Hi People, Does any one know any aiport with a runway that has a DME arc appraoch. I need to practice this approach. Cheers MRGPS1...
hi i saw this video on youtube of a guy landing a plane. but when he was doing the glide slope thing there were squaers in the air that he went through and it got him straight to that runway how can i get those hoops in the air. i think it was a boening 7...
Wher can I get the free demo version of captian simulator 757...
I remember reading a post about using the other core of a dual core amd for fs9. I did a search but I cannot find it. It gave instructions on how to split the workload in fs9 between the two cores and optimize performance....
what should I set the flaps to on landing?...
After take-off on my ATR, I retract my flaps and suddenly the plane raises it´s nose, and I keep pushing the nose down key, and the nose just raises.. Can anyone tell why this is happening?...
does anybody know how to stop a stall?...
I just recently re-installed Flight Simulator 2004 on my laptop and I think I am having some kind of graphics card issue. The game looks like crap and so I went to adjust the settings. However, when I did went to adjust the sliders they wont move! http...
currently i am flying around the world at around 320Mph about how long will it take. i am going from KPDX-KPDX(my hometown area) stopping every once in awhile to fuel up. btw i am at 16x speed i wish you could go higher in ap mode...
hi guys, on FS9 my mouse scroll wheel wont move my wingview back or forward, it works when im on the internet etc. does anyone know if theres any way i can get it to work in fs9. thanks and happy flying...
Hi all, Just wondering....the sky is divided into 'classes' of airspace (e.g. class B, C, etc.). But...I also heard you have certain regulations on some places about the altitude you have to fly. For example you have to fly higher than 2000 feet on ...
How to use Fraps The latest version is Fraps 2.7.4 in both payware and freeware versions,for Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and x64 Editions. Remember Video capture and editting requires a good spec CPU,plenty of Ram and a fairly decent...
Hi guys I have just downloaded that announciator panel from Avsim. Istalled it, did what it said into my aircraft cfg file.. Then when i started Fs9 it popped up with a ERROR-FS9, aircraft or program in incompatiable, FSSound.dll file Anyway unin...
I enjoy flying the private jetty types of aircraft in fs9, and quickly grew bored of the default learjet. I went on a search for some freeware planes, but could find none that had both a good model and cockpits that weren't just aliased with the default c...
I can reverse an aircraft fine but cannot get it to turn. Using 1 or 2 will not turn the aircraft. any thoughts?...
Rare Flight Simulation's has just released an effect that allows bombs to be dropped from any plane or helicopter ❗ ❗ Download Here Thanks 😉...
hi in fligt simulator 04 i cant get the ap to line me up with the runaway. i like to fly without a flight plan. i have stared playing flight simulator about start of this year and i still cant land at all. i just cant get the plane lined up. can some one ...
I have downloaded a couple of AI Aircraft from their site, however not sure on how to install them? I have the World of Aviation (WOAI) installer already, but most files from AVSIM dont need/wont install through that program. jetstar_v1 is the name of...
I have downloaded a posky united 767 and a 767 panel from avsim and when i save the flight and tryed loading it again it wouldn't load and it says a error message and restarted fs2004 any1 know how to fix this? thanks...
Just flown from Bangkok to Gawick and when I arrive I am gettting no ILS signal at all?? The only thing different about this is that FS could not calculate a "High Level Airways" so I had to opt for "Direct GPS"! Is this the reason?? I really can't thi...
Hello Everyone I seem to be having a strange problem with FS9 and Vista premium. whenever i run FS9 in the non-full screen mode it literally shuts down my system (my computer just turns off). when i run it in full screen mode, it does not shut dow...
Greetings one and all, After weeks of trying to figure out how to program the FMC and fly from point A to point B, I was able to program the FMC, take off and let the computer fly me where I wanted to be. It was quite exhilirating to see this happen. ...
I have finished a REDO on Key West, and added ILS/DME. When I am contacted by ATC for approach info, ATC refers to "Visual" throughout the approach and landing phase. I would like to change that to ILS/IFR from ATC. Is there a way to do this?...
Works great, but cannot get sound to fire up. Any help? Please? Thank you! 🙄...
Hi guys, I just got a joystick w/o rudder control and it is very hard to fly w/o rudder control, espcially when taxi-ing. I know that i can use NP 0 or Enter but it really gets difficult to control. When i press NP 0, the plane will go all the way left...
if ANYONE knows how or where to get a 737,747,777 and even a md-80 if possible. i want to start a virtual airline. Its is for fs2004 and i could really use some help. i have already looked at and they only have a 747.thats all i saw. i wou...
I am new to adding on to msfs. I have downloaded and extracted FS2004 CarrierOps Full Pack. I do not know where to put each file. If someone could help me I would appreciate it very much....
hi, ive got a sony viao VGN-N130G laptop, and was wondering how to turn on anti-aliasing. I've turned it on in fs, but it hasn't made a difference, therfore now allowing me to take good screenies. i got a 128mb graphics card and i have looked in the inte...
Hi.. i don't have an audio card installed on my PC.. will i be able to play FS2004?.. because i haven't yet purchased it.. but if i can play without the audio card.. i will surely purchase it.. pls reply asap.. thanx...